Do Glasses Make Your Eyes worse?! Eye doctor Debunks Top Vision Myths

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Dr. Allen debunks the top eye and vision myths, allowing you to gain a better understanding of your eye health. We cover a wide range of fascinating topics, including debunking myths about vision improvement, whether glasses make your vision worse, eye exercise effectiveness, and many more!

For example, the famous carrot eyesight myth; this myth started as World War Two propaganda! Carrots are healthy for the eyes but they will not improve your eyesight or reverse the need for glasses.
However, as you will see in this video, there are many eyesight myths, and many of the worst ones are spread here on the internet.

Do glasses make your eyes worse? This is a common question every eye doctor gets and is also addressed in this video.

Stay tuned to our channel for more exciting videos that delve into eye health topics, provide practical tips, and keep you up to date with the latest advancements in vision care.


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Dr. Allen is a board-certified optometrist, a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, and a diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. He completed his residency through the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and is also a member of the Ocular Wellness and Nutrition Society

⚡ Doctor Allen is now scheduling new patients at

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DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the site. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. All non-licensed clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes.

0:00 Vision Myths
0:19 Do carrots Improve vision
1:03 Reading in dim light will ruin your eyesight
1:41 TV will ruin your eyesight
2:42 20/20 Means Perfect Vision
3:33 Crossing Your Eyes
4:41 Do Glasses Make Your Eyes Worse
5:55 Digital Screens Damage Our Eyes
6:32 Does Blue Light Damage our Eyes
8:13 Contacts or LASIK with astigmatism
9:01 Contact Lenses Stuck Behind the Eye
9:36 Glasses after Lasik
10:22 Eye Exercises to improve eyesight
12:07 Sun Gazing for Eye Health
13:14 Castor Oil for the Eyes
14:31 Eye Drops to Reverse Cataracts
15:28 MSM Eye Drops
16:42 When to have an eye exam
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haha Did you catch the spelling error? Thanks for watching! Let me know which part was your favorite!


I was a national level competitor for some time in a shooting sport discipline. You commonly engage targets anywhere from arms reach to 50 meters away and everything in between. It was time and accuracy focused. Fast and accurate wins. I read an article from an olympic shooter about eye exercises. You were doing some of them in your video. I always felt really good afterward. I felt the same after I would do a good long distance run, that exercise high you get. To me, it felt as if it did help, especially numerous quick transitions back and forth, near to far, etc. I would certainly appreciate your extrapolation of this. These days, I do these exercises at work every now and again. The eye strain from a computer feels greatly diminished. Thank you o/


I really appreciate the way you communicate as someone in the sciences; medical sciences; the cutting edge, etc. You have a very humble, yet informative delivery that works with the literature to this date.


The third myth was the reason why mom believed I started wearing glasses as a kid 😂😂. She used to tell me all the time to stop being so close to the TV.


I used to have -1.00 (for far distance) but the past few months I would have headaches like crazy or even throw up. My dad would say things like "you are spending too much time on your phone" etc. Last month I figured out that even with the glasses I couldn't see the letters on tv which made me skeptical and I started asking the people next to me whether they can or cannot see sth that I couldn't see. Turns out it increased to -2.5 and I got new glasses. I decided to learn more about my eyes and how to use my glasses properly etc. Even though english is not my 1st language your channel is extremely helpful and you pronounce the words so clearly that its easy for me to understand. I actually hope to see a video on how to clean the skeleton of the glasses (the corners etc aside from the lenses) in case you know how to do that and can do that. :))


I still get patients that tell me they've been told they can't wear contacts because they have astigmatism. It must be older doctors telling them that...


The biggest myth that I heard was that if you make eye contact with any person wearing glasses, you would need to wear glasses after some time. In other words, the eye power would “transfer” from that bespectacled person to you, even if you stare only once or twice! This was so weird but so pervasive that many adults believed them wholeheartedly. Some still do. 🤷


Very close computer screen distance forces the eyes to focus at the near point of convergence. This sustained stare puts stress on the vision system. Over time, it may reduce the eyes' ability to quickly change focus between near and far objects. The extent of long-term impact on the eyes' focusing ability from regular computer use is still an area of ongoing research. Additionally, while the evidence is less conclusive, some studies suggest blue light might affect the ciliary muscle's function, potentially contributing to fatigue and difficulty focusing.


I absolutely love all your videos! I do have a question. You mention that staring at the sun will damage your eyes, but what about looking at the sunset? By that time the sun is red and not as strong. Thanks for all you do!


I have used minus lens -1.5 on both eyes (myopia glasses) for over 25 years; stopped using minus and started using plus lens (reading glasses); and now my eyes are fixed, no more myopia; reading DR saying this is impossible piss me off...

Minus lenses can induce more myopia; in fact, there are even lenses that are weaker on the side to induce lens myopia in children...

There are many studies in animals where putting on a minus lens causes myopia, and removing the minus lens makes the eyes go back to normal. It's pretty clear what the stimulus minus has in the eyes... and the doctor is 100% sure that glasses (minus lenses) don't make myopia worse?!

This makes me sad... The brain washing is so strong that even Dr. doesn't understand what minus does to the eyes...


In old cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions, several layers of shielding worked together to block most of the X-rays emitted from the tube before they could reach the viewer. However, while these shielding measures were effective in significantly reducing X-ray exposure, they didn't eliminate it entirely. Studies from the era suggest that even with proper shielding, some low-level X-ray leakage could still occur, especially at very close viewing distances.


6 weeks no glasses my vision is way better now!!! explain that plz if glasses don't make eyes worse????


Yes I had eye glasses. One for close up views, which for astigmatism, I had and other glasses for long view distancing. Over 20 years, my other long distance glasses fell apart. So I stuck to using the close up close glasses. Soon this exercised my eyes, and thus these glasses worked for both close up view, and long distance. Eventually these plastic glasses too also plastic frames fell apart. So I replaced the frames for $19.99. I bought two frames, just is case. I fell asleep and crushed the gasses when waking up and accidentally stepping on them, and they were damaged. The lenses and the metal parts were okay, so I removed four screws to remove the plastic parts and replaced them with the new $19.99 ones. So over 44 years, it only cost me $19.99 x2.


That's a lot of myths...very informative, thank you Dr 🙏


Loved watching you cross your eyes, thank you for clearing up the risks 😅


One of my favorite comedy routines is the one where the comedian goes to the dentist, spending enough money to purchase a new car, & then when he has to go the eye doctor he’s so excited about how inexpensive it is, he buys a round of eye exams for everyone.


I wore glasses since I was 14 years old n the prescription got 30 I decided to reverse it..I told my optometrist that I wanted a lower prescription..and every time I went to make new glasses I asked to prescription to be lowered gradually..and my eyesight was trained to adjust to the lower prescription..


Preach brother-preach!
So much truth in one video.
I hope people listen to your words and realize the truth of what you are saying!
Thank you for another lesson in the realities of the lies of the mythologies which dominate the internet for profit.
God bless you, your family, and your future successes!


Every time I went to the eye doctor after school, my prescription went up. I was wearing distance glasses all day, including at the computer and had terrible headaches. Once I stopped wearing glasses at the computer and went to the eye doctor in the morning, my eye doctor was shocked that my prescription kept going down and down. I barely need distance glasses now. In my left eye I went from -2.5 to -.75. I do follow some of the end myopia groups ideas because I absolutely did not need glasses. It was something eye doctors seemed to be doing to sell me new glasses with a stronger prescription not because I needed them. So distance glasses absolutely were making my vision worse. I didn't need them.


A friend of mine was wearing incredibly thick lenses all his childhood and had really bad vision, it was not until he was grown up he stopped using glasses out of vanity and found out he could see better without the glasses after a while of not wearing them and cut them out completely. His vision slowly got better and better, now he do not need glasses at all... I have heard many similar stories, people can get "addicted" to using the wrong prescription glasses and temporarily end up seeing worse without the wrong glasses making them believe they need glasses, but in the long term they see better without glasses at all.
