Why Parents Should Let Their Kids Fail

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Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, and Meditation

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Indian parents were heavily satirized in this. It was fair and just.


"Son must be more educated "
"His future is destroyed "
You described my arab mom 😂😂😂.


i want dr k to do a in depth segment on just asian parents


My parents never let me attempt anything meaningful. I never learned ANY basic skills growing up. My mom did everything, and now I almost hate her for it. All I want is to be a useful and intelligent adult but it's been SO hard to learn everything about life from scratch on your own.


Dang, this was me growing up. Now, I am an infantalised man child learning how to adult at 30


"suddenly their grades are your fault but you can't do the studying" SPOT ON!!


I love how the indian of you comes out
Head wobbles come with it 😂❤


When I was a teenager, about 13-14, I had a friend that used to "work" at a supermarket putting the groceries on plastic bags and receive a coin (if they wanted, obviously it was not guaranteed) from buyers. You had to ask permission to your parents, give a paper to the store management that your parents approve it and so on.

I saw my friend buying his own stuff and I wanted that as my parents did not have money to give me for my hobbies as trading cards so I asked my father for help to this, because my motivation was the money.

I did everything and I was about to finish the process, but at the end, my father put his own fears on me saying things to me like people can yell at me, what if I do something wrong and things like that. I got fear of it and I did not do it at the end, and as my father had a small shoe store, I worked there from 13 until 21 or so, until finishing college, sometimes I believe, with bad assumptions, that he did it to keep me there, as he did not give me any money.

Years later, and now I am 30, he remembers all those things that he (because mostly my mom pushed me to do things but my father had the last word) stopped me to do, with regret, thinking that he made more harm than good, trying to save me from the world.


I've been telling my wife to just let our kids fail and learn. She goes behind my back and theres and literally makes up for everything. It is MADDENING.. as a result, they've already missed out on some seriously key lessons that could have been mastery by now.


Even if you succeed by always listening to your parents you will feel like the credit isn't yours.
Because you never followed your own answers.


You made me realize my parents did this to my older brother.
He was a adopted and the only child for years so they wanted to protect him. He become problematic as he grew older and try to imitate his peers, this leat to drug problems and multiple convictions. Every time he had a problem my parents go and clean the mess and he tread then badly despite that.
Until he stay away longer, my parents got tired of a lot of things in live and move to another city without saying anything.
Now my brother has a proper Jon and is taking care of his family.

We, me and my other brothers, didn't receive as much attention and simple try not to cause more problems. We work just fine. (With a little of self parenting, yes, but it's had its good parts)


Istg teaching a kid the value of failure and being patient with their improvement is very important. At the age of 23, I'm ashamed to say this but I'm still coming to grips with the fact that failure is the most important element to succeeding. I'm slow in learning but when I get good at something, I'm really good at it. However, to this day I still see no good in who I am. I really wonder what would've been the outcome of my future if my parents were patient with my failures and learning. But I'll never know.


Growing up in an conservative asian household, i have a young relative who was pampered by her parents and grandparents so much that when she wanted to be independent it all goes downhill from there. This broke her mentally so much that she’s now taking medication for schizophrenia


lol he started using the accent, and his head began bobbing.


It goes both ways, you want your kids to fail but not too often and on major things. For example if you let your kid fail too much you are not teaching them to succeed, and no failing is not helping them if they fail like 5 times on an exam. At that point they need help, and not go right away to where math is not for you. Only after good help would you consider saying that. Also if someone fails too much in life then their ego decreases and they get depressed and not do much new things Bc they believe they will fail anyway. It’s better to have a balance of failing and succeeding. Also you want your kid to not fail stuff like not getting a job they need, or not going to a good (as in a decent) college or trade job. Bc if they fail in such things then it will have major negative impact on their life’s for a long time if not until death. Better to fail on smaller less impactful things to teach the positive things of failure on kids. It’s a hard balance to do for kids and even for ourselves


I'm a dad of sons who are 5 and 7, and this is one of the things, along with never being bullies, that I absolutely emphasize as one of my responsibilities. I WILL let my children fail, because that's a lesson that everyone needs to learn on their own terms.


My mum let me fail at everything growing up. She had never helped me with my homework or anything related to school. It was only in my teenage years that I saw the difference in common sense, problem solving skills, character and work ethic. Truly grateful for being brought up how I was.


that's me. Was never thought anything by my parents. It's just "go do this go do that" with no explanation. I'm only loved for following their rules. I hid myself to play video games or watch Youtube to not get yelled at or lectured and developed trust issues as a cause.

I'm now a manchild having to figure out everything by myself.


That "Haarrword" knocked me out


I want a complication of Dr K imitating Asian parents
