RUN YOUR RACE | Stop Comparing Yourself To Others - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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Running your own race means focusing on what you were called and created to do, not on what others are doing. God created each of us uniquely with a unique calling. The only competition you have is with yourself to be the best that you can be. So, quit comparing yourself to others and run your race!
Craig Groeschel
Robert Madu
Jordan Peterson
Dan Godard
Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Whitesand - Among The Stars
Our focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.
#aboveinspiration #inspire #encourage #motivation #inspiration #encouragement #Jesus #God
Craig Groeschel
Robert Madu
Jordan Peterson
Dan Godard
Joel Osteen
Joyce Meyer
Whitesand - Among The Stars
Our focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.
#aboveinspiration #inspire #encourage #motivation #inspiration #encouragement #Jesus #God
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