Trauma Recovery: Why You Feel Worse Before You Feel Better

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Why does it sometimes feel like we're getting worse instead of better on our healing journey? In this video, I dive into this paradox and explain how our mind's wisdom that protected us in childhood now recognises our readiness to face and heal from past traumas.

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Awesome….healing is so hard…..rewiring faulty programming & having to move away from unhealthy relationships can be incredibly lonely


I have benefitted a lot from mindfulness meditation, especially the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Tara Brach and Jack Kornfeld . I call it, "befriending myself meditation". It's my opportunity to listen to myself, become the compassionate witness of my thoughts, feelings and emotions, and come to understand myself better.

I think meditation is very much misunderstood. It's not about telling the mind to shut up! How often do we ignore ourselves, and fail to listen, anyway? It's about being PRESENT for whatever is arising. Here's a thought of self-criticism, and now I'm aware of how that feels in my body. Back to the breath, back to this moment. Now there's a thought of regret, and how that feels. Back to the breath, back to the here and now. Etc.

How often do we get carried away with thoughts and feelings, lost in the drama, but not truly present and conscious? When we cultivate a part of ourselves that witnesses ourselves without judgment or reactivity, we find an anchor in accepting whatever arises that keeps us from getting drowned in our inner storms,

The more I'm present to myself, the more self-compassion arises. Returning to the present moment regulates the nervous system. This helps me feel safe with my painful thoughts, memories, feelings and emotions.

Over the years I have practiced meditation regularly, many painful memories and emotions have come up, to be washed in the healing balm of my tears of self-compassion. Not only has this taught me to befriend myself more deeply, it has taught me to be a better friend to others - and much more authentic!. When approached as an opportunity to really befriend and be present with oneself, meditation is a powerfully healing practice.


Something called Interoception really helped me, it’s when you feel your feelings, emotions and sensations in the body as the neutral observer and just being with them, sending them compassion.


I'm just in that stage of the recovery journey. Healing is very hard because at first you don't know you are distorted. When uncomfortable feelings come up I am now sitting in them but this is too difficult for me. I'm feeling that the stored trauma in my body be released slowly and it's like a detox course. I'm trying to be connected with the whole myself because for my previous life I was a harsh critic of many of the parts of myself without understanding it. I haven't another option but to keep doing what I started. Your message that we will be more emotionally healthy someday was very helpful. This was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.


Thank you for this video. After feeling completely locked for a period of 2 weeks. In which both my gf and myself were finding it difficult to remain positive, I found your video about how trauma is stored within the body, it is a great summary, as is this.The tides can be rough and especially after putting in the work the lows can be pretty hard after previous periods of experiencing of calm and happiness.


Your explanations are some of the best across all forms of social media. You are doing an incredible amount of work for the collective, thank you so much!


I'm a psychotherapist and I find this clarification extremely helpful, both for my clients and myself personally. It's helpful to understand that there's a period of continuously meeting the "stuff"/challenges that come up after our nervous system is healthy enough to allow that pandora's box to be opened up and worked through. It's important to use curiosity and self-compassion to resolve the issues as they emerge. The key is, as Alex so well put, "keep going!" Thank you for this succinct and helpful clip!


Wow! I couldn’t understand why things are so much worse now than they were before I started. You’re the third person to say exactly the same thing. Now I’m in a place where deeper healing can begin. I pray for you, please pray for me.


OMG!! Very powerful. For the past forty years many many many people repeatedly told me that the best (most effective) way to deal with past trauma is to forget about it and move on. People said things like "Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery." or "It wasn't as bad as you make it out to be." or "It's only a problem because you are making it a problem". or "Just pretend it never happened and move on". No wonder I get migraines.


Been healing my CPTSD for around 6 years now. What I wish would happen more from therapists is a disclaimer about all of this stuff, because ime nobody tells you what to anticipate or expect. Or really validates just how exhausting it is, and like the other commenter said, lonely and isolating when you end up having to cut out your entire support system due to growing past their own unresolved dysfunction. Hard to deal with alone, and without adequate resources. It's only been since having a regular meditation practice that I feel more resourced to deal with it all alone. Often it feels unrelenting.


I have suffered from DPDR for 28 years, for 9 years I also had anic attacks, which then subsided, but remained DPDR
6 months ago I started working on releasing emotional blockages and traumas
As a reaction, my panic came back and I was terrified that everything was starting again and that there was no end
This video gives me hope not to give up
Thank you


I have just started on my healing journey and I cry over everything 😩 this has been very helpful thank you❤


This is a great explanation. I am experiencing this 'feeling worse' now after making good progress up to this point healing from extreme anxiety brought on by bad childhood experiences. Its been nearly 2 months where the yukky feelings are relentless and i have found day to day functioning nigh on impossible. Its reassuring to hear that this is all good and shows my nervous system is calming but my god its hard. The headache is debilitating and i cant think straight but i try to keep taking one step forward each day. Just hoping it begins to settle soon. My Therapist has reassured me it will but the intensity of feelings and thoughts make it very difficult to believe tbat x😢 just have to hang in there 😮


I have a long last stopped being non stop busy - Lots of uncomfortable feelings are coming up - I am using as many tools as I can (grounding/cold water/breathing techniques and watching your. Ideas - thank you 🙏


Yes, it is. It's like everything crushing up.


EFT tapping has helped me immensely. I totally understand the "getting worse"... I pushed past it with EFT.


Tapping as well as your videos have helped me so much


I had cfs and severe anxiety from childhood trauma. After doing this work for 6 months I have physical and emotional symptoms getting worse. I'm still pushing on I had 20 plus years of trauma so I know it takes time to unravel


Thank you for your vids! You are very pleasant to watch and learnt from


Going over Awakening & recent TC taster help too to be sure working things correctly.
