Pyspark Scenarios 17 : How to handle duplicate column errors in delta table #pyspark #deltalake #sql

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Pyspark Scenarios Part 17 : How to handle duplicate column errors in delta table #pyspark #deltalake
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Pyspark Scenario Based Questions
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Complete Pyspark Real Time Scenarios Videos.

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Very good explanation from one of the best instructors.


Hi Sir, Thanks for these videos you are doing great sir ✌️


Hi Sir Thanks for the video explanation ☺️. Let me ask you one doubt
Can we brodacast tempView or delta table if the size is small?
My doubt is, if suppose I am using SparkSQl for coding and need to merge the final data into maintable. So the final data is available as stage table. So, can I broad cast that stage and will that improve performance?


Thanks, where is the video for remove the duplicate columns dynamically


Thanks for your videos, It was really helpful
I have few queries, can some one help

1. Do we need to follow any specific order when using options in readStream and writeStream. For example: "avro").option("multiline",

2. Delta table creation w/ both tableName and location option, is that right?? If I use both only I can see the files like .parquet, _delta log, checkpoint in the specified path and if I use tableName only I can see the table in hive meta store/spark catalog.bronze of SQL editor in databricks

The syntax i use, is it ok to use both .tableName() and .location() option
.tableName("%s.%s_%s" % (layer, domain, deltaTable))
.addColumn("x", "INTEGER")
.location(path) .execute()


Sir I have one doubt As a open degree candidate can we get data engineer job ???...
