Все публикации

Why does physics alone get a pass on miracles?

Is Vibration at the Heart of Physics?

space is hyperbolic, not platonic

What the NIH did with unexplained therapies

The imaginary border between you & everything else

Bio-fields & Psychoneuroimmunology - Dr. Shamini Jain, DSPod #285

Riding on the Back of Roman Religion

Context is Vital for Psychedelic Vision

Roman Intellectuals Must Have Written the Gospels

Physics Needs that Miracle

My precious equation

why space and time are interchangeable in physics

Slipping an idea past the intellectual immune system

Is Utopia Possible?

You can choose to be poor

What Physics Misses Completely

What Ghost Boy Says About Consciousness

God of the gaps

When inventors avoid their own inventions

Psi Research at Bell Labs in the 1970s

How LSD changes the brain

ESP as Perceived Threat to National Security in the 1970s

Magic, CIA Research & ESP Abilities - Dr. Dean Radin, IONS - DSPod #278

Scientific definition of god?