I Discovered My Wife's Affair And Described It In My Diary She Found It And Was Shocked What I Knew

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I Discovered My Wife's Affair And Described It In My Diary She Found It And Was Shocked What I Knew She Tasted His Juices And Kissed With Me

(Reddit Relationship) (reddit cheating) (reddit stories)

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Oh wow. I never thought I would find this again….. The very first tale that would start me down the rabbit hole of infidelity stories.


You offer to leave the marriage AND TAKE NOTHING FROM IT because YOU BROUGHT NOTHING TO IT . not even basic honesty


Why on Earth would you reward a adultress wife? Boggles the mind.
She's so ashamed! Right!
OPs wife says she'll never do it again. Does anyone really believe that?
Once a person shows you who they really are, believe them the first time.


She said she stopped in her tracks when he pulled away, but not when he was suffering.


I get sick of seeing especially a woman who commits adultery saying that they love their husband. They do not love their spouse, if they did they would not have had an affair. She mentions that she cheated on him numerous times before. She never had any love or respect for him. He was just her safe space. She is selfish, and only thinks about her needs. I believe that he was one of those "nice guys" that never set limits or ever questioned his wife. That is probably she had no respect for him, she believed not matter how badly she treated him he would always be there. Now she is going to get a taste of her own medicine and she can't stand it. There is no way she is going to save the marriage. She even said he treated her well and she still shit all over him. She is nothing but human garbage.


The husband made a post when he found his wifes post.In it he changed the num of kids ect but it was him.He said that his wife didn't say anything just lovebombed him.But he was fwb with a single women at his work and just wasn't interested.Also during the time she was cheating they were in a dead bedroom because she just wasn't interested in him.At the end of the post he said that he didn't care if his wife saw the post and he was thinking of telling nicks wife.


Story 1: she should tell her husband the truth, it doesn't mater that he already knows. If she genuinely wants to fix her marriage then she is going to have to display some honesty. Suddenly changing her behavior won't prove anything. He seems to have an inside track on her activities, so he'll either assume she found out he knows and is trying to cover it up, or that she is simply waiting till she finds another AP. From the sound of it he's not going to leave her any time soon, at least not till the child is older so there may be able chance to fix it. The reality is he will never truly trust her again.

I'm going to be a little cynical here, from the sound of it the only thing that actually bothered her was him planning on getting some action on the side. I've never understood why cheaters hate getting cheated on. She fine with having an affair for no other reason than she could, but if he dose the same that's a problem and now her marriage is a concern. I've never bought into the "I never realized what I was doing to them." crap, yes you did you just didn't care.

Story 2: You reap what you sow, she opened a marriage with a guy she thought was messing around on her. The hell did she think was going to happen? I've got not sympathy for either of them in that stoey.


OP1… I’ve been cheated on twice. I still love her more than anything in the world, but I’m not with her. She tried using the I wasn’t thinking about how it would affect you crap as well. It’s easy to know for someone cheating if they thought about how it would affect the other person. Did you hide it and did you tell them while you were doing this? The answer is no. It’s no because they know full well how it would have hurt the significant other just as them cheating on you would hurt if you really loved them. It’s obvious that she care about him in this one, but she doesn’t love him. This is an honesty point and honestly you can’t do that to someone you love.


No one would get hurt? How delusional are you? Adultery is the worst pain you can cause your husband!
You distroyed your marriage, it is over!


innocent...I started sitting in his lap....lol so many women are just


The second girl was a pushover and got rolled over. I will never forgive cheating.. that doesn’t mean a person can’t change but they’ll have to change for the next person because I’m gone


I cannot find the story from the husband's perspective. I've heard it exists.


She don't want to fix her marriage because she " loves him" she wants a beta simp that stays home sexless while she has her flings. When are guys going to wake up and realize there are no women left worth committing to or being faithful to. You don't have to be nasty, vindictive, or condescending, hell you can even like them, but never love them, marry them, or have kids with them. Never get attached then when shit like this happens you can laugh and send her the video of you kissing her after " tasting" her best friend. Never commit or be faithful. I would honestly reccomend staying permenantly single, you really don't need them and they just complicate your life, but if your lonely just cut her lose before you start getting comfortable.


The second story this woman just need to end her marriage, it is obvious he has no respect for her whatsoever. He is a piece of human garbage himself. Maybe if he would help with the raising of his child she would have more time for him. She needs to quit being submissive and tell him once and for all how things are going to be. She should just put his stuff and leave it outside the door. She definitely deserves better.


The second story the husband sounds like a psychopath it seems that he enjoys causing his wife pain and enjoys doing so.


Damn, can't you find a program to read this stuff that doesn't sound like it's totally stoned?


Story 1 - The background means nothing. All that matters is he treated you like a princess put you on a pedestal and did everything for you and you decided to cheat on him with a married man. You have ruined two marriages an the young lives of the children from both marriages. How can you fix something like this? Listen to yourself you are lying through out your post how can you claim you didn’t know the damage you were doing? Your marriage is over and your AP’s marriage also.


What do you expect you want youre husband to say its okeey and go out and cheat no no no you have to meet him halfway no half ass and break it off with ap and focus on youre marriage and block ap on every social media outlet and block him from youre contacts also you have to set things right with youre husband take him out on dates you owe him that at least you will pay for dinner since you cheated on him


Does anyone know if story 1 had a view from the husband's point of view? I've seen other videos of the same story that implied that the husband did make a reddit post


Story 1 : ...you're f×÷ked, he's caught you and he's already gone ..
Story 2 :...wtf you waiting for ?.. you should be gone already too...
