Not Wearing Glasses = Bad Idea (BLUR HORIZON EXPLAINED) | Endmyopia | Jake Steiner

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The Jake Origin Story: I grew up with glasses, 5.00 diopter high myopia, and yet today have 20/20 natural eyesight. No surgery, no glasses, I figured out how myopia actually works and how to reverse it (and no, not eye exercises!) The mainstream tells you it's impossible - but the whole concept that myopia is an illness, is complete unscientific nonsense (a 100 billion dollar a year profitable nonsense, though).

DISCLAIMER: We see myopia as a refractive state. Not an error, and certainly not an illness or medical condition. We explore scientific ideas here, not medical ones. Any advice and suggestions provided by Jake or @endmyopia is 100% unlicensed, unsanctioned, un-endorsed by the optometry establishment - because we discuss science and not medicine Everything we discuss is also highly experimental, and you should absolutely always seek a sanctioned opinion if you are experiencing health issues or medical concerns. Lens use specific comments are for discussion only, and should not be considered medical advice, nor any of other suggestions provided herein. Depending on your local laws you may need to consult a local optometrist for prescriptions and medical advice. When driving, or any activity requiring full 20/20 vision, you should always wear your glasses that provide the full correction necessary for the task. If you have symptoms that might require medical attention, please visit an ophthalmologist or hospital!

#Glasses #Myopia #Diopters
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For years i thought wearing glasses will improve my vision but really it just enhances vision while im wearing it.


Okay, I think I know what you were trying to say, but never quite said ...
If you just throw away your glasses things may be quite blurry. If it's too blurry then your eyes will have a hard time figuring out which way to go to correct. Confusion.
Instead, if you get glasses that are a little weaker than normal then your eyes will be able to tell which way to go to correct. And you can hopefully train them to focus with the weaker glasses.
Then you'll probably need another pair just a little weaker ... and so on.



But I have -6.75 in both eyes and I stopped wearing my glasses and my sight improved greatly…. But I still wear them when I drive or whatever I might need to see to avoid danger.


I’m at -1.25 which already pretty low myopia. I’ve stopped wearing my glasses cold turkey and I keep having flashes of perfect crystal clear vision and it’s happening more and more frequently


The only time you should put them aside is when you can already see well up-close.


put aside those glasses as much as you can. only wear them when you really need it, e.g. driving car, looking up words on the class board. expose your eyes to sun light, e.g. sitting on verandah, taking a walk. keep your myopia low (less than -3 D). you will have perfect-sight eyes when you are old due to presbyopia process. that's what happened to my dad.


I didn't wear glasses for few months and my vision improved so I don't totally agree. Also myopia is worsened by wearing glasses, you also talked about glasses induced myopia, so you seem to be contradicting yourself. You can do AF short distance so you don't necessarily need glasses to do AF if that's the reason for wearing glasses in the first place


It has been three months since I stopped wearing my glasses. I didn't put them on, not even once. The reason is I want to restore my eyesight.
Recently, I went for eye check-up. My eye sight has improved slightly from - 2.75 to - 2.25.


If one keep wearing glasses.. the muscle strain will be permanent and further increase


I don’t agree. I wore glasses before and my eyesight got worse & worse every year to the point I could barely see without my glasses. I got LASIK & I was 20/20 after. 10 years later, my myopia came back. I think what I need is to learn to relax my eyes. I feel that my vision gets better once that’s achieved.


You didn t really answer the question.


Great job! This is essential information and you are the only one providing it. Thank you!


I stopped wearing glasses and my vision was bad and my head started to hurt


If i keep wearing glasses. it will screw my eyes even


Thanks! This gives an explanation to something that I observed myself going completely without glasses the past year +. I was trying to explain to a friend that instead of things gradually becoming blurry into the distance, it seemed more that there was a clear zone that abruptly ends and didn't know why or if that was normal or not. It's kinda neat to have an explanation/confirmation of what I was experiencing. While I'm now learning that it wasn't so great to just go without glasses (I was determined and willing to sacrifice though most people thought I was completely nuts. :P), I think it's still been a helpful experience in a small way. If I can put up with "living in the blur", I think the rest of your program will be easier in comparison and it has already given me some of the consciousness that you talk about of what's going on with my eyes like noticing when I'm seeing better/straining etc. Excited now to really have a clearer plan for improvement and know what to expect!


That's not true. My mother don't wear glasses despite having -1.5 in both eyes since as a kid. She even told me the blurriness heals in time. She drives at night without glasses


Been with endmyopia for about 3 months now, managed to drop my astigmatism and then my myopia by a diopter. Still building those habits though, not quite habitual.


Thanks for making these videos, Jake!


Just discovered your channel. Starting my journey to improved eye health & vision. Started reading a book by Meir Schneider. Started to do exercises. My right eye muscles started to twitch sometimes (intermittent) just as I'm wanting to improve my eyesight. How annoying. Pretty sure it will resolve itself. Anyways, will be learning & watching your videos. It's a good video.


I do make somany exercises and after wearing glasses It feels like i have lost what have i done
