3 Sneaky Ways Women Test You (And How To Pass Them!)

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When a girl becomes interested in you, she will test you in different subtle ways to see whether or not you are ready to be in a relationship. Because if you're not, she will probably leave and find someone who is. So let's go over what these tests look like and how to pass them.

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Strategic patience is the key. Be around, do things, have a full time life and she will want to be part of it


Great advice my friend. Never, ever, ever show weakness in front of a woman. Always be mentally bulletproof!! Always!! Do not put up with her B.S. and let her know it too!!


We early adopters long ago identified this as the "sh*t test" (from the incidental/opportunistic often times merely anecdotal, to the spicier, consistently trackable "civilizational sh*t test"). Understand that the latter is anathema to all who cherish their status within the cathedral. Academics, journos, & other intellectual chattel know to dismiss such notions as...problematic.


What is important depends on a listener's goals, his values. Success in your training depends on the same things. A podcast suggested that the sole wish of a teenager is "to get paid and get laid." The leader wanted listeners to have higher ideals.


The key is to respond instead of react.


Great content man!

I just wanted to say that from personal experience, it’s perfectly fine to double text on occasion. I’ve done it hundreds of times and even triple texted (although you don’t wanna triple on too much). It really depends on what you say, when you say it and as long as it’s not needy. NEVER text anything like “???” or “Why haven’t you responded to my last text?” You will lose her for good. Hell I would run too! If I send a double text after not hearing back from her for awhile, I’ll either change the subject & say something like “Anyway, I saw this on my walk today. Thought it was cool” while sending her a photo of a cool looking building or piece of art. In many cases, she’ll respond and then just be sure to keep the convo flowing from there using ball busting humor, confidence and maintain your cool. In other words, refuel and reset! If she doesn’t respond after that point, wait about a week and reach out to her again in a non-needy way. If no response, pull back and leave it as is.

Guys, you can be persistent without being needy. Always remember that women appreciate that even though it’s not easy to pull off sometimes. It just takes some balls and practice. Unfortunately, women have to test us to see what kind of men we really are. It’s just the way it is.


I always pass the hold back Sex part. Because i just go have Sex after or before work with one of my Side pieces.


Hi Tripp, is there a way to get the Hooked program without the trial course and also pay via paypal?
As always your info are awesome, keep it up.


Brother please answer my questions

If there's a boy who does everything for the girl loves her unconditionally but girls always see boys's status, how his circle is and voice tone and height...So why girls choose these things over love and don't try to understand boys' heart and can't they love unconditionally???

Girls are considered to be more emotional then why when breaking any boy's heart badly, where her emotions go?

why girls are like judge in relationship and they only choose which boy you'll be with, why so monopolarity and only we boys have to give something to girls and they don't?


I got one girl that I love but anytime we are together she always test me one day she call me to come over her place when I arrived there she started fighting with me for no reason I don't know what she up to


Sounds like something a psycho would do.


What if she actually wants you to blow up? What if she pokes and pokes and you stay stoic and she gets dissapointed because you don't start yelling at her? That's part of why my last gf left me. I think.. never got any closure 🤷 I mean she didn't have it all upstairs but still.


What to do when you are talking to a girl and she suddenly Start using the phone????
