Must-Have Tools for a New Homeowner

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What are the top tools Adam Savage would recommend a new homeowner buy? Does Adam have a favorite genre/field of making? In this live stream excerpt Adam answers these questions from Tested members @sam and @ThorJohannmakes, whom we thank for their support! What tools would you recommend for a new homeowner or apartment dweller?

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Tape measure, socket set, channel lock pliers, hex wrenches, vise grips, crescent wrench, needle nose pliers, box cutter, ice pick, hack saw, level, stud finder, wire stripper/cutter.


Power drill. Some kind of hand saw. Spade shovel. Flat shovel. Interior and exterior brooms. Rake. Hammer. Screw drivers. Allen wrenches. Pliers. Adjustable end wrench. Level. And maybe a stud finder.

I know there are some missing, but you can accomplish a lot with those.


Hi! I’m the new homeowner who asked this question. I bought a bunch of your recommendations (including the Japanese saw) and they have absolutely come in handy. Thank you thank you!


I bought a “home pack” nail and hanging kit about 15 years ago. An assortment of pin nails, finish nails, tacks, thumbtack, hanging brackets etc. it was packaged in a small tackle tray. I’m still using them today! It really is a fantastic and underutilized idea.


One of the first tools people forget about, but a Ladder... I'm tall and don't need it often, but a ladder is ALWAYS handy for home owners.


My grandpa gave me incredible advice when I got my first place. He said wait until you have a problem that requires a tool, then buy the tool and take care of it so you always have it the next time you need it.

Never waste time and money on anything until you have a need for it.


First tool for a homeowner is a pull saw is an insane suggestion lmao


I just inventoried what I use most often as a handyman.
cordless drill, hammer, mallet, stud finder, level, screw drivers, tape measure, pliers, socket set, allen wrenches


My first thought was plunger. Most other tools you can wait to get one until you realize you need it. Not always the case with a plunger.


First tool: A Japanese hand saw.
Oh, Adam. Never change.


tape measure, level, square, stud finder, carpenter pencil and socket set


The first tool you should buy as a first-time homeowner is a cordless drill and bits. You will use it hundreds, if not thousands of times, for different diy home projects


Adjustable cresent wrench, channel lock pliers, pipe wrench.


I bought a large Kobalt hand tool kit (included everythibg to sockets, hammer, tape measure, scissors, screw drivers and more) and Ryobi (Ridgid works too) power tool set (drill, impact, multitool, recip saw, circ saw, light) when I bought my new home. Those two things set me up real well to grow my tool collection. I’ve moved on from the Ryobi (it gets used when the situation may ruin a power rool). If you have yard, a basic shovel, rake, hand spade, and wheel barrow are musts to manage the yard and do your landscaping (I saved a fortune learning landscaping myself). Save yourself the frustration and get a good stud finder and level.


Not a bad list! I would suggest the following tools specifically:

Mechanics tool set (sockets, wrenches, ratchets, hex keys, etc)
Wire strippers and/or electricians pliers
Vise grips
Pipe wrench
Multi bit screwdriver
Circular saw
Shop vac
Small air compressor and air tools for small jobs
Painters tool (putty knife is fine also)
Tape measure (25 foot is plenty, 10 foot is good for woodworking mostly)
Engineers hammer
Rip claw framing hammer
Cats paw
Assortment of sand paper
Magnetic Torpedo level
Glue gun
Assorted pliers set

These are all catch all tools that realistically can be bought either 2nd hand or for the power tools corded. As you need to upgrade or purchase more, buy when you need, not just because its on sale. Dont fall into the trap of buying the flashy brand just because professionals use it either.


New homeowners should have a good wet/dry vacuum cleaner, for emergency water leaks, duct work cleaning, and for utility duties that might ruin your normal vacuum.


Screw drivers, 6in1 painter tool, 2 pipe wrenches, paint roller, hammer, drill, shovel, push broom, caulk gun, plunger, drain snake, ladder, stud finder, flashlight, voltage tester, torpedo level, saw, razor, tape measure, speed square, linemans pliers, allen keys.

I do apartment maintenance and these are my go to tools. You can fix most things and save thousands with a little youtube search


Multimeter!!!! A good Youtube video and a Multimeter go a long way from House to car


As a new homeowner, or even just apartment dweller, I'd suggest just getting a decent tool set to start off. Something with a hammer, screwdrivers, pliers (needle-nose and channel lock), allen wrenches, tape measure, bubble level, etc. Bonus points for a socket set too. You can always get more fancy later, especially it you're going to need to do yard work as well.
