16 Personalities Interacting with Their Own Type

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What happens when 2 INFJs get together? Or 2 INTPs?
The 16 Myers-Briggs Personalities Interacting with their own type.
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The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

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Me, INTJ after getting only a nod from the neighbour instead of small talk: "I just had a wonderful converstaion with a friend."


. 0:01 ESTP
0:12 ISTP
0:15 ESFJ
0:22 ISFP
0:42 ENTJ
0:54 ISFJ
1:11 ISTJ
1:34 ESTJ
1:53 ESFP
2:09 ENFJ
2:25 ENFP
2:37 ENTP
2:56 INTP
3:20 INTJ
3:41 INFP
4:14 INFJ


As an INTP.. I can totally relate 😭

I'm so comfortable with texting that when I speak to people irl I just go like "ehmm... soo.... stuff happens.. you know? so like.. stuff"


My best friend and I are both INFJ's, and in 15 years of knowing her, I don't think we've ever contemplated a question that's "too deep". In high school, we'd talk about the boys we were crushing on, not in a "Oh he's so cute" kind of way, but more like "He's really matured since his dad had that heart attack". Anyone else would have though we were being pretentious, but we just liked getting to the root of people.


INFJ me & my INFJ friend convo in a nutshell:
"if you're ok with that..."
"Yes...if you are."
"Are you sure? No pressure."
"Absolutely. Unless you'd prefer not.."
An endless loop of polite bowing and curtsying. Ridiculous ತ_ತ


INTP more accurate:
1: Yes, talking
2: So . . . normal
1: Indeed
*awkward silence*
2: But Lord of the Rings?
*proceeds to rave indefinitely*


as an INFP I was really glad to have finally met someone like me. after 30 minutes I got tired of the person and realized it’s actually boring to communicate with someone like me😂


i'm an INFJ and the second it hit the "but i can help you figure it out" i was laughing because it's so typical for me to give advice on being yourself and self improvement and then proceed to not do anything for myself


The double “sorry” at the end of the INFP skit is literally perfect


I met with an INFP(my type)in a party and we realized we had the same music taste so we talked for a long time and realized we relate on so many things.Then we wanted to request a song to the dj but when we got there I said”You’re gonna ask for it right”and she said”No I thought you would request it”.In the end we both were too scared to ask for a song so we went back to our table, sat miserably and questioned whats wrong with us. At that moment we related even more😅


As an INFJ, it can be difficult to grasp when people say "just be yourself!". Like can you be a bit more specific? Which part of me is the one you want me to be in this specific situation? Because trying to be all of the things that "myself" consists of at once in a social situation would be an absolute nightmare for everyone involved, including me. The best way I can describe the way I socially present myself is that I am a big dark stage with only one spotlight. The spotlight can only light up one part of the stage at a time and everything outside of the spotlight is in the dark. I can move the spotlight to show different aspects of my persona when I choose to, but I cannot make all of my persona visible at once. I can adjust the light when needed, lighting up the part that is necessary at the moment, but as new parts light up some parts that were in the spotlight before will go back to being in the dark.


As an INFP, I knew the INFP conversation before he put the personality type up lol. Though, I love it when someone relates to me because it's do rare.


My talks with other INFPs end up with us creating weird fantasy worlds and scenarios or we both talk about deep stuff and listen about each other’s morals while secretly judging each other


Came for the video. Stayed for the children.

I have a friend who was so annoyed by my saying this that she would literally yell at me to stop it. It worked. Now I only say it in my head.☺️

INFJ's facial twitch.😆👍


2:56 As an INTP, YES. I'm so good at communicating throught text, but whenever I meet the person, I'm no longer able to talk or think WTH. The worst thing ever is to not be able to bring a subject up, so the whole conversation is filled with awkward moments of silence and you get really nervous and anxious trying to think about something to talk about,
but your brain just don't cooperate. IT'S A NIGHTMARE


I’m a pretty animated INTJ. When I’m really tired or with someone I don’t really know I tend to act colder, but around my close personal friends I like to have deep and meaningful conversations. This was accurate to a tired INTJ(also known as me, approximately 66% of the time). I generally tend to seem more alive during instances with those I have a solid connection with and I can be quite amiable at times. I love to laugh, though frequently I wind up pretending to with those I barely know. Being sociable is difficult, but it can be entertaining if approached from a learning perspective, and it can help me with recognizing(and then, interpreting) the social cues others project while in the midst of an overall meaningless conversation


Me as an INFJ knowing I heavily filter my entire personality to the point where I’m not sure what being myself actually constitutes.


The fact that INFP's already knew which one INFP was when the word 'relate' came, is indeed very relatable.


My wife is an INFJ and she loves this channel. She told me I am "hands-down" an INTJ, and that I should watch a few of these. After watching a few of these, yes it's pretty remarkably accurate. Honestly, I really hope the myers briggs system becomes as common-place as colors are. That way I could just tell people my "color" and they'd go - Then I could go "K...bye now." Would be amazing. Thanks for the content.
