I Found Out About My Wife's Affair When The Police Called To Ask About Her Partner...

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I Found Out About My Wife's Affair When The Police Called To Ask About Her Partner...

#redditupdate #reddit #redditrelationship -------------------------------------
♪ Tears (Prod. by MX Audio Library)
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution licence (reuse allowed)
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These stories can be mix of fiction and dramatized accounts inspired by events that may occur in real-life. They are meant solely for entertainment purposes and should not be taken literally or considered factual. We do not recommend taking these stories seriously or using them as guidance for real-life decisions.
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OP: 😔
ex: 😔
son: 😔
OP's lawyer: 🎉😆


"Beat up, raped, and set on fire"
Wow. That's true nuclear revenge.


OP is not at fault for not noticing X's addiction, especially since X hid it from him. She refused to communicate about it to the point where it jeopardized their marriage.


"I was told that not showing compassion is not the same thing as being vindictive. Letting her fall isnt the same thing as kicking her when she's down." Thats a gold quote and everyone should be thought that.

Every other story we have cheater, abuser or other POS hurting themselves (or simply suffering consequences of their action) and suddenly all "friends" and "family" and other gullible idiots are attacking the victim for not forgiving or helping poor POS.


When a lawyer calls a contract “a thing of beauty” you know the other guy is fucked. 😂😂😂


I don’t know whether it’s incredibly lucky or convenient for OP to just have an entire law firm to represent him? Maybe I’m just confused.


Best part about the story was OP’s dad sitting in an armchair with a shotgun across his lap. Most American thing I’ve heard today


OP's Uncle, God rest his soul basically saved all his finances and his life. Truly the MVP here.


I just love the ai narrator going: I 42 meters and my wife 36 female. That made me laugh on such a serious story


Honestly, this sad excuse of a mom, and a woman, doesn’t deserve anything, from drug abuse, to infidelity, to literal child abuse. How could she think that she’s entitled to anything


People who never dealt with police in there life: WELL WELL THAT DiDNt hApPeNend


Man, I kinda hate that train of thought. Dude loved his wife and thought the world of her, that doesn't make him naive and obtuse - just a decent bloke who was in love. If you hear about someone's goodness being taken advantage of, and you think they're an idiot for that, that's victim blaming. Take a good hard look in the mirror; or at least don't complain that most people are assholes.


Crazy, I wonder if AP was gang retaliation or a husband. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, just brutal.


op's uncle is an angel, unreal. thats the hardest open and shut case on divorce i've ever seen.


Dang she seriously admitted to everything, she just handed everything he need to block her from ever getting close to there son.


If op wants to help his ex without hurting himself or his son, give her a goal to work towards. Something like, "Go to rehab, prove you can be clean for 'x amount of time', and then I will allow supervised visitations, and we can go from there." This will give her something to work towards, and hopefully, she will find the strength to stay clean. Being clean should also fix her abusive treatment towards her son since I am guessing that only started after abusing drugs. Supervised visitations will do very little harm (if any) to your son, but the promise of them would do a lot for her.

Of course, this is only if op wants to help her get better. I wouldn't blame him if he wants no contact with her ever again. I think the son will be okay in either situation, if the mother is cut out of their lives forever, or if she is allowed to interact with him under specific conditions to prevent harm.


Shame the first dude pulled through, sounds karma whooped his ass. You get what you get if you go around sabotaging relationships.


1:37 a story that starts with a happy end just warms my heart <3


Did the police spend TWO hours only to conclude the best way to break it to him was THAT video.
Some people are just of less intelligence… My GOD


Of course still leave her. I know addiction is incredible hard I have had a family member OD on heroin, but at the same time she didn't try to stop the addiction she fueled and and resorted to cheating. She could have said something and she should have but she mentally and emotional scarred your son, got mixed up in a drug ring and broke your martial vows. She should have said something she wanted to hide it and ride it rather then seek help.
