Pyspark Scenarios 23 : How do I select a column name with spaces in PySpark? #pyspark #databricks

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How do I select a column name with spaces in PySpark?
How to handle white spaces in dataframe column names in spark
How do you query column names with spaces?
Remove spaces from all column names in pyspark
how to select column name with space in pyspark?
How to express a column which name contains spaces in Spark SQL?
How to use column names with spaces in stack function in pyspark
Pyspark Interview question
Pyspark Scenario Based Interview Questions
Pyspark Scenario Based Questions
Scenario Based Questions

How To create data files based on the number of rows in PySpark
How to restrict the number of records per file in pyspark
Write number of files on basis of Rows

Complete Pyspark Real Time Scenarios Videos.

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Pyspark Scenarios 6 How to Get no of rows from each file in pyspark dataframe
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Pyspark Scenarios 22 : How To create data files based on the number of rows in PySpark #pyspark

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Hi Bro,
i have completed ur playlist, kindly upload more such scenario videos.


Please sort the playlist in ascending order of episodes (i.e: Pyspark Scenarios 1, Pyspark Scenarios 2, Pyspark Scenarios 3


Thank you for your videos. In this video, I observed that while querying csv file using backstick, in output - header also displayed as a row which shouldn't be. Any option to avoid this? For parquet, we didn't see this. Can you pls help on this. I checked over the internet but that solution not at the end of the sql query didn't work

Автор"Id", " first name") .show()
It will not working for me again it will show
Unresolved column


Nice videos Bro!!. Need your assistance to get the job as a Data Engineer. Currently I am working as SQL database admin, planning to move to data engineer role. Awaiting for your response.


Hello everyone...

I need your advice

Primary skills: MS SQL/Azure SQL DBA
Secondary: Snowflake DBA,
GOOD knowledge on ADF, ADLS, LINUX.


I m thinking move to Azure data engineer ( ADF, DATA BRICKS )
Is it right? Else Azure devop?

Can you please suggest which is good to further .
