An Electrical Path to Grand Unification - Wallace Thornhill, Electric Universe

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Physicists have been seeking a grand unifying theory for as long as they've known that the very large and the very small don't properly fit into Newton's equations. Wal Thornhill, the Chief Advisor for the Thunderbolts Project, has spent his life working on an electrical solution to this problem, and is here to give an overview of what he's found. We start with how, as a young man, he was inspired by the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, we get him to sketch out the foundational concepts for how everything can be described through the lens of electricity, and talk about resistance in the sciences to truly radical ideas. Check out the books mentioned in the podcast down below.

Books mentioned:

#electricuniverse #thunderbolts #physics

00:00 Go!
00:03:27 How did Velikovskian Catastrophism inform your ideas?
00:07:06 What got in the way of wider acceptance of Velikovsky's theories?
00:10:16 Where does the certainty about catastrophism come from?
00:13:52 Sholtz's star - evidence for recent catastrophe?
00:18:03 Cultural resistance to an electricity-first theory of physics
00:23:44 What's going on with the SAFIRE project?
00:36:47 What is the Electric Sun model?
00:43:09 Does the Electric Universe unseat gravity?
00:44:03 Why does the Electric Universe theory maintain some particles but not others?
00:48:42 Why do these particles orbit one another?
00:54:26 How does this theory affect radioactive elements inside the Earth?
01:03:10 What's the relationship between Math and Science?
01:14:02 What's at the bottom of the EU? Is it a field theory?
01:17:44 How does nucleosynthesis happen?
01:20:40 If scientists want to win Nobel prizes, why is it so hard for new ideas to win?
01:35:49 How does the EU account for the lack of evidence for a Velikovskian catastrophe?

PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying microbial communication at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting and exploring the woods. Michael Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he's not in the film studio, he's exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities.



Рекомендации по теме

What a treasure this man was . Lucky to have this interview on record .


Rest in Peace Mr. Thornhill, thanks for all your insights.


It is so refreshing to listen to two learned people giving a platform to alternative ideas without prejudice. Excellent podcast!


You guys have no idea how thankful I am to find this gem of a video, so honored to have been able to watch one of his last interview many thanks. Rest in peace Mr. Thornhill.


I miss Wal so much. Thanks for this interview guys! Aloha.


So fortunate to have gotten this interview, as we lost Wallace just months later. So glad to have this committed to the annals of history...


So wonderful to spend this amount of time with Wallace, whose work, thinking I've admired since watching so many Electric U presentations over the years. This is like a video biography & needs to be treasured.


Great interview. For a long time I've wanted to hear Wal be asked follow up questions & give these answers on his ideas. Thanks so much.


The purpose of the SAFIRE project was to test the electric universe theory with a lab experiment. They intended to replicate the atmosphere of the sun with electrical means. If they were successful, then the theory would be validated.
The PROBLEM I have is that instead of providing a report with findings and a conclusion about the electric universe theory, they went silent and proceeded down the commercialization path. I hope they do get funding, but I still want that report and the findings as pertaining to the in/validation of the theory.


Love Wal. I've listened to every podcast I could find of Wal and the topic goes over most of the interviewer's heads. They're trying to take it all in and are hard pressed to probe his ideas. The follow up questions were perfect. Great job!


People generally prefer “familiar, similar and agreement” which easily leads toward prejudices and peer-closing of openness to new, objective, measurable and repeatably more accurate perceptions within and about the Universe in which we all live different psychological experiences.


It's a shame Wal didn't have time to expand on how astronomical records have been altered. Velikovsky's work focuses on this, with examples, beginning with accounts of a 360 day year all over the world a few thousand years ago. There really has since been much work done in this regard. Even in the history of Korean astronomy, hundreds of years ago it was shown that astronomical records had been altered to make the high priests seem like they knew the sky, just like high priests claim their theory matches records today. I really hope people take the time to look in to how this history has been suppressed and not write it off, please follow the evidence.


Mr. Thornhill is awesome, this was a great conversation, and good probing questions.


Hopefully somone will be completing his book or at least publishing what he was working on.


Wallace Thornhill is a brilliant man. His theories on cosmology make a lot of sense. His pursuit of the truth is amazing and inspiring. ❤


The reason why electric universe theory is taboo ties into the fact that because the universe is electric and interconnected, power(work) can be extracted universally without cost from the system as a whole, easily and cheaply. That is why all academic science was and is steered away from any and all electric theory and its underpinnings as a whole. Wal correctly deduced this and describes it as when physics went off the rails, noting that almost zero progress has been made in electric theory for well over a century. The great plagiarizer Einstein was elevated to mythical status by the establishment in order to intentionally obfuscate the true nature of reality for economic reasons. It is that simple.


wow, thanks for featuring one of my favorite natural philosophers. 🙂 sincerely, #StrawHat4DKingPirate.


yes I agree with the Electric Universe Theory!


What if there’s a shell of fire around the Oort Cloud. And to entities outside our solar system they perceive the fiery Oort Cloud as a star. Just a thought


love the comments about humans obsessing mathematics, it's literally talking about formal logic - all the same points work, as those two are almost the same thing, and it's amazing how drawn we are but then again absolutely natural that being the case for so many reasons. the exclusivity in any kind of serious thought is always the main culprit, and of course drilling down far always epistemologically costs you the high risk of missing the point entirely - after all, that's how the brain works, these extremes (pinpoint accuracy / holistic grasp) cancel each other out as one increases their dominance, and this is speaking in logical terms as well (dichotomy induction / deduction can be seem as a raw sketch of a possible analogy).. thank you for sharing this gem. hopefully the scientific world will be freeing their minds as we go through this global process of becoming more conscious as we get more connected, informed & after all simply exposed to new ideas.
