How ELECTRICITY works - working principle

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In this video we learn how electricity works starting from the basics of the free electron in the atom, through conductors, voltage, current, resistors, led, to capacitors and transformers.

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4th year in electrical engineering now. Still come back to these.
Always good to refresh the basics 👍🏽


This actually made me tear up, I’ve been struggling to understand how electricity works for years, and I’ve been panicking and trying to learn it because my exam is coming up in a few months. I can’t thank you enough for this. Genuine life saver.


I'm not joking I swear these videos explain more than a teacher does in a year in a span of 10 mins


Anyone else trying to teach themselves basic science because they weren't paying attention in school all them years ago?


How smart am I ? Smart enough to know, I need to watch this twice .


In school we spend too little time on the basics so we drag a lot a "not so solid knowledge" for years. Thanks, from France, for these amazing videos


I just need you to know that you're saving my ass in online physics rn


I work as an industrial electrician. This channel has been very informative at a slightly more professional level than typically relayed in the field. Much appreciated.


Great educational videos. Wish these were available 10 years ago when I was teaching. Very powerful teaching aid. Thank you for your work.


I wish we were taught with videos like that in school, i would've paid much more attention...


I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!! I was struggling with the theory and how it worked. This helped me understand how electricity flows. I am in school for appliance repair and this has been a struggle, until now! Is it all beginning to make sense! Thank you!!!


I remember being 16 and sitting in physics class not grasping any of these concepts in the slightest and feeling like a failure whilst watching my peers make sense of what was being said. Almost ten years later, in an attempt to earn my bachelors, I've started self learning before i begin my program and this channel is a god-send. Simple yet thorough explanations paired with incredibly helpful illustrations and I'm actually finding myself enjoying the topics.


Key point I think was overlooked: the more electrons in the outermost shell, the stronger the nucleus holds onto them. This is why materials with just one valence electron (living in the outermost shell) make the best conductors of electricity—they are the loosest held by the atom. Valence electrons even make the atom smaller.... an atom with two valence electrons will be just slightly smaller in diameter than the atom with one less proton/electron: the nucleus holds the electrons tighter and closer, which makes the atom's diameter slightly smaller. The metals copper, silver, and gold are excellent conductors because they have one valence electron and the size of the atoms is a "sweet spot" for how loosely that valence electron is held.


This is the first movie that CLEARLY explains all presented concepts. The visual aspect, the order, the simplicity and grouping of subjects (e.g. just stating that the wire generates a field and counting different setups of cables and indicating just relation of strength of the field between setups).

This comment applies to all electricity related videos. This is a modern (adjusted to psychology of learning) video that I am keeping for my children to use it as best material for teaching the concept.

The only thing I am sorry is that there isn't many of such quality materials for more concepts.

This video is perfect as well the other ones of yours about electricity.

This comment also refers to the speed of voice, the intonation clearly marking start, middle and end of sentence. It refers to separate intonation when doing a digression.

This is a world class educational video.

It is so good it is a pleasure to watch it more than once... again... just for pleasure that everything is so clear.

Last thing. I believe you are able to explain it so nicely because among different advantages you really understand it and others either lack the teaching skills or real conceptual knowledge.
This means this is a great video showing HOW to teach.


I used to tell my late Papa that I will be an engineer one day others say you are a girl can you not follow another career you know what engineering is a talent i am able to fix phones, speakers and touch light iam 19years old iam hoping soon to go to university never give up on your career you are strong the way you are .


This has answered so many questions I have had for a long time. I even became an electrician apprentice at one point cause I figured I would learn something about this, sadly not a single electrician there even knew the electricity was the flow of electrons... They knew nothing about the science just how to wire a house, which was also useful knowledge I am glad I learned.


I'm 47. Work in construction and love to "destroy" things and put them together. Almost like a speed freak... But I've always been "dyslexic" when it comes to electricity and stuff like that. This video helped me more than the school did about electricity. Cheers to that☺


Electrons actually move very slowly through a wire connected to some voltage source. What really happens is the electric field sloshes the electrons in the direction we call the direction of current flow and the electric field propagates very close to the speed of light. Slightly less since it's not a vacuum.


I wish I had these videos/you for a teacher in high school--I never got it back then and honestly thought I was too dumb for some reason, but you explained it so well I impressed my husband (an electronics engineer tech) with how much my understanding of electricity has improved with just ONE of your videos under my belt. I'm going to watch all of them. Cheers.
