Professor X Tries To Read Deadpool’s Mind…AND DIES!?

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Professor X Tries To Read Deadpool’s Mind…AND DIES!? #deadpool #xmen #shorts #marvelcomics #shortsfeed #marvelcomics #marveluniverse
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Deadpool kills the xmen in chapter 2 of "Deadpool Kill The Marvel Universe." Wolverine calls Professor X "Wheels" in X-Men (2000).


And ultimately this DP gets killed by the Deadpool from the main 616 universe. Proving that he only did what he wanted because the writer allowed it. Showing how it was all for nothing


Did he just call Prof X "Hotwheels" 😂


I could have sworn that this version of Deadpool was also always aware that he was fictional like 616, but the voices in his head that played that up for comedy and allowed him to cope were killed off and replaced by something more murderous.


What people seems to be unaware of is Deadpool is not cosmicly aware, he's just insane and everything he says just happens to be right


No… it’s not that he learns he’s ink on a page that sets him off. He already knew that. It’s that a villain (forget who) poses as a therapist who’s going to help Deadpool. The X-Men send him there and the “therapist” decides to strip out the voices on Deadpool’s head in an effort to brainwash him (like wipe out what there) and then condition him to be under his control as a weapon.

And because the two voices that are usually the most present and loudest in his head are gone the only that remain are Deadpool’s inner monologue and a 3rd voice that is not okay with being a comic character and is extremely angry and resentful about more or less everything.

Previously Professor X had trouble reading Deadpool’s mind because of all the voices and noise going on in there. But after the voices are stripped out it’s possible to read his mind.


The “Deadpool Kills” trilogy was an amazing read back in the early 2010’s, Gerry Dugan understood the character like no other.

edit: still gonna praise Dugan(and by that extent, Brian Posehn, please read Good, Bad & Ugly if you haven’t!), but I’m wrong, Cullen Bunn is the one who wrote the Killogy!


I love the idea that deadpool is actually CONSTANTLY having a stroke at a level where even Thanos or The Watcher would seize up

And his healing factor is just healing his brain faster than he can die 😂


Deadpool killustrated is one of the best names of a comic in history


I love everything about this story. Its literally the reason we have a deadpool version of everything...he literally inserted himself into fiction


This comic and gerry duggan's run made me emphatized with deadpool. It made the 4th wall break trope from a comedic relief to a frigthening concept. Imagine knowing that every shit thing that has ever happened to u or ur loved ones, ur life is just someones entertainment.


The thing about Deadpool is that his flaw is a feature. Most versions of Deadpool understand that they're comic book characters and end up being exposition fuel for the reader or taking verbal pot shots at the world they live in. In the 616 universe when Deadpool and Spidey go camping (long story, but fun read, though continuity does get questioned two-thirds of the way in), Deadpool explains to Spidey that he sees the readers as a way to cope with his own problems; it's another source of humor for him to hide behind with the meta commentary references and contextual quips. It's somewhat similar to what She-Hulk used to do back in the day when she would address and tease the readers, though the difference here is that when Deadpool does it, it's perceived by everyone as a lunatic talking to himself or an imaginary friend versus not noticing when She-Hulk does it. Also in universe, She-Hulk stated that she stopped doing the trick once Deadpool came onto the scene.

However, the thing about this version of Wade is that he's become incensed and damaged due to the tinkering of a villain, which created a third personality that drove him to commit his murder spree. To him, his understanding of the meta has him doing what he can in a twisted attempt to "save" everyone and later on in the series, promise his counterparts a final release from the pain and suffering they've dealt with throughout the years.


Apparently, this variant of Deadpool is killed by the main one we all know. Revealing, it doesn’t matter what Deadpool does. He may escape the comic, may kill off his creators, may end Marvel by destroying the inspiration for heroes. But in the end, it’s revealed that, no variant of Deadpool will truly ever escape his own reality of comics. Because even leaping off the page and killing Marvel only happened because the writers allow it. Him escaping is just the illusion of control and freedom. Instead, the main Deadpool we know, is content with is lot in life. His experiences, his bonds with those he will outlive due to being rebooted every few years, are real. That has to count for something.


I always thought dp kills the marvel, he kinda killed them WAY to easily, like ghost rider, multiplying man, the big wheel and wolverine.


This is one of those stories that defies it's own concepts to work. If you were ink on a page and existed as comic book characters do, he is immutably more real than us. Just beholden to the whims of strange gods who disagree on everything. No more or less alive than us.


Marvel has really jumped the Deadpool with this one. 🦈


Deadpool watching the watcher looking away got me 💀


I thought deadpool always knew he is a comic book charackter? In the comic he just got a telepath messing with his brain which locks a certain "i am done with this" attitude into it. Which is why he starts cleaning house. Or did i miss something in the comic?


Call professor X hot wheels is crazy 😅😂


Imagine having to destroy everyone you called friend just to draw out and kill the beings controlling your entire world, _only to find out that they're also fictional and being controlled by a greater being._ just like 🤷‍♂️ wtf
