Do You Need Salt In Your Aquarium? Pros and Cons

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I have a 3 gallon tank with a betta, 2 5 gallon tanks with goldfish and another better and a 20 gallon with guppies, mollies, and shrimp. I was the type of person that thought it was simply just water and a filter. After binge watching all your videos for the past few months and learning alot of new things my aquariums are healthier than ever! I'm the only 13 year old in my school with 4 fish tanks in my room. Thanks for all your help!


Recently found your channel and after a long break from keeping fish, you’ve reignited my passion. You’re just the breath of fresh air I needed in 2020. I can’t thank you both enough ❤️


I never care for fish keeping until I stumble on your channel. I got a 5 gallon tank and a betta. Then got a 10 gallon and added 11 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasboras, 3 snails and 3 Cory's. Last weekend I bought a 29 gallons tank for them. Your passion for fish keeping sold me.


If everybody in business was this honest and helpful, what a wonderful world this would be.👍✌


"aquarium salt" or as it is more commonly known: regular sea salt


I "micro dose" with salt. I use it to add minerals and the good stuff fish need, but I only do a tablespoon for my 30 gallon, 1/2 tablespoon for my 20 gallon, and a pinch for my nano planted tanks. Since doing so I do notice a difference in my fish. I think salt is great preventive care. I'll say it like this, I've never had a sick fish, but my husband who doesn't use salt has. He's dealt with ich, hole in the head, dropsy, fungal infections, and I have not.


I moved my fish yesterday to a 150g and was looking like crazy for this video. Loved it and really think that salt is necessary for controlling stress and the internal and external health of the fish. Keep this informative videos going 👍🏼


Crazy how I just ordered fritz A+ yesterday to treat my fresh water fish for diseases and here we are talking about it .


I used salt for a 2 week treatment on my new goldfish. They had minor fin damage from being shipped and I dosed some salt just to prevent any infection from setting in while they were healing up. Worked like a charm!


i absolutely love and appreciate that you recommend watching other videos and reading articles (aka research ;) ) for people to come to their own opinions. Thank you so much for all you and Lisa do for the hobby! Your videos are massively helpful <3


You guys are my most trustworthy channel for information.


I've been using salt for 15 years my fish are 15 years old and I've never had an itch problem or any other problem due to illness they are very healthy and they are very big now


I would really like it if you did a video on how aquarium salt affects live aquarium plants and algae


I had a 10 gallon, 20 gallon & a 55 gallon at one time with mostly platies, some guppies, tetras and assorted danios. I would put regular sea salt from the grocery store & never had any problems. Your channel really makes me want to get back into the hobby. Great stuff!


The other week I had no idea what was wrong with my betta, but he was hiding and not eating. There was no sign of obvious illness. So I dosed my tank with aquarium salt and put the temperature up. A few days later he was back to normal. Not sure if the salt did anything, but added to peace of mind.
Aquarium salt is a good first aid medication.


Will adding salt cause any harm to the beneficial bacteria already existing in the Aquarium? And can adding to a planted tank cause any issues for plants?


In asia, mostly Malaysia and Indonesia we use ketapang leaves. It help fish recovery and lower pH lvl but might turns water cloudy. But it beneficial to fish.


with Canada not allowing a lot of fish medications salt is a life saver!!


I bought a few Betas from KGT and I can honestly say I was very impressed with the quality of fish that arrived. They are still doing well and I plan on ordering more before summer starts.
