Learn German | The Perfekt (German Tenses) | Deutsch Für Euch 69

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Learn German - mit Deutsch Für Euch!

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Hi Katja, ich schaue mir deine Videos seit ein paar Wochen an und ich bin richtig froh deinen Kanal gefunden zu haben! Ich bin zwar Deutsche, aber ich bin seit 2 Monaten als German Teaching Assistant in America und wann immer ich Probleme habe meinen Studenten etwas zu erklären schau ich deine Videos! Danke, dass du mir meine Arbeit um einiges erleichterst! :) Ich glaube ich werde hier am Ende doch auch noch zum grammar nerd :D Liebe Grüße!!


Super fresh video, thanks a lot for your wonderful explanation ☺️


these videos will get me through the rest of my german class because my teacher cant teach


ausgezeichnet erklaert und fuer jeden verstaendlich. besten dank.


this is so going into my german exam tmrw is going to be a little less scary because of your videos


You are an amazing teacher. Thank you so much for your lessons!


Subscribed. Great channel. I used to like German language, but life got in the way and did not continue. Now I am starting to learn it again, and your channel is an awesome help for that :)


Grüß Gott!!! Die Videos sind echt hiflreich und gut einzusetzen im Deutschunterricht. Herzlichen Dank!!!


Hallo von England! Ich bin fünfzehn Jahre alt und ich lerne sehr gern Deutsch. Ich liebe deine Videos Katja! Bitte könnten sie der Imperativ erklären? Auf ein Video, wenn das möglich wäre? Das wäre wirklich nützlich! Vielen Dank xx


I would say that " Perfekt" is closer to the french form of past called " passé composé"  cuz it has the same use and same structure
not to mention that present/Past perfect in english are only built with "to have"


Danke für diese Video! I reviewed this and the two other linked videos before my Lingoda class on Das Perfekt this evening; it really helped me to better understand the lesson. Now I just have to practice jeden Tag until my hand falls off :-D


I just want to say that your videos are really fun to watch and they are the best I watched so far. I am a native Arabic speaker and when learning German I refer to English a lot because Arabic tenses are so different . I started learning about Perfekt last week, and I just felt confused because I couldn’t place it terms of timeline. I was leaning towards believing it’s the equivalent of English Present Perfect. But thanks to you, now it makes sense. I think it’ll get better by practicing and using. But just to make sure, this is the tense I would use to describe something that happened in the past but not so long ago, right?


Great class! This was very helpful. Danke! Gracias!


You are more interesting than my German class teacher. :)


Ich habe gerade das Easter Egg gefunden, also echt Katja, das hätte ich nicht von dir erwartet ;D


I find it interesting that the "English perfect" (present perfect) implies non-completeness, even though the original Latin word perfectus means completed or executed. But that must have to do with the way words stay but their definitions change over time. BTW, awesome videos, very interesting even for a Muttersprachler :D


German reflexives always take the “to have”, whereas French reflexives always take the “to be”...learning multiple languages is...uhh...fun


omg your videos are amazing! I am just in A1.1 and I feel like I need to get ahead of the course because I alredy know the things from that level. Thanksss


omg, Thank you so much for your time. Should I say ...vielen dank or danké schon..???...I am learning a lot. I love you <3


You are awesome! Thanks so much for what you do! <3
