At What Age Should We Die?

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Trace, Tara, and Julian came across a story of a man that says he doesn’t want to live past age 75. They thought it would be interesting to discuss this here in a DNews extra.
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I'm ready to die once I can no longer wipe my own ass. I feel like that's fair. I mean, what do we do with tools that can no longer serve their purpose? What good is a saw with no teeth, or a hammer with no handle? Sure, they can be repaired, but only to a degree. I look at my own body the same way. Once I can no longer be independent and my body can no longer do what I need it to do on it's own, I'm ready to die.


Age doesn't matter, state of being does


The funny thing about death, is that everyone else, except yourself, will know that you are dead. Since you will never experience being dead, you will never know that you are dead.


I don't want to get any older than 60, but at the same time I want to be immortal to see what man kind can achieve.


The thing is I don't see living longer as a good thing. You'll just be old longer.


my grandmother is working on 82, she's been heading downhill since age 78, and her quality of life is absolute crap. we've finally moved her from hospital to hospice & we're hoping that that helps her achieve her peace. 75 might have been a good age for someone like her. (that sounds mean but you don't know her)


I don't really believe in death. I think it's just some crazy conspiracy.


An eternal life would obivously SUCK.
Now, if you were able to live as long as you wanted to, with the ability to end everything at any point...
Now THAT is a step forward.


I HATE it when people say suicide is "selfish". It's your body, you can choose to do what you want with it. If you want to cut your timeline short then that's your own right to do so. It's as natural to die as it is to live. 


I think the US should declare Florida the National Depository for Senior Citizens.


That guy is an idiot. A lot of people don't even get to retire until that age. I know lots of people in their 70s and 80s who are still healthy and able to get around just fine and are finally able to have time to just enjoy life and do whatever they want. My grandparents are 80 and 81 and they like to take little road trips and go to casinos and fun things like that. I hope they enjoy the rest of their lives and its nice to have them around still. My great grandma is still around at 99 too...and while she lives in a nursing home now she is still happy and we like having her here too and it will be awesome if she makes it to 100.


My great grandparents are both 90 and they still live on their own, perfectly capable of driving, getting their groceries, doing their yard work, etc. Now imagine if we all died at 75. They could have had 15+ years of perfectly good, active life and they wouldn't have even gotten to try it out.


75? Hell no... My family (on both sides) usually gets really old. My maternal grandfather was helping my cousin build a house from scratch at age 81! He's now 85, and doing quite well, and my maternal grandmother is 81 and also doing fine. Her sister died at 86 and their mother died at 93. All quite healthy until they died, with no need for old people homes or whatever. If you died at 75 instead of 93 then you would have lost 18 years - that's 72% of my entire life!
My paternal grandfather's family all died in their mid 80's to mid 90's...


i used to think if i could live long just like fictional elves, i could learn all sorts of things, instruments, science and etc. But i think if we live that long, we take life for granted knowing there's always tomorrow. As much as we would want to live longer, quality of life deteriorates and in the 3rd world country it would burden love ones, like it or not.


My grandmother said she would rather die than live in a nursing home. She's only in her 60's, has had 2 strokes and a diabetic coma. I feel so bad because she never smiles anymore, every visit to the nursing home is so depressing.


My grandfather is 73, i believe, and he is living well. He still even works 8-12 hours a day outside. If you are in a situation where you are just prolonging your misery, then sure, hope to die.


My father is 94. He is still playing golf (and winning). Grows great tomatoes. Enjoys watching football. Most of all he is lucid, articulate and has so many stories to tell.


i dont know you guys, but i plan to live as much as the Protoss do, 300 years in combat is a good age to die, the khalai warriors who die before that are just weaklings


I think it depends entirely on the individual. For example, I know a lady who is 94, and every day is torture for her, because her brain had deteriorated to the point that she doesn't recognise her own family, has no bladder or bowel control, and thinks random strangers are out to either hang her or shoot her. She'd give anything to have died at 75. On the other hand, I know a lady who is 74 and still has easily 30 years of functional life in her. For her to die in a year would be a tragedy.


75 is young, in 20 years time people will live to be 1000, in great health btw too. 

if he said 85, I'd understand, around this age things tend to get bit difficult, but 75 is still relatively ok,  
