The Xiegu X6100 or the Icom IC-705? Making a purchase decision!

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Intro: 0:00:00
Why compare: 0:02:48
Price: 0:04:04
Advice in a nutshell: 0:04:48
X6100 positives: 0:05:42
IC-705 positives: 0:12:20
Summary: 0:17:20

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I don't own a '705 but I did get a chance to check one out. It's a very refined rig built to Icom's high standards. I do have the X6100 and am enjoying it a lot so far. The built in tuner will match almost anything although I prefer to use resonant antennas when I can. It's easy to set up for digital modes and overall performance is very good. It is a bit quirky until you get used to it. I probably won't get a '705 due to its price. In the meantime, the '6100 is providing me with lots of enjoyment.


I own both the IC-705 and the Xiegu X6100. I like the X6100 because it takes up much less room and easy to throw around. The internal tuner means that I can throw up a couple of wires and have some fun in the park really easily. The IC-705 needs a little more coordination with cables and tuners etc (although you can avoid this with resonant antenna). I don't worry so much about the X6100 as I do with the IC-705. The IC-705 has many more bands, digital, better audio but they both have a place in my rucksack depending on what I'm doing.


Received my x6100 this week and no regrets, so far. One thing that has impressed me was the ease of getting it running on digital modes AND with a Macbook, at that. Just one cable between the computer and radio. Both WSJT-X and flrig worked wonderfully (1/17/22 firmware release). My past experiences have been with Yaesu 818, 857, 897, and a bunch of homebrew digital rigs and this has been, by far, the easiest for digital modes.


Greta review Thomas. The huge price difference is big factor for me. Plus I would rather have separate radio for 2m use. Taking the 6100 and an HT to the field would be a good combo.


...the $600 price of the X6100 is what a small SDR QRP radio should be priced at max. The price of the KX2 and the 705 is just insane...


The x6100 was my re-entry rig when returning to the active mode after a years-long hiatus. It is fantastic ! I soon got the 705 and it, too, is just amazing. Both are highly recommended.


Thanks for comparing these two radios. I have the 705 and KX2. I agree the built-in tuner on the KX2 is nice to have but there are a lot of EF antennas that do not require a tuner. I have been running tests using RBN and WSPR and find very little difference with SWR of 1.1 vs 2.0 for example. These tests are all done using 1 watt or less BTW. My personal choice are the PAR End Fed antennas but there are several others that do a great job that you have reviewed in the past. Thanks for all the great YouTube videos of your POTA, etc activations. Dennis - WR4i/qrp


I agree about the tuner especially at double the cost and double the size of the 705.


I received the X6100 in mid Jan, used for right at 2 months, about 130 CW QSOs. It works, but I wish I had not purchased it. Had serious heat issues, after 2 hours rcv only with charger on rig was too hot to hold, also lost it's operating firmware, but since it has backed up in memory restored quickly. Happen twice. Now only with rig on turn off the charger. Other issues with X6100, quickly distorts on strong rcv, ended up blowing the speaker, now using headphones. I also have IC705 for over a year, a much better radio. Does cost twice as much, but if from what I know now, I would still go for the IC705.


Absolutely perfect match for indoor use is the X6100 & Alex loop.


I have the G90. Good little radio. I hope the 6100 will turn out as well.


I bought a Xiegu x6100 a month ago. Though it is a really neat "shack-in-a-box", I have buyers remorse and will be selling it.
1) Wifi will not set up after watching YouTube instructions and trying numerous times. The bad thing about that is that it cannot sync and set UTC time to use for FT8 - which is what I use a lot.
2) At times the receiver is dead when it is first turned on. I did fac resets - no go. Turned off and on - no go. Next day it worked fine.
3) Once the swr plotter did not work. Now it does.
4) The display/waterfall is not factory set to work properly out of the box. It took forever to get it to display normally.
5) Good luck trying to update the firmware. Mine never worked. I always got the same firmware number after performing the update.
I really wanted the x6100 to work great right out of the box. It didn't happen for me. Maybe I got the lemon.


Great review. My choice leans towards a radio that I can rely now and not wait for future improvements. I'm a DStar guy, so the DStar side was the attraction to the 705. Having the built in GPS adds the portability factor when I travel. It not only allows you to find DStar repeaters, but it also has FM repeaters both UHF and VHF. It's your choice near ALL, DV, or FM. You upload the area you are traveling to and you're good to go. Plus, you can do HF DStar (simplex) and reach across the country. Thanks for another excellent review.


I own the IC-705 and I agree it is a great radio. The Kx2 however, still remains my goto radio. it's form factor and performance can't be beat. It is the ideal field radio for all sorts of outdoor activities.


I have the 705 & the 7300. I have a 4 w in 80 w out 2M all mode amp. The favorite feature to me is that both radios share the EXACT same user interface. I bought my KX3 when it first came out. I had already had my KX1 built for me by a friend, who later did the 4-band mode update. It was a blast but the KX3 blew me away! So, when the KX2 came out, I jumped at the chance to own one. At Field Day that year, I brought all 3 rigs into the field. What I found exasperating was the total lack of consistency in the menus operation! I had to stop & read the Nifty cards every time I’d go from the KX3 to the KX2 and back. I ultimately sold the KX2. I still have and enjoy the KX3 when I’m not using the ICOMs. BTW, I’ve bought AND sold both the Elecraft pan adapter and the KPA100 amp, neither of which got much use. The tangle of interconnecting wires was a mess IMHO.

I wish I can regain my health again soon so I can enjoy my SOTA/POTA activities here in NM with my friends.

I think I’d like to play with whatever the current version of the ’6100 is now. There is an interesting unit out of Russia now, too that a friend has. It is super rugged, quite small, but weighs a half a ton! Did they make the case out of depleted uranium?! LOLOL



I have the 705 and I'm not a HAM just a Utility listener and MW DX'er and I must say I have alot of radios and have had alot of radios in about 40 years of listening and its better than any SW portable by a good bit and is on par with my SDR's and a whole lot easier to take out in the field not having to have a computer that dies after two hours of use.Once you get a waterfall display on a SDR for chasing signals you cant go back.This gives me the best of both worlds.Still a radio with knobs but with waterfall.and the DXing on Medium wave is as good as it gets maybe even better than my SDR's no computer hash noise.LW same its just as sensitive all over the band. I'm more than happy to spend the 1300.00 on a quality listening device. SSB utility stations come in with amazing clarity .My Airspy HF+ discovery is close but just not as clean sounding.The noise floor on the 705 is way down there and Twin Pass Band filters cleans up even more .Noise reduction is awesome also and the NB can get rid of a weird pulsing sound at 15MHZ I've never been able to mitigate on the SDR's here at home.all in all its a world class receiver for me.A benchmark unit. Ive waited for a stand alone SDR radio for awhile and all I could find was some disposable type radios offering it.little handheld malachites. No Thanks.this is a real Radio.


Hi all, I have had KX3, KX2 and 5105. I think I will will be tempted by the 6100 when improvement will be made. With my kx3 just made few qso's cause it's too expensive to take it out with rain and dust. It looks fragile. With my kx2, I have made a lot of qso's but just after the warranty has gone(2 Years and 2 months) I have burned the finals. This TRX is very fragile and after the replacement that I have entirely paid, immediately have sold it. Now use my 5105, not perfect but strong enough for SOTA/Field...and price is top notch ! Best 73s de ON4LDU Al


When I saw the mockups of the 6100, I had the same thought as everyone else comparing it to the 705, but then it occurred to me that this is similar to what I assumed a KX4 would look like.


Great video. I went for both, well nearly. I have the IC-705 and I bought the Xiegu X5105 rather than the X6100 because I wanted something a bit more rugged that didn't have knobs sticking out that I could chuck in a bag without risking damage. The IC-705 is the better all round radio but it's just too delicate to risk on a field trip unless well protected and that means extra weight. I have a carry case for it and the other stuff, antenna tuner, antenna etc. and it's fine if you stay close to the car. With the X5105 all I take is the radio and 20 meters of end fed wire antenna. Both will fit in the pocket of my combats so, at a push, I don't even need the bag. Very portable and an excellent radio. I just wish they had gone for recessed low profile controls on the X6100 like the X5105


It’s time that all manufacturers offer complete “all band, all mode” radios in this form factor and output range. The technology is there. Part of the fun and necessity of HF is needing/wanting different antennas, and the 705 for $1.3k NOT having an ATU is just ridiculous. Likewise, everyone HF radio should have a sound card for digital work- as these both do. If a radio doesn’t include 2m and 70cm, it’s just not a “shack in the box”, and neither have functionality of the 991A, for less than a 705, but the 991A lost the ability for onboard battery the its predecessor- the 897D had. Message to manufacturers- stop compromising.
