SMSL AD18 Review - The Most Feature-Packed | Small | Class D Amplifier

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The S.M.S.L. AD18 is my favorite, compact, class D amplifier in this price range. It just checks all of the boxes for me and provides the power and sound quality that I expect.
Intro song: Friday
Music By The Passion HiFi

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Disclosure: The Affiliate links above earn me a commission if you purchase using those links. This is at no additional cost to you. This product was sent free for the purpose of this review.
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You're one of the best audio reviewers on YouTube. Great editing in addition to the content itself. Keep up the great work! I liked that overlay you did w/ the bass and treble announcements and the frequency response.


The Headphone/Speaker switch is done that way so that you can leave your headphones plugged in without continuously having to connect in and out; I embrace this feature. Great review, much respect... thanks.


Joe, you rock my brother. I can tell how much you love audio, so that makes me a fan! Keep of the GREAT love that you cover the "tech" aspect of your equipment.


someone who goes straight to the point, gives his final appreciation at the start of the video and then explains why. Great way to present it so viewers know what to expect. Thanks for sharing 👏


I appreciate the review Joe. Top rate quality production and delivery. The one question I had and you answered was, when you plug in the headphone jack, does it switch automatically. I picked up a Douk Audio Tone and it switches automatically from speakers to headphone when you plug in the headphone jack. My primary use for this is computer based audio recording where I am running the headphone out on my Mac to aux in on amp and when recording vocals and want to monitor, use the headphone out on the amp. When I want to listen to the playback on monitors/speakers, I pull out the headphone jack. But I guess not having to pull out the headphone jack would be a pro, too. I'm all kindsa conflicted over here.


Great video Joe. I am a big fan of class d amplifiers. I have a Topping Mark 2 class D Amp at 50 watts per channel. I love it as there are so many connections options. It has a good DAC too. I use it as a clear headphone amp. I am definitely a budget audiophile and I am a big fan of your videos. Good graphic presentation too.


Took the plunge and rather than pay $175 to repair my soundbar I purchased a SMSL AD18,
a pair of Pioneer SP-BS22-LR, and Micca Pure Copper Speaker Wire with Gold Plated Banana Plugs . Wow, what a superior experience over the soundbar! Now, I have a full soundstage for TV and streaming TIDAL. Keep up the good work.


I've had mine for a number of months and it rocks. I actually like the form factor of the remote; I just keep it separate from my Mi Box remote!
Their proprietary EQ mode works amazingly well (how does it know?) and I use mostly that or the flat setting. My primary input is a Chromecast Audio attached via the optical input. Yowzer!


Thanks for this kind of reviews Joel! This brings a lot of value and helps a lot in a shop decision!


Hello everyone

The 3 buttons on the remote control A, B & C

Button A is for Power Amplifier
Button B is for HP Amp or Player
Button C is for USB DAC

It is on the inside of the battery cover when you buy a new one ..


Even though I own a high current solid state amp (Mark Levinson No.331, 92lb beast)... I bought this little amp to compliment my living room. I custom made a flat speaker system using an exciter driver attached to two hanging picture frames. I have a slim profile sub hidden under a shelf. This little thing gets the job done and some. Thanks for the review. Perfect solution for a “hidden” system.


, another great review with actual testing. this is why I like your channel Joe.
great job, I've seen other people do reviews on this amp but no testing.
your editing is also very professional. thanks again. I'm considering buying this exact SMSL AMP for my wife's new Samsung TV with a pair of RB Micca speakers.
should sound just fine.


Yes! I've been using this as my bedroom amp for several years. The Bluetooth and Sub-out are my favorite features.


Quick test I did this week that might interest some of your viewers... SMSL AD18 vs Dayton DTA-120BT vs Yamaha R-S202. Worst was the Dayton, next was the SMSL and the Yamaha came out on top, by a landslide. Just a much better sound all around. Quite honestly, it wasn't even all that close. If you have the room and aren't in need of a tiny amp, buy the Yamaha. If you do need a small form factor class D amp, the SMSL is definitely worth the extra $50 or so (over the Dayton) if you value sound quality.
I'm sure class D can sound good, but it's just not there yet in the $150 range against the A/B amp'd Yamaha.


Nicely described. I heard the B & C buttons on the remote are for additional AD18's, however please don't quote me as I don't have another one to prove it. Thanks for the heads up on the SW out. I didn't spot that! Keep up the good work.


I love the AD-18. I have 3 of them. Use one on the desktop, one in the garage, and one as a field tester for speakers. Awesome product.


This is a great review. Glad I found this channel!


Great product review. I’ve been looking at these small amps for a month and this appears to be the best one around.


Wow, one of the best reviewers I've seen! Someone who actually takes some measurements on tone control & EQ! YAY!


Love your videos! But a word of caution to potential AD18 buyers, mine just lasted 4 days. It started power cycling and died. Upon further reading on critical reviews on Amazon, mine is not an isolated issues, rather a common one.
