How to Journal Every Day + 4 Ways to Stick with the Habit

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Daily journaling is a life changing practice that helps you think more clearly, stay calm, and focus on what matters in life. The fact that just a few minutes of writing each day can have such a big impact is one of the greatest uses of time I can think of.

Many people want to journal but struggle to stick with a daily or even weekly practice. It's understandable since we get stuck thinking a journal needs to be inspirational, pretty, or worthy of review. I found that if you get past all those hangups, sticking with a journal habit is much easier.

I hope this video helps you start (stick with) a journaling habit. If you have any questions or comments please share! I love to interact with everyone and respond to every comment.

My name is Matt Ragland and I make videos about using a minimalist bullet journal to focus on what matters most to you. I’ll show you how to use concepts like 10 Blocks, Time Tracking Grids, and Project Timelines to quickly see what needs to be done and when.

You can look for these videos every week, so please hit subscribe to stay in the loop for each new show!

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Daily journaling has been one of the best uses of my time and makes a big impact on my day. What are some of the benefits you see to journaling? What do you find difficult about sticking to the habit?


I have been journaling for 27 years. My journal is my friend. His name is Bernardo. I write about everything. Some days I write nothing and some days I write six pages front and back or anything in between. I use 5 subject notebooks. Smaller notebooks are not enough for me. I journal too much for a one subject notebook or a commercially made journal. I take Bernardo everywhere. My journal lasts me one year. Journaling is not a task or a chore for me. I cannot be me without Bernardo. I feel like half of me is missing without my journal.


i love this style so much. it's pretty much the opposite of neurotic (ahem mainstream bullet journaling)


I've been writing since i was 11. I write to myself, to God to the world. Sometimes i begin with the weather or important event. I always include the date. I make lists, write poems, feelings, dreams and even jokes or short stories.


Thank you. I believe you are the first person who recorded a journaling video who actually showed us sample pages from your journal! It was helpful to get a sense of what someone might write about. Also, I want to offer a suggestion for what to do if you don't want to walk around with a journal in your pocket. You can record notes in Google Keep and it types the out. It dates them automstically so just add a "Journal" label to fetch them all.


Two great resources: “Writing as a Way of Healing, ” by L.DeSalvo; highlights research indicating of 3 study groups (one did no journaling, one documented events only, one documented & expressing feelings) the group who both documented events & expressed feelings about those event showed lowest stress & best physical/mental health indicators. Another great book is, “Willpower Instinct” by K. McGonigal (based on Stanford Uni workshop).


Thank you for giving us a glimpse inside your journals! Like yourself, I enjoy/use the logbook method. And yes to pocket size notebooks! Field Notes are a personal favorite, along with softcover Moleskines. Looking forward to more of your journaling videos! It's refreshing hearing a guy's perspective of the benefits of journaling. Love it!


this helped me so much... I've been journaling for 8 years now but never been able to stick to it daily so this video was very helpful


Hello, I love your videos but for a totally different reason. I'm a 61 year old widow, I lead a very boring life. I have health issues, so I cant work or volunteer anymore. Im pretty much stuck at home. Why would someone like this old lady journal? Because with age comes memory issues. So I keep a bullet journal, and a journal and a book for brain dumping. With out these helpful little books I would NOT remember if I had taken my various medications. Or if I had a bad night sleep wise. Or what my blood pressure and weight is. But journaling daily is something I want to do, but I really don't have much to write about, UNTIL I saw this video. Thanks Matt for your helpful suggestions. These types of things aren't only good for productivity, but for senior citizens who just want to remember what they did a month ago...things they saw, days they enjoyed and why. I hope this opens some new ideas for your videos, you can market not only to working folks, but to senior citizens like me as well.


I loved The 31 promts, helped me to journal regular, sometimes I just lack of energy and willpower so I will try this tips. Thanks for your awesome contents.


Loved this. One of my top 3 favorite journaling videos to get me started.


Excellent video!! I’m trying to get back into journaling since I am traveling to Japan for almost three weeks early next year and want to not focus so much on using my iPad heavily while abroad, but also for my mental health.

Also, glad to see a fellow Nashville person!


I have weeklies and dailies. On my dailies I have a column for work what I need to do and a column for home tasks. Before bed I fill out my dailies with journaling of how my day was and what I did. There was one day that I was so busy and exhausted that I’d just write “long day. Exhausted! Don’t want to write! Zzzz”


I'm in the productivity class and I've been doing the logbook style every morning and night, it has helped me focus and get so much done. It's by far my favorite thing right now.


I fricking love this video. I got a journaling set from my boss last Christmas and I only opened it till now so I'm studying ways guys use it. All the search results have so far been about guys talking about how manly they are and how their journals are not feminine and all that vain shit. This is the first video that talks about the actual journaling process.


I know this will be a great video so I've clicked on the thumbsup right before watching it. Since the January Journal Challenge, I gained a lot of momentum in daily journaling. Now, I was thinking about the questions, other than my 'wins', 'takeways' and 'opportunities, ' I need to ask myself daily that can bring impact for tomorrow's. Thanks, Matt!


I love your videos, I really like how you help me to stick with this habit of journaling and keep that habit going on


Much thanks for this video!
Gave me some good insights


Thank you so much for this!! Yes, I tend to over think it..I have to research techniques, books, you tube, what notebooks, pens, yadda yadda..then I'm all ready to start and I have nothing going on in my head to write about.. unless I am really mad about something, then it is great as a vent tool! :-)


Has anyone ever told you: you're a spitting image of young Jim Carry?
Nicely Done!
