The Little Things The Dutch Don't Talk About | American Living in The Netherlands

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The Little Things I Love but The Dutch Don't Talk About | American Living in The Netherlands
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Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans/ An American Living in The Netherlands
Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about Things that are taken for granted here in the netherlands That I hear complaints about all the time. I love living here in the Netherlands and love The Dutch culture and believe when i say that... This is How The dutch are changing my mindset in the best way.

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Yoooo Happy Thursday! What Do you think about my Little Buddies of Joys that I mentioned? I think we need to do this in America!


This is why i love content of people moving to the Netherlands. They show you the little blessings.


I love watching people being happy to live here and be surprised about everything I take for granted. Thanks!


Decorating the window is to make it gezellig


Wat leuk, regelmatig ga ik met een van mijn kleinkinderen in haar woonwijk wandelen op weg naar een speeltuin een van de velen, er is 1 woning die wij nooit overslaan . Als de man thuis is komt hij een praatje maken, op de vensterbank heeft hij heel veel poppetjes die op zonlicht bewegen staan. Deze vlog doet mij inzien hoe leuk het is om gewoon te kijken naar wat er in tuinen en vensterbanken staat. Het is zo ¨gewoon¨ maar nu blijkt bijzonder. Zelfde met een kop koffie gaan drinken op een terrasje wat ik heel graag in de winter doe .. lekker mensen kijken en genieten van rust.


I'm a mailman in the netherlands. I love seeing the stuff in the windows or gardens of the people in the neighbourhood. I like how people are starting to do their halloween decorations now.


Oorspronkelijk was de vensterbank bedoeld als een echte zitplaats. Het woord 'venster-bank' mag dan ook letterlijk geïnterpreteerd worden: een bank aan het venster. Zo konden vrouwen die handwerk deden zich op de vensterbank posteren, waardoor zij goed licht op hun werk hadden.

Bezoek maar eens een kasteel. Daar kun je mooi zicht op het ontstaan van de vensterbank zien.
Door de jaren heen is het nut/doel van de vensterbank veranderd en dienst het tegenwoordig meer voor "isolatie" warmteregulatie en natuurlijk kun je je huis "gezellig" maken door er decoratie zoals planten of beeldjes op te zetten.

Persoonlijk kan ik er echt van genieten dat steeds meer mensen hun huizen gezellig maken met seizoensdecoratie. Steeds meer mensen versieren hun huizen buiten met verlichting rond de kerst. Ik wordt daar echt blij van!
Sinds 2 jaar hebben wij ook de mogelijkheid om buiten te versieren en hoop ik andere mensen ook wat te verblijden.
We wonen in een stad met rond de 53.000 inwoners. Wij hebben het geluk dat in onze wijk wel een supermarkt ligt maar niet iedere wijk heeft een supermarkt. Toch ligt voor de wijken zonder supermarkt Deze wel op fietsafstand.
Wij hebben de supermarkt op ongeveer 5min loopafstand en de school op 2 min loopafstand. Basisscholen liggen hier wel in iedere wijk. Voornamelijk allemaal op loopafstand voor de kinderen en anders zeker wel fietsafstand.

Wat zijn we hier dan eigenlijk verwend...


In the first week of lockdown when corona hit, the people filled their windows with teddy bears. The young kids would then safely do a bear safari, so they at least got some fresh air and distraction in those times.


I like your editing a lot. It's small but it makes the videos so much more interesting to watch. I love it how you switch angles mid conversation. Like, it's not too much. Just at the right moment. A lot of youtubers don't do this. And I personally think it's a cool, little detail what makes it appealing to watch.


Loved the ' meenemen'😂 and pronounced very well!


When visiting Canada many years ago I was told that in the suburbs of the USA and Canada it was literally forbidden (=illegal) to build shops in an area meant for homes. In the UK you also have so called housing estates (a sort of suburb) with no shop in sight (intentionally). I do not understand the logic of it, a place is so much more pleasant to live in if you can walk and bike around and have your shops and schools nearby.


About your conversations with Dutch people. There is very little chitchat about 'how are you' 'yeah, fine' and talking about achievements at work (not interesting!!!). Talking to Dutch is genuine and is about real stuff that they care about. Probably sometimes blunt/direct but very sincere!! Love it


I like decorating my window for the season. Currently I'm decorating for Halloween. I've got stuff for Sinterklaas, for Christmas, and a lot of "winter" themed stuff all lined up. It just brings me joy to look at it from the inside - and I have to admit I do love it when little kids stop in front of my house to point and smile.


Hi Sky
As someone said... The periodical positive vibe!
I share your videos to fellow Dutchmen to emphasize how good life here is. Many don't see it. Sometimes we need someone to point that out.

I live on the second floor (third for Americans) but to light up my neighbourhood I started a „guerilla garden". So I don't hvya garden of my own, but I started with pots with plants and plants against our block, where we removed the tiles. That already gained a lot of positive reactions from my neighbourhood.
Since February '23 I claimed a strip of land from the municipality, which is approximately 120-125 meters long and 1.5 meters wide.
I had to sign a contract with the municipality, that I am responsible for the maintenance. And on that strip I planted perennials, plants, bulbs and tubes, sow seeds et cetera During the summer it was an abundance of flowers.🌺🌹🌻🌼🏵️🌸💮

When I am working in my guerilla garden, many people (I never met) come to have some talks, chats. By now I got acquainted with many people in the neighborhood.

You must have seen several of those initiatives in other cities? It really boomed during corona, when lots of people didn't have much at hand, and started to green up their streets?

It's like the window sils but street level.

Keep up the good work.
Must work in my guerilla garden now, since the weather allows it, still 🍂🍁


Hey weer een dagelijkse dosis positieve energie van Sky, nice! 😊🌷


The window thing is related to our unique word of Gezellig, people are showcasing gezelligheid that way even when they not home.


In Leiden, go to the Hortus Botanicus, you will love it..


When i cycle through the city in spring i sometimes imagine i pick a little branch of every flowering bush i see. Always makes me happy to cycle around with a huge imaginary bouquet of flowering branches in my bicycle side bags. One of my ways to celebrate spring. 🌸🌺🪷
In autumn i do the same, but then i imagine picking branches with berries, nuts or bright orange and red colours.🍁🍄‍🟫🍄🌰🍂
Happy autumn y'all, and don't fall.
(leaves can be slippery when wet)


for some families getting their kids to school is so easy that the parents dont even have to leave the house since the school itself is their neighbor
my favorite thing people can have in their windows is not the nice flowers or bobble head or stuff like that its cats either sleeping or just following your movement it makes everything feel more alive


I live in the south of the Netherlands, in a very small village. The nearest supermarket is a kilometer away. 20 min walk, 6 min by bike. So I do often get groceries by car, usually on my way back from work. There is a very small local store that has a few essentials and bread, as well as cute home decor, that one is 15 min walk from me. Of course I could go grocery shopping by bicycle, but my village is on one of the very steep hills we have. Luckily more stores offer delivery services nowadays, so that’s always an option if you don’t have a car, but need to do a big shop.

I just came back from a week in Berlin, stayed in an apartment from close family. So I cooked a fair bit at home. And the grocery store was literally just a 2 minute walk. As well as amazing public transportation. Long story short, if you live in a city like Haarlem, Amsterdam, Maastricht, sure there are plenty of supermarkets around. But if like me you live somewhere with less than 2000 people, it’s probably not the same.
