Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think

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Fallout 3 is an utter classic that came out 10 years ago, and some rather unkind words have been said about it in that time. So I'd like to tell you just how good Fallout 3 is, and how parts of it might even be the best a Fallout game has ever been...

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Does anyone else think that stepping out of Doc Mitchell's house should be at night so you could see Vegas' glow immediately?


I wish I forgot everything about Fallout 3 and New Vegas so I can both replay them all over again. They both have a special place in my heart.


It's my bedtime but I can't stop watching this video. You owe me one bedtime.


Playing fallout 3 as a child I would just replay the vault section over and over again but once I got to the door to the wasteland I reloaded a save and did it over again seeing how scared the guards were to follow me out there and having the door sealed behind actually made me feel fear of what was on the other side of that door.


Random event: I walked out to the Super-Duper mart for the quest as as I see the building, I see a sudden nuclear cloud appear. Once I get there, I find the corpses of a rad roach right beside the corpse of a raider with a fat-man.


Many A True Nerd: *makes 2 hour video with no ads*

Literally everyone: *_not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed_*


i was playing fallout 3 the other day, and i overheard two mutants talking to eachother. i was sneaking because i wanted to hear them continue since it was unheard dialogue to me. one mutant said "i was thinking. and it hurt! it hurt my head! but i remember things... from before. i think i knew a woman... or maybe i was a woman? it hurts!" and the second mutant kind of shut him down and said "ha ha! you talk a lot! it sound funny when you talk! like a stupid human! hahahaha!" and it made me kinda feel bad for them :/


Fallout 3 was my introduction to open world games (I was about 12 so my parents were slowly starting to let me play violent games) and it became quickly my most favorite game of all time, I still to this day can't find a game that gives me the same feeling the first time playing fallout 3 gave me


Almost 2 hours long
Doesn't have Adds

Im very proud of this community


Did anyone else realize that if you eat the sweet roll immediately, you get a new speech option for Butch?


I remember the first time I did the Tenpenny tower quest, helping the Ghouls and then coming back to find all the humans dead, I was so mad because of how much i went out of my way to help them only for them to do go ahead and kill 'em all anyways that I wound up killing all the ghouls, its one of those things in Fallout 3 that still sticks with me.


The first time leaving the vault in Fallout 3 was a huge deal. This was the first time that the world of Fallout was depicted in 3D. And it was beautiful.


Fallout 3 was my intro to Fallout so it holds a special place in my heart, none of the other games ever captured that fun time of just running from place to place listening to the radio.


Fallout 3 is one of the defining games of my early teen years. My first fallout game. Spent probably at least 300 hours on it


Unrelated: *But can we talk about how useless the Chinese pistol was?*


The whole "you can't kill children" argument is mostly due to a change of time and priorities. Even at the time of fallout 1's release, international versions patched children out all together to avoid the whole child killing dynamic. When fallout eventually came to digital markets via steam and gog, the censored European versions were specifically used. Therefore the only readily available versions of the original fallout have no killable children either. Killable children just isn't something 99% of game devs want to deal with, even New Vegas didn't tackle it.


You know what? First time I played this, I didn't realise Megaton was a place. I saw a robot next to a scrap pile and stayed the hell away.
Found the hollow rock first time, though.


I like pickpocketing power armor into children’s inventory and making them wear it...
Tiny power armor!


Unpopular Opinion:

Both 3 and NV are good for different reasons.


One thing i always loved from Fo3 is the way you can approach problems from unconventional ways. "Escape from Paradise" has you rescuing the little lamp brats, but one wants to stay behind, Penny who wants you to rescue Rory. When you and Rory have to make it to the exit, you have two options; kill all the slavers or tell Rory to run and hope he doesn't die in the process, which he likely will. However if your skill is high enough you can pick pocket all the slavers' weapons including the minigun from the sentry over the platform (also don't forget the unique pool stick, unarmed slavers will try to use it) once everyone is disarmed you can reverse pick-pocket Rory that very same minigun. When you tell him to make a break for it, all the slavers are going to run towards him with their bare fists, while he uses the minigun. He is going to kill all the slavers in his way and you won't get good karma or lose standing with them. It's basically Butch 2.0 in which you empower an NPC so he can save himself, the game never telegraphs to you this, it is an option you have however because it counts on you being crafty.