Recovery Time for a Broken Collarbone

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Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Paul Brady explains the typical recovery time for a fractured clavicle, also known as a broken collarbone.
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I’m over here on day 1 and already bummed about not riding dirtbikes


How many of us are on this video the day they broke their collarbone?


Wow, this was EXACTLY what I wanted to hear at the end of the video regarding healing times. I'm 28, active, I broke mine 12 weeks ago from today during a bootcamp session and have just started returning back to my bootcamp classes this past week.
But I am, like you say in the video, in that 2-3month bracket and taking it easy with the classes, substituting certain exercises such as burpees, and going on very light weights. Great to be back, but definitely cautious! Good to know about the 4-6 months until I can start "going crazy" around then, thanks a lot!


Currently at day 6 after ORIF surgery, not very painful but struggle to sleep at night.
Gym and motorcycles were my only hobbies ;(


First time I fractured mine in a moped accident. I was in a back brace for a whole month. The day after the doctor said I didn't need the brace anymore, I got pushed into a brick wall at school in such a way that it completely broke the same collarbone but this time into two pieces. The pain is indescribable. The feeling of helplessness from an injury like that is insurmountable. Especially when people just kept walking past me as I suffered with no inclination to get help. Being this was junior high, we all know how cruel kids can be. Took a little more than two months of healing before the pain and discomfort subsided and almost an entire year before I felt like it fully healed or fused together fully.


I fractured mine by riding my bike down a hill as fast as I could and a car popped out of nowhere and I hit the front of the car and went flying through the air and landed on the Asphalt. I declined ambulance, put my mangled bike to the side and walked home. It healed on its own over a few months but at times it hurt so bad I was screaming and crying. But she's good now. That was at 35 years old


This is day six for me and still doesn't feel even a little better. I just wanna get back to normal


Broke my collarbone in 3 different places. Called a Z shape break / fracture. It’s been 4 days since surgery and god im battling through it. Your mentality and attitude are really what’s gonna carry you through this.


My wife who is 51 years old broke hers yesterday while snowmobiling. Hit a big pump going down a hill and it threw her right off. Horrible thing to watch happen. I was right behind her. Surgery tomorrow. Hopefully it all goes well. Doctor is saying she will need some hardware.


I just found out I’ve been walking around with a broken clavicle for 5 months because I never go to the doctor . Now they might have to re break it so they can set it in the right position.


I broke mine about two years ago. It happened when I was lifting weights. I was hitting triceps with two dumbbells, pulling them down toward my back and back up over my head. Felt it pop, made a noise. Didn't hurt at first, figured I was okay and carried on. Big mistake. I was around 16 at the time. Now I'm 18 years old and struggling with this bearable but horrible pain. Believe me i wanted to get seen and get help, but circumstances prevented me and still are preventing me. Hopefully I'll get it checked out soon, the pain is mainly above the shoulder/ area where it popped out of place and occasionaly around my neck at that spot. Its only on my right side, which kinda makes it worse to know how bad it is compared to feeling normal on the left side of my clavicle. Anyone who's gotten an injury like mine, please tell someone who actually cares about your well being and can help you because I ignored it when i should have spoken up and now im paying for it.


Broke mine during Brazilian jiu-jitsu sparring 3 weeks ago and I got my surgery 5 days ago. Getting used to the heaviness and sensation that I feel in the area. I feel sad that my movements are limited now especially being unable to carry stuff but I'm hopeful that it'll be healed soon and I can do things normally but no more Brazilian jiu-jitsu for me.


For everybody: if you are living in a country with good medical stuff, i deffinetly can tell you: DO SURGERY. its so relaxing. After the operation you only have the pain of the scar, not of the collarbone anymore. After 2-4 weeks you can do normal stuff and carry bags, just dont lift heavy at all. After 6-8 weeks you can start to do sports, drive, etc. After 8 weeks + you can start to do VERY CAREFULL excercises. BE CAREFULL. Its not worth breaking it again just to be able to lift 2-4 weeks earlier


I recently fractured my collarbone due to a fall caused by my epilepsy I ended up going down to A&E for an X-Ray referred to the fracture clinic they confirmed via phone call. Now I'm in a sling for six-eight weeks.


Broke my collarbone downhill mountainbiking, had to take painkillers the first two days, after that, everything was manageble. Showering was rough the first week, walking was painful without a sling the first two, by week three and onwards I had given up the sling completely, I was doing motion exercises, even climbing 40ft walls (all this happened during a semester on a sports school)
My point being, don't let anyone tell you that you are doing too much, listen to your own body, the quickest and most certain response you will ever feel, are your own nerves. Now after 2 months i finally benched 110lbs again, 120lbs being my PB pre-injury.


Thats crazy. Just broke mine grappling about 2.5 hours ago. Was no major pain at first when it happened just made a pop/noodle sound. I noticed the pain when I started moving it. When i got home and took my shirt off (definitely felt it) I looked in the mirror and seen a small bony lump on top of my shoulder. Went to the Dr and they said the same thing, about 4 months to heal. Just happy it's not a bad one. It'll heal on its own. 🥳


It took me about 8 months to regain full function of my arm and shoulder after my clavicle break. Your entire arm actually gets weaker because you aren't lifting weight the whole healing time I was also about 36 years old after age 35 your bones heal slower. Your bone doesn't fully harden for maybe a year it was still sore for a year.


I broke my collarbone 5 days ago in bike skid and my doctor said there is no need of surgery, it can heal itself and u will be okay within can i get a reply by a person who recovered naturally without surgery please???😥


I just broke my 4 months ago it’s in 3 peices hopefully I don’t need surgery but I might just have to


When will i be able ot lift the weight which i used to and after 6months will i have the same strength
