Escalating Behaviors Calls for Consistency

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If we are not consistent with a child whose behavior escalates, then they will continue to push that behavior to see what happens.
For more information, or to book Polly Bath for your school, district, collaborative, or professional organization:
Call Cristia Lesher Associates LLC at 603-632-5834.
Polly Bath is a much-loved consultant, trainer, and keynote speaker. She helps schools dramatically reduce behavior problems, increase student SEL skills, and build strong school cultures supportive of all learners. Her strategies include strengthening teacher behavior and SEL toolboxes; building strong behavior Tiers 1, 2, 3; and building school-wide systemic approaches to behavior and SEL.
For more information, or to book Polly Bath for your school, district, collaborative, or professional organization:
Call Cristia Lesher Associates LLC at 603-632-5834.
Polly Bath is a much-loved consultant, trainer, and keynote speaker. She helps schools dramatically reduce behavior problems, increase student SEL skills, and build strong school cultures supportive of all learners. Her strategies include strengthening teacher behavior and SEL toolboxes; building strong behavior Tiers 1, 2, 3; and building school-wide systemic approaches to behavior and SEL.
Escalating Behaviors Calls for Consistency
How I Respond to Escalating Behaviors
Consistency SOLVES Behavior Problems
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How to Respond When A Student Disrespects You
Escalating Behavior Unwrapped
How to be Consistent in Behaviour Management - Classrooms Management Tips Ep. 39
Escalating Kid? (Part 2)
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Strategies for De-escalating Behavior
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