Summary: Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverage

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Derek Wilcock: UM is is uninsured motorist coverage. What that means is, the driver that hit you has no insurance. They're uninsured, and they cause injury to you, so there's an uninsured motorist that hits you for an example. The other one, UIM, is underinsured. Meaning, let's say the driver has the state minimal, which we discussed was $15,000 per person. That's not going to go very far, so they're underinsured when it comes to my injury.
Brigham Cluff: Your injury, your losses when we talk about your lost earnings, when we talk about medical bills depending on the situation here, you may not have a $15,000 dollar loss, you might have a $15,000,000 million dollar loss.
Derek Wilcock: That's right.
Brigham Cluff: Over the course of your lifetime.
Derek Wilcock: Yeah. If you add it all up, it can accumulate to something huge. Another thing to consider is high deductibles. Nowadays with our health insurance, uninsured and underinsured and med pay will help cover those expenses as well.

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