Guitar Theory: Phrygian Mode

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Modes are confusing, still...

But when we focus on really hearing them, one at a time, we begin to understand if we even like them at all.

Meet Phrygian, the star of "Space Oddity" and a great mood to soak in for a while. Do you like it?

00:00 Demonstration
00:33 Thesis
02:25 Lesson
07:04 Wrap up

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Love all these dedicated, bite sized videos. I always try to comment and feed the algorithm. Thanks Chris!


Yes! With modal theory in your head, figuring songs out makes leaps forward in great big moonwalking steps. Major Tom would be proud.


Another great lesson! Thanks @chrissherland!


Loving the modal videos chris! Very informative & will 💯 be subscribing to your patreon content in the near future.


I didn't know it but the phrygian mode is actually huge for me. What an awesome lesson Chris ! I sure do phrygian that's for sure. I like to stay on the bus.


You really are a great teacher! Thank you for sharing your knowledge :)


Love it. Brings me back to the 60's and listening to underground FM stations late at night. Candles, black lights, bell bottoms. PEACE. By the way Mitch, your former student, has his looper for sale.


Loving it! Good to get that explanation of staying on the bus! Ha! 😅 Thank you. Also listening through again, helped give me another great clue! F major notes, in A. 😊


Ah yes the Phrygian mode, has that Flamenco/Arabic quality to it. It's a nice flavour to add to a progression. One nice wee example would probably be Queen's Flick of the Wrist. It's not entirely Phrygian but the guitar parts are within that feel.


Thanks for including the chords Minor to Major to hear the mode! Really helps get the sound of Phrygian!


Another great lesson Chris! If you put out 10 videos a day, I'd watch each one it's entirely! Great presentation!


Thanks for pulling out the Les Paul ;)

Phrygian is one of my favorite modes. Very similar to Spanish and Middle Eastern music. Another banger of a lesson Chris thanks!


Hey now! Once again Mr Sherland you just threw back2back Perfect games/lessons for me at least so thank you for that. And since you have given the gift of your way of approaching guitar and just finishing victor wootens book my whole approach to guitar has now taken a new view and it’s an awesome feeling. So thanks again


How beautifully done and how easily. With such verbal minimalism: 1minor 2major and stay in that bus for a while. Play that cadence over and over again. Otherwise, boom! It’s gone. It has unique tone but it is fragile.

You are a Gift to music. So profound. So graceful all in less than 10minutes. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Interesting... because of working diligently every day on the reprogramming of the Pentatonics I can now play any scale all over the neck without thinking about it! You rock sir.


Very informative lesson. At this point, I'm not a fan of Phrygian and as you described, will not waste anytime playing in this mode. For me this is a positive revelation. Phrygian's sound does nothing to inspire me, and detracts from what I want to hear musically. Music tastes can evolve, so I dont absolutely write it off, but rather put it up on a shelf. Its always available for future use if the interest ever arose. The value I got from this lesson is that awarness of all available tools is important, and that you dont have to use tools that aren't useful for what you're trying to build. Use the best tools for the job. But if you ever get bored using you're preferred tools, and want to mix things up, it's nice to be aware of shelved tools that you could pick up for potential use.


A really fun Phrygian Jam is Set the Controls for the Heart of the sun


Being from middle eastern stock I was improvising in this mode before I even knew what modes are you are so right about "hearing it" I can't hear Lydian and struggle with Dorian whereas Ionian Phrygian and Aeolian come much easier to my ears


Ermahgawd, its almost clicking together, one of them ah hah moments...


I am assuming that it’s generally a good idea to include the modal chord (not sure if that’s a real phrase or not) when using modes, to enhance the mode? Meaning, if you are playing in Dorian, you would want to include a chord in your progression that uses the raised 6th?

Or am I wrong on this?
