Time to rethink salt | Jens Titze | TEDxNashvilleSalon

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The theory about salt and our body is simple and intuitive. But does it hold true when we test it on the long-term? Woven into this groundbreaking talk is a story about addressing a medical comfort zone with unconventional research questions, conducted at unconventional places, carried out with unconventional people. Watch this talk now to learn more. I am a clinician-scientist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and University of Erlangen, Germany. In 1991, as a medical student in Berlin, I took a class on human physiology in extreme environments. The professor who taught the course worked with the European space program and presented data from a simulated 28-day mission in which a crew lived in a small capsule. They had collected the astronauts’ urine and other physiological markers, and noticed something puzzling in the data: Their sodium excretion went up and down in a seven day cycle.

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My first listen was at normal speed and I was already tired. I sped it up to 1.25 and it’s perfectly digestible. 1.25 SPEED NEEDED!


Salt also fights off many diseases and fights off lethargic feelings. Also, sweating during workouts means lots of salt loss. Don't avoid salt. Consume it in moderation.


Don't blame salt for what the sugar did!


I have questions:
why are supposedly healthy diets such as Japanese diet or Mediterranean diets high in salt? Apparently heart diseases rate is quite low in these countries?
So is salt really that bad? What If I consume 10g salt a day, but I eat a lot of fresh food and veggies high in potassium, and do regular exercise?
And what if I also live in a hot and humid place where I get to sweat a lot?
Would I still be fine?


He talks like a person that's not all wacked out on uppers. Loved it. The next Ted talk will be on the dangers of long term high dose legal stimulant consumption. Yes that even means no more coffee.


Hey thank you, I noticed that salt doesn't directly add calories, but it makes me eating more food because of the flavor.
I made an experiment today - I ate my porridge with salt and oil - as I usually do, and several hours later - just oil and porridge without salt.
I tasted more plain but it still was tasty. And guess what - I consumed 2 times less and that was enough for me. As for the salt - it acts like a sauce - you eat more because of the flavor.
And here is your video - now I know that digestion process, which makes our salt consumption also responsible for being overweight.
Everybody knows about sugar, but there are few videos about salt.
PS I also noticed that coffee consumption makes me eat more, but maybe it's just my specific thing, coffee makes my mind more chaotic


Would have been nice if they did a hair tissue mineral analysis before and after.


Advice before starting the video put it on 2X


It's very interesting story to break traditional Na-water concept. And I feel it's not slow for Japanese, non-native.


it's a very important info, definitely deserves a much better presentation


I would want to know what the sugar intakes were for this all.


The info he gives is too vague.
He says they ate 20% more, but 20% more of what? I’d like to see the foods they’re given. Also he showed an 85 year old heart with hypertension, but what do his other Health markers look like?


I m 29 and I love salt. I’m obese. I’m 5’5” and weigh 300 lbs. I’m curious to see how I can implement salt into a healthier diet and be optimal.


Really interesting but this guy talks so slowly!


I got the opposite info from the YT channel "What I Learned", he's got like 8 videos on why low sodium diets CAUSE the health problems they are supposed to solve.


I’ll read the comments for further clarification but can some one help break down the end? About energy retention and it’s correlation To salt?


i think hes missing the hormonal change when including diet cause calorie restriction in small multpile meals perday can eat muscle as well.


Not a whole lot of detail given on this experiment. Such as what did the rest of the subjects diets consist of? How did they control and deliver the sodium? How many meals were they eating? How many calories were they eating? How much water were they getting? Was salt the only thing they were testing? And what was this, 6 people? Not a very large group to make a geralization about salt intake or anything else for that matter. Would require much more testing and larger group sets to validate these results and determine an the exact mechanics of whats happening. And really its sugar you should be afraid of anyway.


How much salt was used in the experiment and what kind of salt?


How does "produce more water in the body" happen
