10 MINIMALIST HABITS to declutter your life! | minimalist life hacks

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In this video I discuss minimalist habits that I've adopted that have absolutely changed my life for the better. It's sometimes hard to imagine that something like being intentional with your possessions could have the power to change your life. But I believe that we are all deeply impacted by our physical space. True deep thinking and clarity of thought for me is born out of a calm and clutter free space. In this video I'll share with you the top habits I've adopted to keep my home minimal and decluttered.

#minimalism #declutter #healthyhabits





At the end of 2018, my husband and I quit our jobs, sold our yoga studio and 90% of our possessions and moved into our 1969 VW bus. We spent 18 months traveling the globe exploring, rock climbing, adventuring and eating delicious vegan food along the way. We recently settled in Joshua Tree, CA with our pup Gypsy, and have been adjusting to a minimalist life in a house.
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1. Assign everything a home.
2. Ditch the "drop zone".
3. Have fewer drawers and surfaces.
4. Pause before you purchase.
5. Create a donation station.
6. Create a trial separation station.
7. Release the "shoulds".
8. Make things easy to put away.
9. Embrace space.
10. Know it's and on-going process.


It's been 6 years minimising my belongings slowly but surely. Thankfully I don't regret a thing. Now that I've cleared at least 60% of the stuff, I declutter 1 thing a day till I don't find anything to give away. Less is certainly more.


Love how your minimalist home doesn't look like a plant jungle. You have a lovely home.


I love what you said about intentional purchases. I’m really trying to avoid impulse/emotional buying. This is really helpful!


I also found that deliberate reduction of drawers and cabinets works very well. Not too many people point that out. Good call.


The" pause before purchase" idea was great as was the donation station. I'll have to use these ideas next time I feel like impulse shopping or decluttering


We live in a small home and having a place for everything makes a huge difference. I created a place for everything early on & then reduced possessions to the point where everything fit in the space.

Once I had empty spaces, I started getting rid of furniture. We got rid of bedside tables & dressers early on. When we got our puppy 2.5 years ago, I got rid of the coffee table and rugs. Winters are cold here and having space to play was so much more important. Then I got rid of the couch to make space for how we used the room. With no couch, we did not need the side tables.

We keep things really simple in our home. This has flowed over into our tech, our digital spaces, our schedules and more!!


My kitchen needs you and me and afternoon together....love seeing the inside of your cabinets.


3rd habit is so key. I had 4 chairs in my living room and then my boy friend got a sofa for almost free and now I have a cluttered living room with a sofa and 4 chair.


I love this. Specially the living room example. I do not want a tv in my living room. As a matter of fact I hate tvs altogether LOL so we only have 1in our entire house, in our kids living area . Thats were we watch shows/movies etc. but I keep it inside a closet so it cn be out of sight.


My living room consists of one couch, a tv stand, a small pull up coffee table, and 2 dog crates.
We use the tops of the dogs crates as make shift end tables.


Wow! You're good at this. You need to write a book because I like how specific you are on "Lettting it go" that doesn't add any value in life. I like per perceptive minimalist lifestyle. Great attitude and adice.


Totally agree with every single habit you mentioned Rebecca.
I completely decluttered our rarely used guest room and made it into an extra chill out zone for the Family.
It's such a lovely & peaceful space to relax now and I'm so pleased it's no longer unused real estate that we're paying for.


As I’m watching this, I keep peering over at my vanity that is covered in receipts and is a random catch-all. It gives me anxiety. Great tips in this video!


This is a really good video! If you are in the minimalism game for so long sometimes some content is not as new or valuable anymore. But you touched on some very important and interesting points here! Thank you!


This was awesome to hear. I’m in the beginning of my minimalism journey, and this is nice!!


I am down sizing and this has been so helpful, Thank you


Great tips! I hate clutter and after taking down the Christmas tree and decorations yesterday, the living area looked once again bare and that's the way I love it. Especially like the idea of the donation station. 👍


I agree with all your points. The less storage the better. To me storage means keeping things you never use, which is pointless. It is so difficult now to re home items that have been accumulated since so many people are decluttering.


Another fantastic video! I can especially relate to the part about having " expected " furniture in certain rooms. Since I spend most of my time in my living room, except when I sleep, I want that space to be as open and uncluttered as possible so for me that means a couch, a little table similar to yours, a bed for my cat, a TV and alot of open space so when the urge hits me, I can get up and dance or do work out routines to a video on TV. 😂
