16 Personalities Getting Revenge

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The 16 Myers Briggs Personalities Getting Revenge

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okay so no one is gonna tell him how much we appreciate that singing part


"But you're too sweet to ever get revenge towards anyone."

INFP: Oh the things you don't know.


Sometimes, as an INFP, you actually don't have to do anything.

In middle school, what started out as some girls throwing little rocks and stuff at me during lunch turned into a fight that stretched through the whole grade and the principle had to intervene. The girls blamed me for what happened, and all the principle had to do was look at me and know that I was innocent. They ended up being excused from the basket ball team because of their behavior and all I had to do was shed a few (real) tears.

In high school, another girl had it out for me because I was really close friends with the guy she liked. There were several attempts where she tried (and failed) to ruin my reputation and tried to get me to fight her during the school year. On the last day of school, she singled me out outside and apparently pulled out all the stops to cut me down with her words. I don't remember a single thing she said to me because I was too busy smiling at her, knowing that if I really wanted to, I could have just pushed her down, take her crutches (yes, she was apparently the kind of stupid that would want to start a fight even after having a bad ATV accident), throw her crutches onto the school roof, and walk away like nothing happened, feeling assured I could get away with it too since she was known for causing trouble and theatrics. The teachers would take one look at me and believe that she threw her crutches up there herself to get me in trouble. I dismissed her with a smile and a laugh and walked away. I later learned through a mutual friend that I had scared the piss out of her by only doing just that, and no longer had a desire to mess with me.

It really does pay to be an INFP with a good reputation sometimes.


0:00 - ESTP
0:10 - ISFJ
0:26 - ESFJ
0:41 - ISTP
0:51 - ENFJ
1:09 - ISFP
1:24 - ESFP
1:34 - INTJ
1:47 - ENTJ
2:07 - ISTJ
2:23 - ENTP
2:41 - INTP
3:06 - ENFP
3:18 - INFP
3:30 - ESTJ
3:47 - INFJ


INFJs be like:

We don't get mad, we disappear.


I do not really get revenge on someone, only if the person truly deserved it.


as an infp, i can confirm that one of the most satisfying things about getting revenge is the fact that they never see it coming & even if they know you’re out to get them, they always underestimate your abilities, which is just as satisfying in the end ☺️


Being an INFJ isn’t a walk in the park
Do you know the feeling of giving someone the silent treatment and they still talk to you so you feel guilty and you respond to them 😭😭😭


0:00 - ESTP
0:10 - ISFJ
0:26 - ESFJ
0:41 - ISTP
0:51 - ENFJ
1:09 - ISFP
1:24 - ESFP
1:34 - INTJ
1:47 - ENTJ
2:07 - ISTJ
2:23 - ENTP
2:41 - INTP
3:06 - ENFP
3:18 - INFP (Fellow INFP here! :"D)
3:30 - ESTJ
3:47 - INFJ
Hope it helped! * sends sparkles and hugs to y'all *


As an INFJ I can confirm it, I've ignored people to the point where not only do I insure they are invisible but I'm invisible too.


Me an INFP when someone hurts me: You could pour soup in my lap and I’d probably apologize to you!
Me when someone hurts literally anyone else: *grabbing a battle axe*


We INFJs carry out revenge, but it's all in our heads LOL. Truth be told, we have enough info, creativity and intelligence to take someone down, but we really don't like drama unless it's on TV.


I'm an INFP and it takes a lot to make me hate you, but if I do I can be so unforgiving ... it even scares me sometimes

And it's right; they never see it coming


I'm an INTJ, I own my own company and have literally done that as revenge. These are so accurate!


The most stereotypical infp thing that's happened to me, was 4 years into my best friendship when my best friend finally learned that I can attack everyone I've ever met with their deepest insecurities when they piss me off but refrain from doing so coz it's just rude. She genuinely went "I feel like I have no clue who you are" and I was like "I'm sorry..."


ISTP: "It's not revenge, it's just physics.... a lot of physics."
Goodness 😂


INFP: "I'm such a nice go-with-the-flow kinda guy, it never occurs to people that I would ever seek revenge against them for all the wrongs they've committed against me which is nice because they never see it coming."

This is so true 😂 I'm too nice and kind, It wouldn't be that hard to revenge against them 🤭


As an INFP, we don’t get easily riled up or angered yeah, but we don’t forget slights made against us either, Timmy. Revenge is a dish best served by aiming where it hurts- studying and preying on psychological fears. That or spamming fairy emojis on their social cause that’s fun too.


I love the ENFP one, pretty spot on for me at least. Cool people don’t buy into revenge, move on and become more powerful. That’s how you get revenge


Someone was bullying my friend so I pushed him into some thorns and watched as he started complaining about how much it hurt

The dark side of my infp brain was tickled with pleasure
