The Bible CANNOT Condemn Homosexuality?

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Even if the biblical authors didn’t understand the modern concept of homosexuality and even if the biblical authors didn’t ever use the word ‘homosexuality,’ that wouldn’t change the fact that the Bible still describes and condemns homosexual sex—the behavior itself.

#RedPenLogic #Christianity #Apologetics


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#RedPenLogic #Christianity #Apologetics


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Even more simply, The Bible prohibits all sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Marriage, of course, only being between a man and woman as proscribed by Biblical law. Any sexual act outside of marriage is a sin.


In their logic : dinosaurs didn’t exist till 1677, cuz the word dinosaur wasn’t used before then..


It’s crazy how the tiniest most minimalistic amount of research can so simply debunk the first guy’s argument yet I bet there are tons of people that are gonna take the seed of that first guy’s word and let it grow and accept it as truth because that’s the easier thing to do.


I appreciate how you let the speaker complete the thought, and then replied clearly and specifically to the concept in clear Biblical truth.


The Bible is brilliantly written in so many ways. In describing the action instead of just using a word, you can't be caught up in the changing of definitions.


the bible is clear on homosexuality, those are not even difficult passages. They just want to hold on to their sin and twist the bible to promote it. So deceptive! great video, as always.


I grew up in San Francisco and had no clue what Christianity or any other religion was. I remember very well growing up with other boys that all had the same interests as me. I also remember having that curiosity as they did, of the opposite sex long before puberty along with those same boys. Silly stuff like sitting at the bottom of stairs and trying to casually look up the skirts of girls as they top the stairs and getting that little thrill of a slight flash of panties as my friends did. I also remember the grown Gay men trying to entice me from age six on up. They would try to entice me with all the things they found out from talking to me I was interested in to come to their apartment to see their book, fish, or rock collection. I was a pretty wary and street wise, so I never fell for their charms. My friends, unfortunately for them, did fall for those different techniques of enticement and were molested. To this day they are homosexuals (I mourn the loss of a wonderful word: Gay).
Those same friends also say they were always attracted to the same sex, and I dare not correct them since I grew up with them. In fear of losing their friendship, I dare not remind them of that first experience whether it be with a same sex friend they loved so much they just wanted to kiss them, or that scary dude they didn’t understand what was happening. Molestation is a very personal thing, whether it be from a mutual friend or some scary stranger. The truth will set them free, but today’s society encourages falsehoods of being born that way because it’s easier and more convenient than the cold honest truth. I have also seen those same friends fall into the pits of excess drugs and drink and with the moral decay that follows the life style.


This is a great response. You correct Brandon’s argument without attacking his character while acknowledging where he was right (the translation isn’t perfect). This is how apologetics should be done. We need to present the truth, but in a loving, Christlike way.


shame on that false preacher. good reply as usual.


The idea that he can decide what The Word of God can and cannot do tells me everything that I need to know about him


That guy on stage is the same man who called Jesus "racist" and said there's no such thing as Hell! He's literally one of the false prophets the Bible warns us about!


I love that you make these videos in a quick, concise format. It's not a big ask to send them to people who are misled by soundbite sophistry. Thank you, and may God bless you!


The Bible doesn't say " don't pole sharp pencils into children's eyes" yet we know intuitively it is a condemned behavior.


Hum, 2000 years ago, they didn't have the word "weather"either, But it STILL rained!!


“The Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality, it only says a man shall not lay with another man.”
-This genius


It's weird how people will try hard to make the Bible seem like it's anti-women or totally in support of any type of slavery but those same people will also try really hard to remove the obvious condemnations it has for LGBT. It's like they are trying to be as wrong about the Bible as possible. 😆


As a brand new Christian in July 2020, I started to read the Bible cover to cover (started at Genesis 1:1 because I thought, "the Bible is a book, like any other book") and was shocked and convicted in Leviticus. I asked God to remake me into who and what He wants me to be, no terms or conditions on my part.
He gave me a new identity in Him. I've been a heterosexual woman for just over 3 years now (first time in my life), and I haven't looked at a woman or been tempted in all that time. And haven't looked at p*rnography. Or played video games. Or read lewd books. Being remade is absolutely possible, IF we're willing to give our lives and will to God. God's Will be done in your life, not your own will.
The Bible isn't just a book. It's the Word of God, revealing the God of the Word to us. It's an instruction manual. It's lifesaving and lifegiving. When we read the Bible, It reads us, too.
The Bible is clear about homosexuality, and also clear on God's view on marriage: between one man and one woman, and that sex takes place within a marriage. The Bible also offers many examples of people who figured they knew better than God and they (and often their families) paid dearly for it.
The battle in these last days is a battle for our minds, our will. Rebuke and renounce delusion. Accept and see the reality and the Truth of God (Yaweh), Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit! #wakeup


Thank you for this video. I stream on Twitch and I have been plagued with this question on homosexuality and such. Having this explanation is really helpful and insightful. God bless


I have always taught its the act/behavior that is the sin not the attraction. Thank you for posting the true understanding of the the Bible.


He wouldn’t have received a passing score on a middle school book report with that level of lousy scholarship.
