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This is the entire Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony (with movie) that is in every temple in the world except the Manti, Utah and Salt Lake City, Utah temples. (Those two temples have temple workers act out the endowment ceremony instead of showing a movie in those two temples.)

Mormons believe they must wear special underwear (which can only be purchased in special Mormon Church owned stores) and learn secret Masonic handshakes in order to go to Heaven.

Take special note of the "Law of Consecration" that is at the 58:40 mark. Mitt Romney has sworn to obey this oath countless times. Do you really want the President of the United States to be a man who has sworn to "consecrate" all of his "time, talents and everything with which the Lord has blessed him with or with which he WILL BE blessed with" to the Mormon Church?!?!

It seems to me that THAT oath might conflict with the oath of office.
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After a lengthy battle regarding my right to post this movie/ceremony, I have won.

Any future claims against me for copyright infringement will be met with a civil suit.


I have heard accusations that this ritual is "Satanic". I assure you it isn't. Satanic rituals are not this boring.


I remember feeling disgusted after going through this. This was when I knew it was time to go. It had been building for a while and this disturbing spectacle made me run.


The actor who played Lucifer/Satan carried this boring movie.


I feel so uneasy watching this. It is so clear that this is not god’s word and will. I’m really sorry for the people who were pulled into this and actually believe that stuff


20 mins in and God subcontractored the creation of earth and the woman is blamed.


So...the most sacred ceremony in the LDS Church is...a MOVIE??


Thanks for posting saved me 10% of my income for life


Is it a voice recording? Like Disney world? Gross!


You know Lucifer is an 80s villain because he’s GWORL! Work that apron!


The guy that plays Satan in this seems like he got denied the role of Loki in "Avengers" and decided this was the closest he'd ever get to that part hahaha.


I find it hard to believe that my parents were fooled by such nonsense. Like for real? People actually eat this up as sacred?


Hey new name! I was raised seventh generation Mormon and all I can say is, “Thank you so much for this footage!” I can only imagine how absolutely terrifying it was for you to capture this without being caught! My eyes are open and it has helped me to make up my mind to resign. Good on you for exposing the reality of the kinds of promises that make a cult, a cult. Promising to sacrifice your actual life, if necessary, is a blood pact. And likewise, promising your time, talents, and everything God has given you or will give you to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is also an absolute control pact that I can’t even begin to explain to people. I had to listen to the last handshake lines, over and over again to understand how this has affected my family. The commitment for parents to perpetuate this onto their posterity is so deeply binding! I hope to find healing!


Men serve their god and women serve their husbands, wonderful 🙄


is really out here flipping his cape and being fabulous! Work Queen!


A movie should not be apart of a sacred ceremony. Its here as a means of emotional manipulation. Something sacred should not rely on such things.


This is so sad to see, because it completely goes against the Scriptures as to what actually took place.
John 1: 1-5 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" ...
"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the expressed physical image of God, and God the Father is without form, as the Scriptures tell us. Jesus Christ is the Word, and the creator, and God the Father, the Word (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit are 3 distinct personages as one God, not 3 separate Gods.

God made the world, according to Genesis. God did not send Michael or anyone else to go create the world, and report back to the Father. This video is pure blasphemy and shows us how dug in Satan is when he created Mormonism. Joseph Smith Jr was deceived and then believed in the lies and deceptions that carried forward.

Brigham Young taught the God - Adam doctrine that cannot be refuted, and it was taught as actual doctrine, not just his "opinion" as many Mormon apologists attempt to claim. We have his words written down and he clearly tells us that he received all he said by God.

I can only pray and hope that many more LDS members will find the truth, that they will open the Bible and study, learn and allow the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to the truth and to the true Christ of the Bible.


I'm a former bishop who left the church two years ago while serving on the High council. I was an active member for almost 40 years, serving in many leadership roles on the stake and ward level. My wife and I had our names taken off the membership rolls of the church a few months ago.
Just think outside the box and you will see how false the church is! Read Acts 7. God does not dwell in temples made by men. Yes, there is a newer ceremony than this, but this video tells you what goes on. The church uses fear to control you. You do not need anyone standing between you and God.


I like how you need secret handshakes to get into heaven 🤣


Also interesting how Jesus is almost a footnote at and. I'd probably start with Jesus and not spend hour on creation story embellshed with nonsense. Just sayin'.
