WTF Is Going On At FNC?

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Nothing he said was wrong or offensive. If their upset he exposed the coaching staff as being clueless, get over it. You made the total wrong decision and your players didnt agree. Take it on the chin, it was your mistake.


Not banning Yone is mental at this point. Watched the MADvsGAM match 1 right now and how utterly and thoroughly GAM were blasted by Yone on a player like freskowy is fking crazy.


“나도 잘 모르겠다. 우리는 알고 있는데, 하면(요네를 풀면) 안 되는 걸 계속하자고 하는 것 같다”
"I dunno. Deep down, we know, but we keep pushing to do things we should not be doing."
“게임하는 내내 정신이 없었다”
"through out the game I was overwhelmed and disoriented"


same shit thats been going on in fnc for the last years: dardo

I will throw a party the day he gets fired


analyis on the latter part goes to show that fnc is just playing solo queue in an international stage. it took them this far but it wont take them at the top sadly


I think FNC coaching staff should be to blame for this team. Just there's no way you play together for a year (more than a year for some players in the team) and never improve in any facet of the game. What the fuck is the point of the whole coaching staff? Fnc is a well established org with good money to spend. There's no way this is their standards throughout the year


Coaches not doing their homework , pretty pathetic not gona lie


As much as I understand the hate towards Noah, so far this worlds he has stayed strong and stable while his topside is completely ruining the game.


Hey man dont blame them, we play in EU, where when Yikes Lillia is suddenly broken he stops playing it. Fnatic didnt expect someone to pick their main while its meta 😢 /s


small criticism to coaching staff and basically saying in interview "we need to look at this" in league of legends esports everyone loses their shit. In other esports this happens all the time lol.. If you're not doing your job well players should b able to complain about it. Being open like that is also good for the scene. Its the only reason apex esports is still alive lol.


My god, I only saw Sheep Esports articles through these clips and they written so badly.
Do they even have an editor?


Coaching staff that have egos super inflated and get pissy with their players calling them out for being fucking dumb is so upsetting.

It's not even neglecting to do your homework, because they decided to ban yone, and then just didn't on game day, idk how else to say this, but fanatic coaches: you're not good at your job. Could I do it better? Absolutely not, but jfc it's a very simple thing here.


Love your content Dom! Keep it up man! 💪


after watching this, it confirms it further to my belief that western teams don't deserve more than 1 direct seat into swiss. Meanwhile we have to pass up on teams like JDG, KT etc


im a FNC fan for al long time now but its pretty hard now for years cheering for this org. It seems that some of the staff of FNC has Problems with solving issues or adapting to new situations or play-possibilities . i hope that in the future something finally changes. by that i dont mean a complete new roster but maybe some of the coaching staff could be changed, so they can adapt to the game from new different angles. its sad to see, that after caps leaving FNC everything seemed to fall apart from my perspective, but im not very well known in these kinda things.


I do not understand how a whole as org with a team that's been together for a year cannot understand these basic marco concepts.
Dom is literally an old retired pro and yeah he watched league for a job but at this he's 100% more knowledgeable about macro than the entirety of the FNC org. This is just painful


Fnatic - Bravery And Stupidity

Sometimes some crimes
Go slipping through the cracks
But these two gumshoes
Are pickin' up the slack
There's no case too big, no case too small
When you need help, just call
Ch-ch-ch-Chip 'N Dale (Rescue Rangers)
Ch-ch-ch-Chip 'N Dale (when there's danger)
No, no, it never fails once they're involved
Somehow whatever's wrong gets solved


I literally just watched a drafting video with fanatic and caedrel lolll it’s so funny how much of a read on the meta caedrel had vs the fanatic team… it’s quite shocking. They should be mad at themselves and i’m glad jun spoke out. A lot of times people blame the players but dont realize some games they are put in are just unwinnable. Draft gap can make such a big deal at this level.


I learned that lane xp is reduced for jng until 14 minutes. Nice


imagine being so good at a champ that you destroy a team when you pick it
