For Heaven's Sake...No More Squats! Do these 3 moves instead. Pt. 2

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Welcome to training fellow Pac-Rimian! My name is Lee Weiland, Co-Founder & CEO of Pacific Rim Athletics, LLC and Creator of "Powerbatics."

Our mission is to help people of all ages, levels, and backgrounds achieve Total Body Mastery through Powerbatics Training.

And me and my Team of Doctorate Physical Therapists and Elite Athletes/Coaches have helped 1000's of people do just that.

And you can hear from countless students (ages 3 to 83 featured in all of our videos) who've trained from scratch and through past injuries to become highly advanced...

Gaining Press Handstands, 1 Arm Pullups, and Human Flags just to name a few...not to mention incredible Powerbatics' skills...

While radically transforming their bodies and minds for the better.

We believe 1:1 Coaching (face-to-face and online) when combined with Positive Community guarantees the very best of safe, effective outcomes.

To that end, we ONLY offer FREE order to inspire you to become a stronger version of yourself (and not to be confused with real, transformative coaching).

If you would value further information--and transformation--we suggest opting-in for our Free Training and then booking a Complimentary Coaching Session to do a deep-dive on your current situation and goals.


I look forward to everything you're going to achieve!

Coach Lee
Рекомендации по теме

Horse stance was part of my testing for a black sash ranking in Kung Fu, which was 2 rounds of 15 minutes. I'd love to get back to that again! I can attest to it being such an incredible tendon, ligament and muscle beneficial exercise.


Thank you for these coaching videos❤ have been watching for several months, you are sharing some aspects used in basic military core conditioning training, awesome!
Im still working up to hand stand flares, am at now several handstands several times per day. All my training, not workouts, is 90% conditioning, trying to heal my lungs. Thats also former Navy conditioning training am still doing. Working on horsestance time to 5 min😅, am at 1 min. I want to run up a tree and flip by the time I'm 50. I'm 47 🙏. Quit smoking nicotine 3 years ago after 30 plus years of using, was a big help with this process ❤️👏. Re-conditioning back to BETTER than was in service.


That fireman’s carry you showed was by, Kolat and he is the best at wrestling and even he teaches not to use weights and have positional strength when doing stand ups for example or shots. Also, in wrestling we actually incorporate conditioning like how you show, I even pinned someone by doing a front flip over them after they took a bad shot. Strength from all angles is what real strength is.💪💪


Hi love your videos, I'm a 58 year old man wanting to try this out but have a torn medial meniscus, any suggestions on where to start or what I can do for the meniscus, I was told it is a vertical tear, thank you in anticipation of your suggestions!


Do you train mma?

Also, are you familiar with VAHVA Fitness, and/or Matt Furey? I wonder how you would critique them.


I've started my 4 weeks horse stance challenge with the suggested 2 days off period


Lee, the only thing i want as a sprint cylcist is to strengthen the QUADS !
i need a safe Quad Exercise and nothing else.
I don't want to jump or whatever.


I really appreciate your material but I am in Texas and have no access to your gym


I live in Las Vegas. Would I be able to fly out to where your physical training establishment is and join your crew for a month or so?


Thanks coach Lee . ❤😂🎉 Square 🐴 stance
Hold that or sensai Lee will whack you with. wooden flute 🪈.


Maestro Lee en tu programa hay profesores q hablan español?


Yes, I love this guy's approach to fitness, , , , I've trained myself to do pistols so far, , , , thank you for the content. I hope to join you r training soon.


Squats are outmoded, , , , outdated, not to mention dangerous. I don't understand why they are still being pushed as a training technique. When you consider the countless injuries, lower back, knees, and now to mention hips joints! OMG 😳 just writing about it hurts 🤕.
