10 Things That Can Destroy A Marriage

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Marriage requires work and so what are some of the things we shouldn't do? Dr. Paul has come up with the top 10 things that can destroy a marriage. Listen up, this could save your life!

Watch and Enjoy!
Dr. Paul Jenkins


Track: Kisma - We Are [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Licensed under Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0

Video by Nate Woodbury
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10 - Insensitivity to requests and preferences
9 - Being a fun sucker
8 - Laziness & Lack of appreciation
7 - Being mean
6 - Choose to hate (assume the worst about that person, practice pride and try to retaliate)
5 - Disrespect (treat people like possessions and use thing to manipulate people)
4 - Form and hold grievances (get hurt, overpersonalize the offence, blame someone else and create a victim story)
3 - Beig right
2 - Profanity (take something sacred and turn profane, detachment of morals)
1 - Negativity (thinking that this marriage is bad)


We've been married for 48 years. Secret - pick your battles.


"It's like we're shoulding all over ourselves" ... I literally burst out laughing! 😆😆🤣🤣


I honestly do not think our marriage could get any better! We are having so much fun! Loved this video! Married 43 years…and counting!!


Well this video definitely hit me in a way I didn't expect, but needed to hear. It made me realize how much I needed to work on my relationship with God and how much resentment and negativity I didn't realize I was harboring. Thank you for helping me see things in a new light.

On the other side, I honestly believe that our marriage is amazing and that my husband is the best of the best (obviously we all have our faults, but his strengths far outweigh his faults). Ten years and counting of doing the hard things to make our marriage work 🙂


Thank you for illuminating these 10 things... I have already realised in listening to your findings, that my mistake has been to look at my spouse and recognise a couple of these attributes in him when I should have been looking at these attributes in myself! On review, I score ten plus to my spouse’s two — how embarrassing! Indeed you have blessed me with this revelation today — it’s time to seek that change in myself — Blessings


10. Not listening to requests and preferences.
9. Being a fun sucker, sucking the fun out of everything.
8. Laziness, not helping, lack of appreciation for what others do.
7. Being mean.
6. Choose hate. Assume the worst. Practice pride. Retaliate, hurt, punish, destroy.
5. Disrespect. Treat people like property.
4. Form and hold grievances.
3. Being right. When you think your spouse is the problem, that’s the problem.
2. Profanity. Meaning Anything that diminishes the relationship.
1. Negativity… thinking the relationship is bad.


I am married 34 years to 1 man. My motto is, if you want change .. start with yourself. Forgive even if he does not apologize


I did all of those in my first 4 or 5 years of marriage. I also had post partum which was difficult to control. We are still married and its good. So we overcame that.


Im glad im watching this. We are fine but I did n still doing almost all those 10... its hard i dont even realise i did it... thanks for making this video.


WOW! I needed to hear this. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us. God bless you.


I love your delivery- so engaging. Thank you for these videos


Laughed till I cried. 🤣 Love the light manner this was delivered.


Brilliant. No1 really nails it. Love your stuff and thx so much for bringing humor to what can feel like a painful situation...brings us back to No1!


I'm grateful for Dr Paul and Vicki's content. It is inspirational and incredibly spot-on so often. Thank you for finding this platform and embracing the value of just putting it all out there. I'm sure you have peers that tell you that you're giving it all away. I've purchased your products to say thank you. I also am extremely happy to see how well you keep the messaging 'clean' for a secular audience that REALLY prefers not to hear about your faith. It would surely turn me off in a heartbeat. Even if I can't stand christianity, Christ was a cool cat. I'm always very pleased to see christian's embracing that cool in a way that we can come together. Thank you!!


Be better don't be bitter. Just found this channel, so far i think it's one of the best out there and I really hope my wife joins me on rebuilding our marriage,
of 21 years, it is hard very hard but I think I'm worth it and she's worth it. I hope 🙏 you can help us as I see we're in some kinda rut ahd everyone around us wants us to give up and go our separate ways but deep down we don't want that, we have alot to be grateful for and we both know that so I'm gonna give it all I got at my age I don't know how much more time I got, but what I do know is what is left of my life, I want it to be serving my beautiful bride. Cuz Mekanie you are my world.


My husband says a bad marriage comes from no sex in the marriage. Gee, I wonder how that all started?


This list is spot on my friend. After watching, I feel encouraged that my marriage is actually in pretty good shape. I was a bit surprised not to find general honesty between spouses on the list. Absolute top priority in our relationship. No secrets!


Thank you. I really needed to hear this.


This is great. Thank you.

I think you left out a part of #4, holding grievances. After creating your victim story, you have to bottle it up until it's time to retell the story. Bottling it up is the important part so you can build your grievance better. You can't go straight to presenting the story to the person you're holding the grievance against, because that might lead to understanding and resolution.
