Why The Catholic - Protestant Divide Is Important (A Follow Up To The Last Podcast)

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In this episode I give a more in depth argument against Gavin Ortlunds claims about Catholics and Protestants. All of the sources are below. I hope you enjoy!

Books Mentioned/Recommendations:

Christianity and Liberalism - J. Greham Machen

How Should We Then Live? - Francis Schaeffer

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Carl Trueman

Resolutions for Roman Catholic and Evangelical Dialogue:

Philosophical Definitions:

Definitions on Justification:

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Great video! You had some really strong points about liberalism. Machen is a wonderful source...I'm currently 3/4 of my way through that book. Anyway, I am lifelong Protestant, but these arguments (reiterated by you) specifically about individualism, definitions, and relativistic interpretation have really driven me to almost completely reject interpretations of history, doctrine, and especially scripture that have only received widespread acceptance in the modern era. In otherwords, I can't remain Protestant and I don't think I can adopt EO either. Conservativism in practice really has no ends for me other than becoming Catholic. I see no way to reconcile true Conservativism and Protestantism. Maybe you have some words, some thoughts. Thanks
