ICOM IC-705 SHOULD I BUY ONE - 2022 February

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Just bought my 705 recently and it is amazing! I use it at home, together with a TS 480 sat and for hiking and camping in the woods. I still have a lot to explore on this radio. It has such a lot of options and possibilities. Very nice radio and I am very very happy with it! 73's Marc PD5ME


I started off with the ICOM 7300, and have since got the 9700 for home operation. I have had the 705 since last year and am just now starting to do more /P and /M with PoTA. Point of this is, if I had to one radio of all these radios, it would be the 705 - it is amazing - yes, the other rigs have their niches (sats on the 9700, 100W capability on the 7300), but an amp on the 705 will give you the power. To say I love this amazing transceiver is an understatement, i just hope the longevity of it is as good as my own, I'd hate for anything to happen to it. The downside of the 705 is that it is not as rugged as some of the other QRP radios, but as shown in this video, there are options to upgrade. Its quality, but at a quality price !


Nice, quick review! I don’t have one but it’s on the “gotta get one” list! Thanks for sharing! 73


Hi, Firstly thanks for the review... very informative... One thing that definately shone through was... You certainly have spent a lot of time infront of that radio to remember all of what you mentioned... no need to read the manual for you....infact ... I would go so far as to say... its pointless anyone saying "RTFM".... It also points out just how much you also like the radio as you obviously have put the time in to learn the radio... and get the best out of it for sure... Thanks for the tips etc... Cheers.. and 73's Yoki...


I'm just getting into radio and the only reason I won't get it right away is because I wouldn't know where to start with this radio. Half of it's features I am totally unfamiliar with.
It's not really the money(sort of)...it's the Deep Dive this radio represents. It does practically everything and it's fully portable and it's made by a highly reputable company.
Even I can see this radio is a an absolute beast. I'm paying close attention to this radio.
Thanks for the great video.


This is the radio I bought after getting my licence last year, so I do not have much experience. However, it has everything I want and more. I just recently got into rtty and it has an excellent interface for that. I have used it for cw, ft8, sota, weather and Nav warning downloads, remote operating with the icom software and digitally through a hotspot. It is a bit heavier and more expensive than some other qrp radios but it does more. The answer is ‘yes’, you should buy one.


I’ve bought one and I have a g90 and a GSOC. Got delivered today.


Well it’s entirely up to you, , , something I just don’t like about it, it’s a pity Icom can’t merge the 7300 and 9700 together, or make a MK2 of the 7000


Just bought my IC-705 and I love it! Great radio if you live in an apartment and can’t have an antenna outside get a tripod mounted magloop antenna and your good to go! Yes you don’t have a lot of power but in an apartment complex you don’t want to run to much more to prevent RF interference on other peoples electronics in the complex. Also on nice days you can take the radio outdoors to a park and setup and play radio!


Well. I didn"t need to watch past the first min, you answered your own question.


I have an OS3 hotspot that fits in my pocket and an FT5DR that enables VHF, UHF, FULL APRS and DStar when tethered to my phone. That leaves the need for HF that a X6100 fulfills for LESS THAN HALF the price in a much more convenient form factor INCLUDING A TUNER. They 705 was revolutionary, but is way overpriced and is no longer relevant in its market niche. if the 705 had included a tuner- especially for its bulky little breadbox size, things would be different.


It would be nice if there were a qrp antenna system that meets all of the capacities of this radio. There are so many advances being made in the radio, but few in the antenna end. I have examined many different systems but none of them are really versatile without some physical interaction. In any case that is one great rig!


Did you have to ask that question it is a I want radio in door and out
