Getting Started with LILYGO - TTGO SIM 7000G Module • Introduction & Testing All functions • IOT

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Part 1
In this video
we are getting to know about the multipurpose development board i.e. LILYGO - TTGO SIM 7000G Module .We are testing the network signal , and the internet connectivity weather it is connected or not. We are using Airtel 4g micro sim card and attaching it to the dev board. Further we will get to know more projects on this dev board .

You can copy the code from code given below.

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Hola, un gusto saludarte y felicitarte por la extraordinaria información que compartes, bueno comentarte que seguí al pie de la letra todo el ejemplo y no me pudo salir, al parecer no hay comunicación entre el SIM7000G con el ESP32 incluso por el pin 4 no envía la señal de POWER.

Nota: la programación si se llega a completar, sin embargo no se prenden las luces de color rojo de GPS y del SIM. Lo que se queda prendido en todo momento es la luz de color azul y verde.

Gracias por tu tiempo espero tu gentil respuesta y pongo en copia lo que me sale en en el monitor serial.

rst:0x3 (SW_RESET), boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
clk_drv:0x00, q_drv:0x00, d_drv:0x00, cs0_drv:0x00, hd_drv:0x00, wp_drv:0x00
mode:DIO, clock div:1
load:0x3fff0030, len:1324
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
load:0x40078000, len:13508
load:0x40080400, len:3604
entry 0x400805f0
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46


What cable are you using? None of the usb c to usb a cables I have make the board light up.


Hi. Did u have a protues library for this model. I want to make a pcb


Hi, thank you . Can anyone tell me how i can power the board trough the pins? There is nothing to be found in the manual ! There is no VIN pin, only VBAT, which should only be 4.2v max? very confusing


Can this module be powered by supplying a regulated 3.3v to the 3V3 pin ?
And if yes, would it all power up, including the GSM module ?


Can you use the USB/Vin power to charge the lithium cell?


hi sir, can this module be used to send data to firebase?


Hello, your video is very good! Congratulations! I live in Brazil and I don't know what to put in the apn[] value on line 25. Can you help me?
