Former Protestant Pastor tells 3 things that kept him from converting to Catholicism for so long

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It took me a long time to finally convert to Catholicism. There were many obstacles along the way. In this short video, I discuss 3 of the toughest things that kept me where I was. Eventually, I found my way through them. Watch the video to see how. If you have family or friends who have similar objections, feel free to share this video with them. I hope God uses it to bless you (and them). Thanks for watching, Keith

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I’m a convert (2003) from conservative Presbyterianism. This vid is entirely accurate. Marian doctrines and Confession were my stumbling blocks. Now, I love my Mother and confession is SUCH a consolation.


Keith, my husband and I are cradle Catholics ... but about 5 years ago, we felt that our faith was getting stale ... lukewarm. We didn’t know any Catholics who were on fire in their faith ... or even knew the theology well. We were searching for something “more.” We ended up trying a Protestant Church, and we learned so much about the Bible. We got very involved in their ministries and mission trips. That church family was so close and supportive. Then last year, our oldest son, Luke, became a Catholic Seminarian. He started planting seeds about why Catholicism was true. He was so patient with his hard-headed parents. We asked the Lord to show us His truth .... but we never expected the flood of truth that He would send. No matter where we turned or what we read, we’d stumble upon another Catholic truth that we didn’t know before. It was miraculous! We began to yearn for the Eucharist. We started saying the daily Rosary ... Whaaaat! We discovered Scott Hahn and Steven Ray .... and the Journey Home show. We began attending both churches each week. We had the most difficult time telling our Protestant brothers and sisters that we had to return to the Catholic Church. They just didn’t get it ... and nothing we said made any sense to them. As of January 2019, we are Home again in the Catholic Church. We heard a quote that said, “Bad Catholics become Protestant, and good Protestants become Catholic.” I guess were both at some point! Once we surrendered it all to the Lord, the journey back Home became easier. I will be sharing your videos, Keith, with some of the awesome Christians at that Protestant Church. They don’t know what they are missing! Thank you for sharing your heart ... I believe that many more souls will also thank you one day in Heaven!


I am in a Pentecostal church condemned Catholism but I have just encountered Mary and thd Rosary through divine guidance 🙏 and my eyes have been opened God is guiding me to the Catholic Church


Thanks for the honesty of your videos. I heard lots of lies about the Catholic Church growing up. However, when I opened myself up to studying the early Church, I discovered that the Catholic Church that existed was far different from the Catholic Church that I had been told about. I came to love the Church. Twenty-three years ago, I became a Catholic. I love the Church today more than I did then. I'm frustrated by how many Catholics do or do not practice their faith. I'm frustrated by the sex and money scandals that roil the Church today. But, like you, I've learned to judge the Church by her saints, not by her many, many sinners. And I love the Church.

My objections to the Catholic Church before I converted were bad Catholic witness, transubstantiation, Mary, and fear.

I was raised a Baptist, and growing up, I used to shred Catholics because I knew Scripture and they didn't. Plus, many of the Catholics I saw sinned willfully during the week, went to confession on Saturday, Mass on Sunday, and then back to sinning during the week. A couple of things overcame the bad witness objection. One, I came to a point in my life where my own life was upended by my sin, where I became a bad witness to my faith because of things that I did. Two, I came to realize -- by interacting with Catholics who really knew the Bible -- that Bible knowledge was not the whole of Christian life; knowing the Bible without living the Bible was pretty pointless. Also, these wonderful Catholic witnesses essentially shredded the doctrine of sola Scriptura by pointing out its lack of historical validity and its utter lack of logic.

Transubstantiation was harder to overcome. It was really, really hard. I was willing to go as far as consubstantiation, but transubstantiation simply seemed bizarre. Still, I had to admit, Jesus never said "This [the consecrated bread] represents my body." Nor did Jesus say, "This contains my body." He said, "This IS my body." All of the early Church fathers insisted that Jesus meant what he said, that somehow (it's a mystery) the consecrated bread and wine became His body, blood, soul, and divinity. Did I, 2000 years later, somehow know and understand more than they did? Jesus somehow overcame my objections.

Mary was another hard objection to overcome. However, by the time I turned my attention to the Blessed Mother, I had learned to set aside my prejudices and diligently search the Scriptures, Tradition, the Church Fathers, and the myriad of documents from the Church and learn. The answers are there in all of those documents -- including Scripture -- if one is willing to read and learn with an open mind and heart.

I wasn't a pastor, so I didn't have the fear of losing my livelihood weighing on me. By the time I overcame my previous three objections, fear seemed to have left. And so I entered the Church.

Again, thanks for your videos. I love the honesty and the courage that you show so clearly.

God bless!


God bless you love hearing peoples storys when they convert ! Love being Catholic 🙏🏽


If only every catholic knew their faith, they’ll never leave the faith.


I’m a lifelong Baptist and I feel that God has put it on my heart to convert to Catholicism.


Hey Keith it's Miguel I'm fifteen and watching your videos has strengthed my belief in Catholicism, I was having a crisis of faith because of the teachings and I second guessed the teachings of the church because I got most of my info from Protestant sources and it made me question my belief and Catholicism as a hole but hearing your testimony reassures me that my church is the church thank you Keith


Converted Protestants are the best Catholic we have.they appreciate the church more than a born opinion.


I was a Protestant for 58 years. Two years ago, my husband and I (we’ve been married for 41 years) converted to Catholicism. The biggest hurdle I had to face was praying for Mary’s intercession. However, since I have been praying the rosary daily, I have noticed such a change in my life. I am finally able to let my stressors and my worries go (sort of). Mary will intercede, along with Jesus, and fantastical things will follow!


I'm Catholic as most Polish are and I'm very suprise watching on yt so many testimonies of convertion to Catholic Church. It is awesome influence of Holy Spirit. Keith, you and others ( Steve Ray) inspire me to search deeper understanding of teaching of Catholic Church. Thank you and God bless you.


I will NEVER ABANDON the Holy Eucharist, I am a 23 years old cradle Catholic from the 🇵🇭.


I love conversion stories. As a cradle Catholic, I used to take the Church for granted. Not any more. I have a great respect for my Protestant friends but I love the Catholic Church.


I was Methodist for 56 yrs and came home Easter 2018. My objections were the Eucharist being THE body and blood of Jesus and confessing to a Priest instead of to God directly and Purgatory but when I found out the real history of it, it ALL makes so much more sense. I believe that the other faiths just don't dig DEEP enough. I find Catholicism so fulfilling whereas before I just went to church and listened to the pastor give a sermon. In Catholicism you actually participate in worshiping God. And one of the other things I like is that you understand what it means to be held accountable for your actions. The older one gets, the more you think about the possibility of death at any moment (things kids and young adults don't think about) and for me, I needed a religion that held me accountable (more than the law-legal system, but inside accountable for sins) every moment of my life, I needed guidance, something more than just sitting in church listening to a sermon for 20 minutes a week and reading the Bible here and there, not understanding much of it except the basics.
Bottom line, I feel closer to God every day and I thank him for calling me to his Son's church. I glad I finally listened.


Keith, your conviction is an inspiration for Protestants as well as Catholics alike. I can see the sincerity on your face and voice


I'm a born Catholic because of my Mother, all my Father and paternal ancestors are Methodist 😀
I pray for all my brothers and sisters to come back Home soon. Amen
Go to Saint. Thomas Acquains a Saint of Teachers, He will teach you all the reasoning with the great power of Holy Spirit. He had done that in 13th century.


My conversion started when I attended funeral Mass for my mother in law. She was such a Godly woman! She knew I was Baptist and still let me marry her daughter and take her out of the Church. She died last September after a battle with Alzheimers. Ever since her funeral Mass, I felt the Holy Spirit was tugging on my soul and leading me to learn more about Catholicism. I started reading and watching stuff from Scott Hahn, Steve Ray, and Keith Nester. So 4 months and 7 days after her death, I was praying the Rosary for the first time and I get to the fourth decade, seventh bead and I feel this tug on the crucifix while I'm praying. If you've ever fished, you know that feeling when you've got a bite on your line. It was a tug like that. I opened my eyes and looked down at my Rosary to see if it snagged on my clothes or something. Nope, nothing but several inches of air all around it. I can't explain it! I told this to my wife and she started crying. She said it was her mom letting me know she was there! She was saying welcome home! I'm so overjoyed to be a Catholic! It's my first thought when I wake up and my last when my head hits the pillow.


One year ago I decided to become catholic. I used to be a pentecostal and I had all these obstacles too.
People ask if I was convinced about all the doctrines of the Catholic Church, but actually I decided to be catholic not because the Church has convinced me about every doctrine individually, the Church just convinced me that she knows more than me and that she is guided by the Spirit of Truth.

God bless you, brother!


Thank you. You helped me deepen my Catholic Philippines


Thank you again for this sharing. Protestant converts like you make us Catholics to be on FIRE with our faith. Prayers for you here in the Philippines🇵🇭
