The Biggest Mistake in Salmon Run - Splatoon 3

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The biggest mistake for Salmon Run in Splatoon 3 that you can possible do, and it's a lot simpler than you think!

00:00 - The Greatest Mistake
01:29 - Map Balance
02:20 - Weapon Rotation
05:13 - Weapon Popularity
06:37 - Bonus Tip
07:38 - Final Thoughts



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There are lots of comments about "skill-issue" so I'd like to repeat what is said in the video that it's about the rotation being harder for most people, not about the rotation itself.
Aside from that no rude or provocative comments are tolerated on this channel - and I tend to keep this community healthy.


In Splatoon 2, I honestly spent most of my time in Salmon Run and comfortably won games most of the time at Profreshional level. in Splatoon 3, I've made it to about the same rank, but don't think I could progress any further without a dedicated team of friends. The spike in difficulty gets so high that trying to coordinate and work together with a group of randos is near to impossible.

EDIT: Okay so I wanna say that I've made it to Eggsecutive Rank a few times. It's definitely possible, but easy to lose and it's still best to play with friends. Especially if they're better than you :'D


I had a miserable time with the current rotation, but I couldn't skip it simply because the rewards are disproportionately better than what you can get by doing anything else in the game, so yep I did get a couple of clears but in the end dropped 2 ranks from profreshional+2


thats a good motto: "dont play salmon run if you expect to win"
i love the feeling of being overwhelmed it gives so its a great challenge with next to no stakes, what a great time to become a splatoon fan
EDIT: the uncomfortable weapons is also great to broaden your horizons on how other weapons play without having to commit to gear to make it play well on turf or anarchy/ranked


Tbh I feel some bosses needs to have more weaknesses (I.E Umbrella or Flyfish) that doesn't rely on having to wait and being out of the way to shutdown


A random guy cleared Cohozuna for us with one second to spare. The adrenaline was abundant with that one


I agree they really should add more balance similar to ranked. The most frustrating part of salmon run is everytime you win you just keep going up and gets more difficult. It there was a way to choose a difficulty to stay at, ot would be more enjoyable. Going from winning every match to next to none isn't fun at all. It's my absolute favorite mode and the weapon rotation with the 89% wave intensity ain't it


The best tip I can give salmon run plays is don't stay by the shore and throw eggs, otherwise the basket gets overtaken. Let the bosses come to you unless you need to kill a sting ray or something, but then go back to the basket instead of sitting there throwing eggs. Also if the wave has cannons rule of thumb is long range weapons get in the cannons, short range weapons collect eggs.


You hit the nail on the head. I pushed through this brutal rotation to get my rewards, but my buddy saw it for what it was right away and was like "nah, I'll wait for the next one, not worth it for this weapon set"


I found it to be pretty brutal. Actually what I felt my problem at the start was that I was too good for the low ranks and struggling to get clears even when we had "easy" waves. Once I climbed 2 ranks, it started to feel way better because there were people who could actually help me out instead of needing to be carried.


I like how salmon tun forces you to use weapons you wouldn't really use otherwise. It helps you learn the game.
Even if you don't like the current rotation it exceptionally easy to get all of the rewards in like and hour of playing and then not have to touch it for two days.


The biggest mistake was not removing/nerfing flyfish.

For some reason nobody seems to prioritize them and they can easily determine whether you clear a wave or not.


Some of the weapons in the game are straight up awful to use in Salmon Run and so far almost every single rotation has had at least one of them. The maps are definitely a problem sometimes too but so much more often I feel like the problem is the weapons. Dynamo and Hydra are awful for Salmon Run because they're too slow for you to handle being swamped


My biggest problem with the salmon run is for me personally it’s a glorified game of roulette I’ve been getting terrible teams and an a team based game you can’t completely carry on your own and I’d be OK with getting bad teams if the game was able to recognize that I am top fragging the entire time and didn’t punish me for something I can’t control it should Reward individual performance more so your free of punishment if you defeat the most bosses or defeat the most regular enemies or collect the most eggs but at the same time it is a team based game so it should also incentivize working with your teammates so you get extra rewards for reviving the most teammates or passing the most golden eggs to teammates for them to score because I’ve had rounds where I’ve gotten 41 golden eggs 1200+ power eggs 2 deaths 8 saved teammates and 22 bosses killed but since the rest my team can carry their weight my pay rate doesn’t go up at all


As someone who has over 12k points so far on this salmon run I can safely say this one is really difficult with randoms though some teams we did pretty good though I did rank down 5 times and ranked up 4 and surprisingly the dynamo roller and clash blaster makes glowflies pretty easy unless either of them die


The first day I played Salmon Run I immediately grinded to Profreshional 3 and I just got stuck. Anything afterwards was loss I ended up just demoting myself it was brutal.


So we have the dynamo roller (backline), the tri stringer (backline), the clash blaster (backline) and the splatling (backline) brilliant


oh my gosh, you're so right about too-easy levels ranking you up too fast.
This is the first game where I'm Salmon Running, and I guess the first map and weapons were incredibly easy for me to use, so much so that I thought that the maps and weapons themselves were easy mode because I found the basket to be much much easier to throw to and the weapons were easy to handle, and I was sad that I would "never see them again" now that I leveled up. I was like, "so thats it? Ill never win again?" now I realize I will see that map and those weapons again in rotation eventually, but it was a real misunderstanding for a while.


I definitely agree on paying attention to the weapons. Personally, I won't take a shift unless 3 of 4, or all of the weapons available, are ones I'm naturally comfortable with. I'd rather play Salmon Run sparingly and get good yields from it, than play constantly and be a detriment to the team as well as my own rank.


Playing with friends on a call definitely makes this a lot more enjoyable at the very least. It's fun cooperating and pairing up when moving across the map so you can cover each other's weaknesses, it's nice to hear callouts and think out your gameplan, and you have people to confide in who feel similarly when you get cheesed out by 3 flyfish 2 stingrays and a steel eel or two.
