Sneaky Way She's Testing You

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When a girl sees you as a potential mate, she will test you in ways where if you lose your composure, she will deem you not worthy and find someone who is. So here are 6 tests girls give guys and how to pass them all so you are the one that decides where the relationship will go.


If she’s testing, just leave. You don’t need someone who is just trying to make your life harder.


This is why I think it’s MUY IMPORTANTE to lay out your boundaries in the beginning! This SHOULD give her a fair amount of warning about what she can/can’t get away with when it comes to her testing you. Now obviously she’ll probably still do it anyway just to see how far she can push it without us having to check her and call her out on her BS (in a calm way to make sure that you get your point across). If then, she’s STILL doing it? Tell her to take the shoelace express back on home!


I think so much of how women test men does not have innocent motives. What I mean is that women will have men jump through hoops as a way to place herself in the position of power in the dynamic. It's about her controlling so that she is the one "in charge" so to speak and the man is on the back foot, he's the one doing all the hustling and she is sitting back pulling the strings. And for this reason I think men should not engage with women who employ these types of manipulative behaviour. For example a man should not pay the bill on a first date, he should suggest they split. And that is a test of her character. If she agrees to split the bill and doesn't hold a grudge then this is a humble woman but if she resents splitting then this is an entitled woman and she is showing you a red flag about her personality.


Ur in rp space I seen foodie's upclosr don't say to see dominant it's bs


Enough with the bill pay s can't stand when guys say life will be better if u get messed over finicially some split enough of them ready rights!!!


Enough with the free like nch even with foodie dates rampant some dudes pay n the bill will bring back urdead dog we got like one right back quit scabbing


Paying the bill is being a SIMP, you ONLY spend money on women once they have DEMONSTRATED they are worthy of it, modern women are INDEPENDENT!!! 50/50 since everything is transactional if you pay she lays....


In that thumbnail she just making sure that’s a dude
