Easiest & Flexible Date & Date Range Picker in React JS (3 Variations) | Full Guide

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In this video we are going to create dropdown date picker, date range select and date range picker. We have created three variations that are easy to build and meet requirements for most of the projects. These are highly customizable and easy to use. I have used inputs in examples but you can use simple divs instead of inputs. It is react js and we have important things stored in state anyways. So use input or div as you like. It doesn't matter.
In our examples, Onclick of input, dropdown opens. On outside click, dropdown closes. On pressing escape key, dropdown closes as well. This is a comprehensive and flexible date and date range select for your react projects. In case of date range selection, we have the start date and end date separately also. You are not bound by anything while using these date select and date range select utilities.
We are going to use a package to create these. React Date Range. This package offers:
- Stateless date operations
- It's Highly configurable
- Has multiple range selections
- It's based on native js dates
- Offers drag and drop date selections
- It's keyboard friendly
Go to it's live demo page. Here you will find everything that you need. It requires CSS files for styling. And most importantly, it offers 4 standalone components.
- DateRange
- DateRangePicker
- Calendar
- DefinedRange
We can use any of these depending on our project requirement. We need another package to format dates. Date FNS. It's like loadash for dates. We have created three components. On date selection, date is stored in state. We are displaying date in input from state. Date FNS is used to display formatted dates.
Project Files / Code
✅ Display Data From JSON File in React
✅ Display Icons / Images from JSON File in React JS
✅ Fetch All Types of Data from JSON File in React JS
✅ 7 Ways to use Images in React JS
✅ Easy Way to use Images in React JS
✅ Require Image Not Working in React JS
✅ Multiple Images in One Import
✅ Multiple Sets of Images from One Import in React JS
✅ Default Map is not a Function in React JS
✅ Async Await Fetch in React JS
✅ Assigned a Value but Never Used
✅ Easily Sort Before Displaying Records in React JS
✅ Responsive Image Gallery from Scratch in React JS
✅ ReactJS Playground
✅ JavaScript Problem Solving:
✅ Web Development Essentials:
✅ Crash Courses:
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#ReactJS #JS #React #DatePicker #DateRange #DateRangePicker #javascript #project #WebStylePress #webdevelopment
In our examples, Onclick of input, dropdown opens. On outside click, dropdown closes. On pressing escape key, dropdown closes as well. This is a comprehensive and flexible date and date range select for your react projects. In case of date range selection, we have the start date and end date separately also. You are not bound by anything while using these date select and date range select utilities.
We are going to use a package to create these. React Date Range. This package offers:
- Stateless date operations
- It's Highly configurable
- Has multiple range selections
- It's based on native js dates
- Offers drag and drop date selections
- It's keyboard friendly
Go to it's live demo page. Here you will find everything that you need. It requires CSS files for styling. And most importantly, it offers 4 standalone components.
- DateRange
- DateRangePicker
- Calendar
- DefinedRange
We can use any of these depending on our project requirement. We need another package to format dates. Date FNS. It's like loadash for dates. We have created three components. On date selection, date is stored in state. We are displaying date in input from state. Date FNS is used to display formatted dates.
Project Files / Code
✅ Display Data From JSON File in React
✅ Display Icons / Images from JSON File in React JS
✅ Fetch All Types of Data from JSON File in React JS
✅ 7 Ways to use Images in React JS
✅ Easy Way to use Images in React JS
✅ Require Image Not Working in React JS
✅ Multiple Images in One Import
✅ Multiple Sets of Images from One Import in React JS
✅ Default Map is not a Function in React JS
✅ Async Await Fetch in React JS
✅ Assigned a Value but Never Used
✅ Easily Sort Before Displaying Records in React JS
✅ Responsive Image Gallery from Scratch in React JS
✅ ReactJS Playground
✅ JavaScript Problem Solving:
✅ Web Development Essentials:
✅ Crash Courses:
Thank You!
#ReactJS #JS #React #DatePicker #DateRange #DateRangePicker #javascript #project #WebStylePress #webdevelopment