Why You REALLY Need To LET HIM GO...

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Why you need to let him go...In this dating advice video, I will give you the reasons why you need to let him go. You may see these issues on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips, and be sure to watch the entire video.

Letting him go is necessary when you're dealing with the wrong man who doesn't belong in your life. You have to let him go because Keeping him around will only block your blessings, and stop you from receiving the relationship that is truly best for you.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Let him go
- Letting him go
- Why you need to let go
- Online dating
- Online dating tips
- Relationship coach for women
- Relationship expert
- Dating expert
- Dating coach for women
- Relationship advice for women
- Dating advice for women
- Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "Why You Need To Let Him Go..."

Watch this video next dating advice video "If He DOES THIS, Then He's A Man Who Lies!"

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Рекомендации по теме

"You make him a better man but he doesnt make you a better woman" 💯


If he doesn't wanna talk.... "leave his ass." 😂 Perfect!


I thought I was in love with someone and poured myself into him. I was drained from him and finally realized I was a pure fool and finally walked away. I am in the process of healing but happy I am free.


"You make him a better man but he doesn't make you a better woman" every single word you said in this video hits me hard. It's time to kick this joker out of my life


1. You make him a better man but he doesn't make you a better woman.
2. If he's disrespectful.
3. If you don't want the same things in life.
4. He makes you a convenience, not a priority.
5. Your intuition has been telling you that this is not the man for you.
6. He's unwilling to communicate.


Y’all do know that leaving a failed relationship doesn’t mean you are a failure right?


😂 the road trip example… hahaha My ex husband and I one time didn’t even make it out of the driveway! Got in a fight packing the luggage in the car. He threw a fit and took his suitcase out and said he wasn’t going. The kids and I left. About 30 minutes into the six hour drive he called and said “you’re really going to San Diego without me”. I said “you said you wanted to stay, so yes, I’m leaving. We are on the freeway and I’m not turning around. Enjoy the week off of work home alone, the kids and I are going to enjoy ourselves on the beach”. He was used to being able to have his tantrums and then me bending over backwards. Not this time.

Once you start to recognize your worth you no longer do that. It was small steps like that that allowed me to finally let him know I wanted a divorce. Of course he begged/pleaded but I was done. He had 20 years worth of chances…. It hasn’t been easy (especially financially) but it’s been worth it! Let me tell you- don’t invest years in a person demonstrating they can’t handle a healthy relationship. Cut your losses sooner than later!!!


Your intuition will never do you wrong! Letting go will make room for the right person to come into your life. :)


You can love someone but still choose to let go and say goodbye. You can miss a person every day and still be glad that they are no longer in your life who is not right for you


When the Holy Spirit says "he doesn't love you" what higher voice do you need? Pack it up and go.


Perfectly stated, I couldn't agree more. I would rather be alone than be with someone who doesn't deserve me.🎯


"Do not let your Heart Desire become your Heart Disease"

Florence Scovel Shinn.


The way they treat u is hw they really feel abt u


im letting go because my needs aren't being met even when i constantly bring it up, yet i see no change. ive had enough


You can't talk to someone, who has no accountability. You can't talk to someone who constantly says everything is your fault. 8 months in and I'm out. I deserve way better. Thank you


Wow just broke up with a guy from a 6 year on and off relationship and he literally fits every point in this video. It’s literally scary. Just when I was feeling down, this woke me right up! I made the right decision.


"Let's respectfully walk away" - The narcissist has trouble with this. Boundaries have to be set and kept. Unfortunately, some people don't make it out safely. Listen to intuition early.


I was dating someone I thought I was going to marry; he initiated and kept that conversation going. We spent a tremendous amount of time together. However there were several red flags. One of the main issues we had surrounded Communication. When he'd get upset, he wouldn't talk to me; he would not answer my call or he'd take hours to respond. I will never forget the date - Monday, Feb 1, 2021 we had a disagreement; he got off the phone and decided he was NOT going to communicate with me. He started playing games; I would call him; he'd send me to voicemail; I would text him, no response; but then he would email me a few minutes later. I was devastated; I didn't understand what was happening to our relationship. 2 + weeks went by before we had an actual conversation. Long story short, after nearly 1 month of not physically seeing each other; he wanted to "work out" our differences and felt the way he handled things was immature. My heart was aching Ladies, but I walked away...


Without communication with each other you have nothing. Period.


Man, that first point hit me right in the gut! Currently divorcing a narcissist and everything he said was 100% truth. I made him a better man and leveled up his lifestyle but it was not reciprocated.
