The Giants of Kandahar!!

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Hey L.A. Thank you for having me on your show. I hope what I stated helped. I look forward to your next show.


I grew up in a part of the U.S. where settlers had uncovered giant skeletons. There are historic newspaper accounts of these skeletons being found. One skeleton in particular was found inside a stone like Sarcophagus. The skeleton was at least 9 feet tall and had the remains of a garment with hundreds of sea shells sewn into it on it. The location was well over 200 miles from the ocean. There were numerous “odd” artifacts found in the area. This was not the only area of the North East where giant skeletons have been found along with very strange related objects. Since back then many giant skeletons have been found out west.
After the Civil War and the entrance of Darwinism into the most prestigious higher learning institutions of the western world the Smithsonian Institute (which is a totally Darwinistic organization) was created in Washington DC. There were also other Darwinian institutions as well. After they were established troops were sent out from Washington DC to collect up the giant skeletons that were still around. Some of these skeletons had just turned to dust when they were exposed to air but some stayed intact. Troops brought those skeletons and other artifacts to those Darwinian institutions and managed to lose all of them. The museums and private owners of those artifacts had been given receipts. Some of those receipts still exist. When the Darwinian scientists are asked about these artifacts they will admit that they were lost but they also say that doctors back during the time when these giant skeletons were found did not know how to properly measure skeletons. Well, maybe they did not know much about skeletons (which I doubt) but they knew what a long bone should look like.
We know that the same type of thing happened in Europe where giant skeletons were found, especially in Sardinia. The Vatican is the group that collect up those artifacts in Europe and surrounding areas and then disappear them. Obviously, there is a group of powerful people who are intent on making sure that belief in the truths of the Bible are not substantiated in any way. It was the mid 19th century when very wealthy atheists began infiltrating those prestigious institutions with atheistic ideology. By the turn of the century these influential atheists controlled many parts of those institutions. By the 1960s those elitist schools had pumped far left atheists into every part of our society. We can see how much they have influenced this once Christian based country. What a shame that the churches have not been strong enough spiritually to stand against this takeover from within.


One of your best interviews. You could go longer talking to this guy for sure. Sounds like an hour plus would be perfect. May I suggest you do longer interviews when you have people on like this ? 😊


Praying for this man's protection. And you as well LA!


My dad used to live in Tehran Iran. His father was the Supreme Court justice at the time under the shah of Iran. I grew up hearing stories of when he was a teenager he would travel to the mountains and would visit a tribe of friendly giants there. He said the shortest man he knew there was around 9 ft tall, the man who used to let him visit was so big he could pick my father up with one hand. They wouldn’t let just anyone into the village but my father had gained their trust and would visit them periodically and would reminisce about the fresh cheeses and bread they would serve him. The government of Iran had tried to send their military in there to fight these giants but my dad said they were expert bowman and had such an advantage in the mountain that they couldn’t penetrate their camp and lost many men. The government had decided to leave them alone and sectioned that whole area as off limits.


"Men's hearts failing them for fear from looking after those things coming on/upon the Earth." Holy Bible


Great interview Great guest. Things are getting real these days I can’t believe how much the Nephilim is talked about all over the internet and hearing people like Tucker mention it is really mind blowing. It’s like living in a movie. It really is the scariest movie ever.


I love this interview! Ray, if you are reading this post, THANK YOU so much for sharing your testimony! God bless you! And God bless you LA!


Many parts of the world the offering still going on in many different tribes. I hard story's of giant's from my grandfather when i was child. Even story's about kings and queens fly's in flying desk . That offering still going on even some people are not even living in mountains anymore. I'm from India and India have all kind of occult traditions .


❤ This is It !!! 😊 SALVATION 🎉 Dear God I am a sinner and in need of a savior, I acknowledge your son Jesus Christ, who shed his blood died on the cross and was raised from the dead on the third day, I repent, will you please forgive me of my sins, I forgive those who have sinned against me, and Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart, live your life in me, and from This moment on I am yours, thank you for giving me forgiveness, thank you for giving me eternal life, in Jesus name Amen


My mother told us about the giants in the hills here in MI from her ancestors, (native). And I do believe the seed war and that there are men that are amongst us that have been bred to be natural height. These last days are so sad.


In 2019 I traveled to Washington DC to spend four days sightseeing. My mother was born there and we visited her childhood home. Late one night we were out on some streets near the mall. We were alone and encountered two men who had what sounded like Russian accents. They were friendly and knew every building and purpose of it. It was like having very knowledgeable tour guides. Both men were very large but one was clearly a giant. He was probably the size of Andre the Giant. Unforgettable experience. We bid them goodbye but it has always stuck with me.


The late Thomas Horn 🙏💞 said that the government removed Egyptian artifacts and a 26 foot giant skeleton from the Grand Canyon 😳💯


So glad he is a Christain. He has a light about him…🤔 God bless and protect him. Much love and prayers to you both.


Love it! Great guest LA!!!
It’s extremely sad and disturbing that are parents, grandparents, etc, were into things most Christians know to stay very far from. And I don’t even want to speak on certain things my family has done, as well.
I’m just extremely grateful and blessed to have The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in my my heart, my soul and my mind! I’m thankful to my grandfather who taught me so much about God/Jesus and the scary fact that his father (My great grandfather) was high up in Freemasonry and when my grandfather was a teen and young adult, would beg and beg his father to take him to the Lodge to become a Freemason too. But his father would get extremely upset and tell him that he will never let him get into Freemasonry!
Jesus Christ is our ONLY hope for everlasting life and True Love and Happiness!!!
God bless ♥️ MARANATHA


God is AMAZING. Just 2 days ago im researching this topic & I watched your video from a year ago. Today, here you are with another video. The Lord is phenomenal.

The giants eat donkeys & goats, right❓️


Thank you L.A. for all you do and information you provide! God bless you


Great interview.
"Men's hearts failing from fear looking at those things 'COMING UP ON TO' The Earth.


This presentation was very informative. It really confirms your research and especially scripture about the Kandahar Giant. I'm glad to hear that your guest is also a believer! God Bless


Will be praying for this man for a hedge of protection around him.
