Wall Handstand Training - 5 Biggest Mistakes

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Whenever training handstands the wall is one of your best friends. You can use the wall for intense conditioning, cut out balance to work on alignment and you can slow things down to truly work your body awareness and coordination.

My math teacher always used to say the calculator is only as smart as the student who uses it. Well, same thing is true here. The wall is only as efficient as the athlete makes it. If you train without proper form and attention you will slow your progress down and you can potentially even injure yourself.

Chances are high you don’t have a coach in the room who is watching your every move when ever you are training.
Study these typical mistakes.
Compare yourself to me on the video.
Truly understand what I do wrong in the examples.
Understand what these mistakes do yo my handstands.
Work on the cure.
Dominate your handstands!

1 - Do not look at the wall. This might be easier in the moment but opens your shoulders into flexion and you can not push out or gain control.

2 - Do not lean against the wall. The feet should be the only thing touching! It’s training time. Not nap time ;)

3 - Do not bend your elbows. Unless you have a very big hyper extensions (if you do let me know in the comments below) you have to fully lock your elbows and turn the pits of the elbows slightly towards the front. Imagine waiting for the bus. You would lock your knees. Waiting in a half squat would be exhausting. Same in your handstand!

4 - Arched back caused by closed shoulders. The banana handstand is the nemesis of everyone starting out with handstands. If your shoulders close they create an angle and the back arches automatically to make up for it. Flexibility can be the limiting point here but often it is scapula elevation strength and especially coordination.

5 - Don’t focus on your line. I know it is tempting but if this post is for you then you should not be focusing on your line. Instead work on your elevation. The line will follow automatically.

Bonus - Don’t train back to the wall. Simply don’t do it! If you want to learn more about why you should never train with your back to the wall head over to my website and check out the dedicated knowledge base post.
#handstand #calisthenics #gymnasticsworkout #bodyweightworkout
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You're a natural teacher and my favourite YouTube, mate! Can't wait to book a workshop with you once you're in Europe again for the next time. Any plans already?


This is part of my training atm, thank you, I have been doing somethings quite wrong.


Thank you I really wanted to know the draw backs to each wall push up and you just solved my answer which was which one was better and you just straight up and said don’t do back to wall which fixes everything thank you


Pllls can u make a tutorial for that drill for core strength with yoga blocks. It was surprisingly hard


Do you have a video where you explain each of these further? Would be nice.


How long are u supposed to stay in contraction in that core activation drill with yoga blocks??


Why no back to wall? My dumbass did this today. Well 3 sets back to wall and 2 sets the other way.
