Cessationism - A Man Made Doctrine

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As a Pentecostal who calls out the silliness and the Bethel/Hillsong garbage that keeps creeping into my denomination (Assembly of God), even though we have officially condemned this stuff - I often get called a Calvinist or cessationist. So I appreciate videos like this, because I’m not alone! Praise God!


For me personally Jesus and Him alone is who I strive to focus on.


I spent 50 years in pentecostal churches; I am not a cessationist. However, I believe that miraculous workings are quite rare. In my life, I've seen literally thousands of people receive prayer for healing, including myself, but can attest to only one truly miraculous, instantaneous healing. I have never received the miraculous healings that I prayed for, but I do believe God still heals. I've never spoken in tongues, nor heard anyone speak in tongues, yet I have heard of rare accounts where God does still use tongues. I've had people 'prophesy' over me, yet none of those prophecies ever came true. Yes, I believe God does still use the gifts of the Spirit, but, as I said, I believe they are rare, indeed.


I'm glad the Apostle Paul was a cessationist.

Paul understood that he could not heal Trophimus because Paul left him sick in Miletus.

And Timothy with his stomach ailmen.

These two examples are enough from God's word to convince me that Cessationism is biblical.

To want more signs is to show your lack of unbelief.

I'm really glad the sign gifts have stopped in part and this is why.. So we can tell the difference between false apostles.

The foundation has already been established by the twelve apostles.


100% agree, I go to a local Pentecostal church in NY that does barely anything charismatic at all. No drunk/slain in the spirit or odd deliverance ministries, no word of faith or prosperity at all. No one calls themselves apostles or bishops, only elder (usually for older people who have helped out a lot) we pray for people but we do not command things in the name of the Lord, but we do pray for his will to be done. I think unfortunately continuations get a bad rep because of all the charismaniac mega churches/televangelists that tend to incorporare heresy into their body. Cessationists remind me of pharasies that protect themselves from the lunacy but yet shut doors at the same time (not salvational doors but others)


I will agree to disagree on some minor things you mentioned my brother but still love the work you are doing for the Gospel!


1 Corinthians 13:8 (KJV)
Charity never faileth: but whether [there be] prophecies, they shall fail; whether [there be] tongues, they shall cease; whether [there be] knowledge, it shall vanish away.


Cessationism is not a doctrine, it is an observation to what had happened starting from Acts up to now. We all read sign gifts faded away over time, thus apostolic sign gifts had ceased. Cessationists do not teach that God has stopped doing miracles.


Finally! Someone who thinks like me on this subject! I am so often caught in the middle. I’m not a cessationist, but I’m not a continuationist either. I’m also not an Arminian or a Calvinist. God gives gifts as He sees fit and God is Sovereign but He is also just and merciful. Great video.


Jesus said "You shall know them by their fruit". He never said by their gifts. Didn't Pharaoh's magicians imitation some of Moses miracles? The NAR is full of the false...especially their prophets who seldom get it right


As a cessationist, I appreciate your channel and how you stand for truth based on the word. Even in this video, it is clear that you are reliant on the Bible for your positions. Thanks for all you do brother!


I came out of a NAR church. I wanted as far away as possible from them and all they stood for. I do believe that God can do whatever He wants. If He chooses to use me in a gift I am open. However, I could also write everything another post said as well. Which is seeing absolutely no one healed physically in 30 years. Heard a lot of 'prophecies' and absolutely not even one came to pass. And they were from most of the big wigs that came to our church.
I believe that God can and will do what He wants with those who are willing to be used.
Remember Satan can make up false signs and wonders.
One last thing, having been to the so called revivals that ihave happened in the last 20yrs or so, I don't think just anyone will be used because when something happens(or they lie as in Lakeland revival) people flock to the person for them to heal them. Who gets the glory?
The disciples were humble and God got the glory. That doesn't happened now a days.


Actually I didn't want to interfere, but now I feel somehow triggered. Yes, I would say it is biblical, but a little hidden. But please think of the following: in Acts 19 it reads "11 God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them. ", but in 2 Tim 4:20 (in his last letter before Paul died): "Trophimus I left at Miletus sick." And ask yourself: how mean Paul must have been to Trophimus if he didn't allow him even to touch his clothes to get healed? Or could it be, that at the end of his life his extraordinary gift was taken away, that it was gone?
My answer to this question: Yes! And that is exactly, what all the church fathers reported: that the "special gifts" of the Apostles weren't found anymore.
From my point of view cessationism is not a "must believe" theology, it is rather an explanation, why the gifts disappeared. It didn't have to disappear, but it did. That is not to say, that it never could appear again at any time... So from my point of view those gifts could be here and there still be in practice for special occasions... But if you compare the modern "gifts" with what is reported in the Bible, they 99.999% of the time are not comparable.


I have grown up in Baptists Churches my whole life and no one ever walked around trying to make a scene like some of the people out here seem to be about. The fact is that God's miracles are around us more than we know. The fact that we still have our freedom here in America is a mircale of God. The fact that you still have food and water and so on while other's are struggling is a miracle. I think that people over look the every day miracles of God and his protection for the flasier looking ones. Not all healings have to be instant to be a miracle.

My sister Erica had gotten Luekemia in April 2020 she was sent to Boston for treatment during covid none of us could be there not even her own husband. She was 3 hours from us! God helped her thru it! He gave her the strength to keep going. Yes he could have healed her instantly but he chooses not to sometimes. This doesn't mean he doesn't have his hand on you! She kept breaking records on recovery and she was there for about 3 months before comign home! She still struggles with stuff that she's dealing with but God had helped her thru so much. So to those who think that miricales are really rare that's not true!

As I pointed out a lot of people just want to see flashy things happen to prove that God's real or whatever. I dunno how to put it. But God doesn't always heal infact he often chooses to use your weakness to show his strength! 2 Corinthians 12 speaks about it. And there are other parts of the Bible as well. God used my mother Daisy who had Huntington's Disease to show his strength thru her weakness. She loved him and even though every day got harder she still praised him. "God is awesome" she'd say it over and over again and when she couldn't say it we would say it and she'd light up! She never gave up! God used her testimony to move her nephew at her funeral to get saved!

I have HD and yes I am aware of the fact that God can help me by healing me instantly but I also know that often God says no. This doesn't mean that he doesn't love you or that he will not touch your life and help you thru the hard times. Sometimes healing isn't the miracle but rather the Holy Spirit giving you strength to keep going and pushing forward to not lose your love for God. To praise his name even as you fade away! My mother was a good example from God on how to be brave and how to have grace and strength in the toughest situation. I will look to God even as my body begins to go down hill.

I've been dealing with more and more symptoms day to day for 2 months my body has been in pain all over and yesterday I tried a new medication and wow I feel a lot better. I'm hoping i can stay on it because I have Bipolar 2 with Mania and Baclofen isn't always good for it unless I read the wrong article. I pray that God will help me with my pain and help me to keep my faith as my body begins to go downhill. This disease is like Parkinsons, Alzhiemers, and ALS at the sametime. Huntington's Disease has no cure and is very rare. 10 in 100, 000 have it!

Please pray for my sister and I.


I quite enjoyed this video Shaun. While I and my church do lean more to Calvinism and consider ourselves evangelical reformed, we do believe that God still performs miracles. This video was very informative.


This is a great video. Thank you.
Although I've never been cessationist, I have been very skeptical of spiritual gifts since I became a christian (probably too skeptical).
I have heard many people claim to speak in tongues and dismissed them, as what I heard sounded like repetitive babbling sounds and not an intelligent language, but praise God, He allowed me to hear a lady who I truly believe has the gift... When she spoke, it made my hairs stand on end and gave me chills. It was like nothing I've heard before...
Now instead of my skepticism I focus on my hope to witness the other gifts too. And to be blessed with them myself!


It's so nice to see a discernment ministry from a continuationist believer since every one I've come across is from the cessationist viewpoint. I may not agree with you on everything but I appreciate your balanced perspective.


As someone who enjoys your channel and agrees on a lot of things I disagree with you on this but appreciate that you began by saying it is not a salvation issue.

My question to those who believe in modern-day sign gifts is, what is the purpose of these still existing? The point of the biblical sign gifts was to authenticate the deity of Christ and the calling of his disciples/apostles. We now have the complete canon of scripture, Christ has completed His earthly ministry & there are no modern-day apostles. Therefore, I have reason to believe they have ceased & would point to 1 Corinthian 13-14, which you referenced in your video.

I don't have a problem with people believing that the sign gifts still exist but I find that the reasoning is often flawed (more interested in gifts than what gifts point to). In Matt 12:39 Jesus responds says that only a wicked & adulterous generation seeks after a sign.

I'm willing to be wrong on this issue but 100% of what I've seen in regard to gifts of healing and tongues has been counterfeit. Whether they exist or don't all we need is God & His word is sufficient.


If we truly love our Lord God then spiritual gifts will never be our focus or how to obtain them, God must and always will get the glory for all things. So if we heal or speak in tongues it will only happen to be a sign to demonstrate God's power and proclaim His Kingdom. It will never happen to exalt you for you are dust and to dust you will return but the power God is for ever.
So take no pride in what gifts you may have received but humble yourself and give praise to the holy spirit within you that has all the power.
I think we should all stop wondering about the gifts of God and focus on obeying His word and proclaiming the gospel in truth.


Amen brother! I go to a Reformed (Calvinist) church that’s so rich in biblical teachings and faithfully proclaiming the gospel so I love that the Lord lead me there but I’m not a cessation whatsoever. I just consider myself to be a Christian who loves the Lord and not heavily associated with a denominations and I’m happy with that 🙏🏾.
