How Much Salt Do Humans Need?

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How much sodium do you need in your diet? Laci tells you about a new study that lists the right amount of salt you need to stay healthy!

Read More:
Sodium Guidelines ‘Need to Be Rethought,’ Experts Say
“People whose diets contain moderate levels of sodium may have healthier hearts and live longer than those who consume too much or too little of the mineral, new research suggests.”

Low-Salt Diets May Pose Health Risks, Study Finds
“A long-running debate over the merits of eating less salt escalated Wednesday when one of the most comprehensive studies yet suggested cutting back on sodium too much actually poses health hazards.”

Death By Salt? New Study Finds Too Much Sodium Is A Global Killer
“Americans are accustomed to being nagged about salt. We're told we consume too much — particularly from processed foods. And that all this salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.”

Watch More:
Salt Myths Debunked
TestTube Wild Card
Is Salt Really That Bad?


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Ever since I was a kid, I've always craved salty foods, like potato chips, pickles, olives, etc. Turns out I had an extremely rare disease and my body wasn't absorbing salt and potassium, among other things, correctly, so I was always very low and that's why I craved it. The human body is incredible. 


what's up with complicating the units?
2000 milligrams = 2 grams
2300 milligrams = 2.3 grams
6000 milligrams = 6 grams
need to stretch out the script?


I find it a bit annoying that 3000mg is used instead of 3g, looks like they just want to use larger numbers in order to make it seem more advanced or something along those lines.


I just listen to my body. Sometimes I know that I am low on electrolytes and I can feel the salt give me energy. I just try to listen to and love and nourish my body by giving it what I think it's telling me it needs.


Too little salt is a real problem people have when they switch to the Paleo diet.  It causes muscle cramping.  For me, it was in the calves.  Generally "going Paleo" means eating virtually no processed foods, so the recommendation is to salt your food and drink up to 2 cups of broth per day if you need more.


This is mostly my speculation, but there is definitely a number of different variables. Firstly, let me state high salt intake will result in higher water retention and more work by the kidneys to clean the blood. Now, those who participated in the study could have lead moderately healthy diets, or there may be a fallacy within the widely accepted amount salt intake. If you guys have also not heard of the potassium-salt pump within muscles (not sure if its totally true) having a high amount of potassium to counterbalance a high amount of salt could enhance physical performance. 


I'm supposed to have more sodium than a normal person because I get dehydrated to easily and sodium retains water so I have a moderately high sodium diet


0:53 Ok, 0:54 alright, 0:55 good, 0:56 enough,  0:57 stahp, 0:58 STAHP, 0:59 NO MORE! ~cut~ *phew*


Just reading the title made me laugh for some reason. 😂


my little sister eats like a can of salt with every fricken meal. i took a spoon full and gagged 


Electrolytes in balance and use the RDA's to work out that balance.


I just don't know how much salt I consume. Isn't that the best amount?


i hate salt
i dont put any extra salt on anything not even one little drop


sodium causes dehydration high blood pressure and it is not good for me it doesn't taste good for me


Salt studies aren't worth their salt.


Since this is a international study, one would have to assume that the people with a lower salt-intake could very well come from a culture and climate completely different from that of someone with a high salt intake. As in, someone who eats a little salt might come from Italy and eat Italian cuisine while someone with a high salt intake might come from the UK or US and eat a different cuisine. Wouldn't then salt simply be a side-effect and perhaps have no actual correlation with the health issues? I'm NOT saying it is that way, it's just an observation and my curiosity speaking.


Moral of the story: Everything in Moderation


Salt? I practically swim in the stuff. (Arrrgh, that be a pirate joke!)


I already know what it's like to have too little sodium: it feels like your heart is gonna stop when you sleep; it's scary!

Word to the wise: don't just pour salt in your mouth to compensate, because some salts have iodine and your thyroid will swell if you get too much of that.


I have a theory about why the studies contradict each other about which salt intake is healthy...

Moderate salt added healthy fruits and vegetables = healthiest
Fruits and veggies without added salt is healthy but not as healthy as above
Processed food (western) diet with a lot of salt is not healthy and leads to health problems...

In one instance moderate is healthy and in another moderate salt is deadly. Maybe the food with that salt matters.

pretty simple no? just some thoughts
