Comparing the Elecraft KX2 and the Icom IC-705. Which should I buy?

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I have owned both the KX2 and 705. I sold my KX2 to buy my 705 (XYL requirement). Both are great rigs. For me, the 705 is better because:
1. The 705 never gets hot even when running 10 watts, while the KX2 really needs an external heatsink to stay cool.
2. The 705 battery can charge in radio mean that you won't accidentally drop/lose one of those Elecraft thumb screws in the field.
3. The 705 internal sound card with ability to connect computer and radio with either a single USB cable or by using no wires via WiFi directly is a game changer
4. Ever since I bought an Icom 7300 a while ago, I don't enjoy radios without band scopes as much as I used to....705 scope is great.

That being said, I miss the cute/compactness of my old KX2. It always made me smile holding it in my hand and thinking about what this little baby could do. KX2 is an amazing rig and it is so compact and small, plus that internal tuner is one of the best around. Maybe I should sell the XYL so that I can have both rigs...hi hi.


Just bought the 705 and l am blown away by it... l really don’t think anything is in the same league.


I love the Elecraft KX series, Icom 705, and Yaesu FT-817 as well. They all are great radios.


Great video comparing the two, I had a lot of the same thoughts. As much as I loved my KX2, I sided with the 705 purely because it fit my operating style better, but everyone's is different. Having choices is what makes this hobby great!


I am fortunate to have both. I bought the 705 way before finding out that the KX2 even existed and I still really enjoy the 705. But after waiting my 16 weeks for delivery of my KX2 with ATU my impression was, wow this thing is a throwback radio, feels and looks unrefined. It does not appear to be very weather resistant either, with all of the holes and seams for where the rear panel hides the battery compartment. The knobs are plastic and there is no real feel to the VFO as with other precision radio VFO's. But with all this said, I absolutely love the KX2. It is very pleasant to use, it receives very well especially with headphones. The menu utilizing multiple buttons to get around is brilliant for such a small form factor, the screen in any conditions is bright and very usable. The built in ATU is great, it could tune anything. It has 10 watts in a tiny package, built in ATU and the battery lasts a long time. This wonderful little radio for its size and weight is incredible and I find myself using it more and more. I bought the paddles in hopes that one day I will be able to dit and dah.


Would love to see the IC-705 vs KX3 please! Great review and I do appreciate all the effort!


I bought the 705 back in october last year and last week received the AH-705 atu and am so glad i did. fantastic option in my position. 73


After a ton of research (and waiting), I bought the 705 instead of the KX2 last year. However I’m sure I will end up with both in the end. 😂


For me the size of the Kx2 is what makes it for me. It is so easy to take when you travel for a carry on that limits your space. Very nice review.


I actually had this debate with myself before I purchased my radio. I came from using an icom 7000 so the ICOM user interface would’ve been natural for me. However ultimately I went with the KX3 because it was tried and true. I think the portability of the kx2 is amazing. The features of the 705 are great as well but for me wanting to mix at home use and field use the KX3 was a great balance between the two!


I have the KX3 for portable use and it is a great radio, but as a long time Icom user I would like to add the 705 for the interface - very similar to the 7610 on my desk. Nice review 👍


Excellent objective review. I agree, for your operating style, the Elecraft is probably a better fit. I own an IC-705 & later purchased the companion AH-705 autotuner. A HUGE consideration for me is that I'm a VHF / UHF weak signal operator, primarily SSB & FT8 / FT4. If you have an iPad, you can operate the IC-705 remotely via WiFI using SDR-Control app; it makes FT8 / FT4 operation TOTALLY wireless, NO UDB cable needed! (Operating FT8 with a conventional PC via USB sometimes leads to issues with either PC noise in the IC-705 or USB "hangs" if the antenna is close nearby). I use the IC-705 (so far) as primarily a "second shack", vs. my IC-7300 / IC-9700 main staion. Using the IC-705 / AH-705 with a 30' long piece of wire strung between a couple or rooms INDOORS, a running off a 12-volt battery to get 10 watts output, I've worked as far as Japan & Australia from my home QTH in Massachusetts on FT8. Connected to my full - size 75 meter inverted V, I've had a leisurely trans - Atlantic QSO at 5 watts with a "big gun" UK station on 75 M. SSB. I've also used in on D-star, primaily using a telescoping 19" whip antenna thats loads with a perfect SWR on 2 meters, enjoyed a late - night D-Star QSO with another Japanese station (Yes, I realise it's primarily an "internet" QSO). The AH-705 tuner, while a bit pricey & almost as big as the IC-705 itself, works off a pair of alkaline "AA" batteries & is VERY fast & versatile.



I bought the 705 because it's a full featured radio, essentially a low power 7300 in compact form. I don't operate in the field, but I also don't have the room for something like a 7300 and I wanted something that could do HF in a small form factor that also had all the bells and whistles. It's great being able to just pop the radio in front of my keyboard and mess around with it, and hey if I ever want to go in the field I got something other than an HT.


2 years later, I just order my 705 and it’s still back ordered everywhere. Going to take 2-4 weeks to get mine. They keep flying out the door the second they show up.


If the 705 had an internal tuner, I would have bought it instead of the Xeigu X6100. After recent firmware updates, the X6100 is a great radio with an internal tuner that is fantastic! Of course the 705 is better quality but twice the price with no tuner. Couldn't do it.


A really great review. I have a KX3 and a 705. Liked your comment about which radio you would grab for the desert island. In agreement with you at this end. Probably because I bought the backpack with the 705... aka the easiest one to grab. The backpack being fully loaded with all the adapters, wires, plus a tp atu etc. But I would sorely miss the KX3 for the joy of turning that tuning knob and the radio just lifting those weak signals.


Always look forward to the next K4SWL vid. And the QRP’r articles.


A thoughtful and detailed review. I've already bought a KX2 - pretty much for the reasons you mention. I toiled for ages over the decision, as the IC-705 is such a groundbreaking radio.
73, Fraser MM0EFI


You review is very much appreciated and very neutral. I will go for the 705, because I will use more as a base station and have the ability to take the radio QRP in the yard ;) Thanks for a good sollid review.


For sota only kx2 all day long. It was made for it. Last thing you want to have happen is after. A 6 mile hike, realize you can’t get your swr below 3:1 on your antenna for some reason. 705, you’re done. Yes they make qrp tuners that are small but it’s just another thing to worry about and cart up the mountain. 705 is perfect for pota or other portable operating where weight isn’t such a premium
