Why Africa Chose China (You Won't Believe What USA Did)

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China is dominating in Africa but why? 20 years ago the US was Africa's leading trading partner and China has almost zero presence in the continent. Fast forward to today and China is the key to Africa's future, let's explain why

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"When US leaders visit Africa they talk about China but when Chinese officials visit Africa they talk about trade and development"


I'm a Zambian and right now as I'm typing this the Vice president of the USA is in my country
And you won't imagine her agenda for the trip(she's giving us lectures on democracy and LGBTQ 😂)

On the other hand a few kilometers from my home there are Chinese people building a massive hospital

I can confirm that China is the real deal for Africa ❤


Im a South African currently teaching students in China. The respect, the kindness, the friendliness, the opportunities these people have given me are just taking my breath away. And makes me very proud to be a human being. Thank you China


I'm Kenyan, We gave the US a contract to build an express way. They took over 10 years to do a design study. In that time the cost had risen X5.
Then, they abandoned it coz they wanted us to take out a loan and pay them upfront, we wanted a P.P.P (Private-Public Partnership) and to pay the money
from toll stations, fuel levies and other taxes.

5 years ago, We gave China the construction job and raised the money through a P.P.P with the Privates sector of France. Now you can use that road.

The US wants to keep us


When an US official comes to Africa, he arrives at an airport built by china. Drives on a highway built by china. Stays at a hotel built by china. And they have the nerve to lecture you to not do business with china. Who do you think Africa will choose? It's a non-starter.


“When China comes to our country we get a hospital when Americans come we get a lecture”


As Namibian, thank you. Most Americans YouTubers comes off as condescending just like the American government. You explained this the way we see it here.


Not to mention how much help China has provided, at least China will not bring about war and will not interfere in politics


As an African....
I appreciate the fact that china tends to mind its own business without galavanting across the world sanctioning countries left right and center.
The fact China managed to get 149 out 192 countries to sign up to belt and road without threats of Sanctions is a testament by itself.


Africa: What we want is a partner or friend, not a boss.


*"the US has traditionally seen Africa as a problem to be solved, While China sees Africa as a place of opportunity"*
This was it, thats it


As a Chinese, I am very happy that you discussed this topic to show my country's contribution to developing countries.


Amazing video, I am from somalia and want my country to be more with china then usa.


Heard this comment before?
When a US leader comes to an African country, he/she landed at an Airport built by the Chinese, travelled on the well paved road built by the Chinese, had his meeting at a building built by the Chinese and he is telling the Africans not to work with the Chinese.
Not forgetting also the bridges, ports, hospitals, schools and other infrastructures they help to built.
And they (US), is telling the Africans not to work with the Chinese. Such arrogance and ignorance to think and believe the Africans are stupid and blind!


Americans: you will only thrive if you follow our lead. Check out the countries we “helped”: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Ukraine…


As a Chinese, I am glad there is a person who doesn’t stand on either sides and tell the truth to those who are blinded by the western politic


African leaders are correct. The USA is not only the country to do trade with, there are many other countries including Asia, Russia, Latin America


As a Nigerian, I am proud as you didn't support the West as other youtuber does. You came out plain and stated the obvious and that takes a lot of courage. Back to the main issue. The United States is the biggest failure when it comes to international trade with Africa. They keep seeing Africa not only as a single country instead of continent but also as a toddler who they will restrict their development. China is coming with a different view and strategy and that's like a breath of fresh air


Thank you for the Intel. Makes pretty much sense, would love to hear more.🇿🇦


After 1 year. USA already lost Africa & Middleeast to China. Due to their Arrogance.
